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 Topic: hi

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  • hi
     OP - May 27, 2009, 01:16 PM

    I am a recent convert to Islam (I have been Muslim about a year) and I love it.

    I love covering myself from head to toe (although i do get some abuse from men !!)
    I love the segregation of the sexes, I feel that I can express myself
    I love the prospect of not having to go to work if i don't want to
    I love the prospect of being at home and looking after children
    I love the prospect of being obedient to my husband and serve him
    I love that I finally managed to come out of free sex, alcohol and hard drugs after some times of struggles
    I love praying and so on.

    I live in the UK, and hope to go and visit Muslim countries soon, maybe through my doctorate and MAYBE I will convince myself of the opposite after experiencing different Muslim countries for a while.

    I am just looking for evidence on how many people have actually been killed due to apostasy in Muslim countries (if anybody's has some links to broadsheets and any reliable sources please do give me a shout) well let's say in the past 5/10 years.

    Also I was struck by the case of  Sameera Siddiqui, Pakistan - I am in love with Pakistan and would like to visit the country  Smiley. Do you know how and if it is possible to contact this member?

    I do dislike people that don't believe in God, due to my background growing up with people that would make fun of me if I said that I believed in God (I was raised in a very very atheist environment), they say they are atheist but then they say things like "o my God" or they are even blasphemous, which is contradictory, why would you say the name of God but then you don't believe, but anyway... whatever.

    These are the things i wanted to ask... I'll be reading around the forum now

    thanks in advance  thnkyu


  • Re: hi
     Reply #1 - May 27, 2009, 01:24 PM

     signwelcome aaa! Are you serious about everything you wrote? Huh?

    World renowned historian Will Durant"...the Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. It is a discouraging tale, for its evident moral is that civilization is a precious good, whose delicate complex order and freedom can at any moment be overthrown..."
  • Re: hi
     Reply #2 - May 27, 2009, 01:27 PM

    I do dislike people that don't believe in God,

    I normally welcome new members but there's probly not much point in me welcoming you if you've decided to dislike me before you even know me. 

    (Can anyone imagine an atheist on this forum saying "I do dislike people who convert to Islam"?  They'd be told off for bigotry, and rightly so.)

    You need to take a leaf out of these guys book, aaa.....

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: hi
     Reply #3 - May 27, 2009, 01:50 PM

    yes I am serious


    you can decide not to welcome me but I am just telling you about my bad experiences with atheists, i was not referring to you in particular, thats all
  • Re: hi
     Reply #4 - May 27, 2009, 02:01 PM

    Hi aaa - and welcome.

    I have no idea how many apostates have been killed in Muslim countries. I don't believe such figures have been kept.

    Why is it that you want to know?

    Do you agree that apostates should be killed?

    When you say you love covering from head-to-toe do you mean you wear niqab?

    When you say you love segregation of sexes, do you mean in all walks of life (School, work, leisure etc...)?

    When you talk about getting off free sex, alcohol and hard drugs - do you mean you were addicted to all these things and Islam saved you from them? If so - then good for you. But the fact that religion has cleaned-up your life is not really proof it is true - is it? Though I am pleased for you. (Just as I would be pleased with any reformed sex-maniac, alcoholic dug addict who found peace in Christ, Buddha, Guru Nanak, or whatever...)


  • Re: hi
     Reply #5 - May 27, 2009, 02:45 PM

    Hi aaa - and welcome.

    I have no idea how many apostates have been killed in Muslim countries. I don't believe such figures have been kept.

    Why is it that you want to know?

    Do you agree that apostates should be killed?

    When you say you love covering from head-to-toe do you mean you wear niqab?

    When you say you love segregation of sexes, do you mean in all walks of life (School, work, leisure etc...)?

    When you talk about getting off free sex, alcohol and hard drugs - do you mean you were addicted to all these things and Islam saved you from them? If so - then good for you. But the fact that religion has cleaned-up your life is not really proof it is true - is it? Though I am pleased for you. (Just as I would be pleased with any reformed sex-maniac, alcoholic dug addict who found peace in Christ, Buddha, Guru Nanak, or whatever...)


    Hi Hassan
    I would like to know for my own research but I don't know where to start from, whether to go through the newspapers or go through INGOs like human rights watch?!

    Regarding whether apostates should be killed.... it's hard to say cos in THEORY i was against death penalty all together before. But I don't believe in those conceptions of love and peace anymore - that's just what humans are not - u can try to push it but good luck with that - i gave up. I think there should be some rules, and if You are in a majority Muslim country that follows Islamic rules I would not dream of going on about God not existing given that State=Religion - I would truly keep it  to myself if I believed that, not practice and then I guess I would think what the agnostics/atheists think that if there is a God, I'll deal with it afterwards or I better go to hell so I will be with the people i like the most - so I cannot really tell you whether I agree with people being killed for not believing but the thing is what I have heard is - if you JOIN the religion and then get out of it you should be killed - because you are not taking the all conversion and religion seriously (plus I don't know they say there should be some rules like waiting three days / court procedures) - if you converted and then changed your mind then you could leave the country full stop.... but then I heard that if you  are born non-Muslim and you don't harm or try to convince Muslims of your religion (or atheism) then there isnt/should not be any compulsion and if you were born Muslim but don't want to practice because you don't believe it within yourself then just keep it on the low and that's it. So before we reach the stage of actually killing somebody there's a long process ahead and different conditions to be met apparently made of different rulings and consultations... obviously if that doesn't happen I don't think they would be practicing proper Islam (all decisions in these matters should be taken slowly through consultation of the sacred texts and scholars, given some established time and blah blah blah).. anyways Ive answered the question as my ''brainwashed" self at the moment (everybody calls me that at the moment - you don't understand what some people (strangers) shout at me sometimes..). I can get back to you later on about it...

    yes Im wearing the head abaya and occasionally the niqab like many other converts I know

    Yes I think segregation of sexes is good everywhere to be honest, i feel very liberated (i wish there would be a workplace like this... I'd love to create one soon but ... i dont know... am i actually allowed in the UK or it comes under discrimination?)

    Erm... no I have never been addicted in the true sense of the word... it's just been very hard getting out of the club/party scene where all you do is get drunk talk crap smoke some weed and take some E and other crap like that.... like many of my atheist friends that are not happy with that kind of lifestyle anymore but can't get out of it cos that's where all the socialization process takes place (the clique and being uniform (uniformity) in thought and action - that's what human beings tend to do automatically like for me now in Islam i don't go to mosque to smoke fags and drink a corona but i pray uniformly with the other sisters)...especially during uni times... so where you have your friends and everything else.... it's like where else can we go if not to the streets/bar/club/pub kind of thing... they then go from boyfriend to boyfriend and they complain they've been cheated on then in turn they sleep with somebody else as well just for the sake of it really.. and then they complain lol and so on you know normal life... but then if you tell them why don't you at least maybe you know go to church (i leave the mosque aside to begin with lol, just I read in Islam you can pray in church no problem) meet some different people.... but then they are scared to be mocked by the old friends i think cos going to church is considered very uncool.

    anyway ive got to go out quickly i'll be back soon thanks for the questions Hassan
  • Re: hi
     Reply #6 - May 27, 2009, 02:46 PM

  • Re: hi
     Reply #7 - May 27, 2009, 02:55 PM



    World renowned historian Will Durant"...the Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. It is a discouraging tale, for its evident moral is that civilization is a precious good, whose delicate complex order and freedom can at any moment be overthrown..."
  • Re: hi
     Reply #8 - May 27, 2009, 03:01 PM


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  • Re: hi
     Reply #9 - May 27, 2009, 03:08 PM

    Its a bit early to say.  I'll reserve judgement, I'm curious about this statement though..

    Regarding whether apostates should be killed.... it's hard to say cos in THEORY i was against death penalty all together before. But I don't believe in those conceptions of love and peace anymore - that's just what humans are not - u can try to push it but good luck with that - i gave up. I think there should be some rules, and if You are in a majority Muslim country that follows Islamic rules I would not dream of going on about God not existing given that State=God

    The state=God? Huh?  I think that counts as blasphemy under Islam.

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: hi
     Reply #10 - May 27, 2009, 03:17 PM

    Its a bit early to say.  I'll reserve judgement, I'm curious about this statement though..

    Regarding whether apostates should be killed.... it's hard to say cos in THEORY i was against death penalty all together before. But I don't believe in those conceptions of love and peace anymore - that's just what humans are not - u can try to push it but good luck with that - i gave up. I think there should be some rules, and if You are in a majority Muslim country that follows Islamic rules I would not dream of going on about God not existing given that State=God

    The state=God? Huh?  I think that counts as blasphemy under Islam.

    She probably means the State = God's Laws.

    I'm not sure if she is a troll or not. If she is genuine, then she clearly has a great many issues.
  • Re: hi
     Reply #11 - May 27, 2009, 03:27 PM

    Clearly.  Converrting to Islam and then committing shirk on an ex-muslims forum being one of them.   Cheesy

    (Aaa, you're not supposed to associate partners with Allah.  It makes Big Al cranky. )

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: hi
     Reply #12 - May 27, 2009, 03:42 PM

    Hi and welcome to the forum.

    Edited, am on my last warning.
  • Re: hi
     Reply #13 - May 27, 2009, 04:42 PM

    erm yeah you are actually very very right but i did not mean that god is the state.. i was a bit in a rush.... religion is the state religion=State BAD MISTAKE thanks for the correction

    anyways i am trying to be genuine and telling you about myself and you are calling me troll and telling me that I have issues not even talking to me but talking between each other....


    I made a mistake, I am human ...

    anyways I asked two things that were kind of serious.... nobody seems to want to answer..
  • Re: hi
     Reply #14 - May 27, 2009, 04:44 PM

    erm yeah you are actually very very right but i did not mean that god is the state.. i was a bit in a rush.... religion is the state religion=State BAD MISTAKE thanks for the correction

    anyways i am trying to be genuine and telling you about myself and you are calling me troll and telling me that I have issues not even talking to me but talking between each other....


    I made a mistake, I am human ...

    anyways I asked two things that were kind of serious.... nobody seems to want to answer..

    Despite my elephant memory, and my ability to remember just about everything, believe it or not, I've never seen you. Thank god for your sake, or this post would have more fire power than the death star. But my skills in apprehension have led me to believe that your behavioural paradigm is suited to a fat chick or one who has obvious insecurities regarding her physical features. I'd guess a combination of both. You're probably slightly anti social too, and don't get out much. I also see a few signs of self loathing here and there. There's something very unclassy about you. I'm not sure what it is. I can't put my finger on it. Maybe you're the type who'd do anal and give deep throat, but refuse to have a penis in her vagina because it's against her religious teachings. Maybe its because your fashion sense is unsophisticated and lacking. Maybe its the men you frequent with are dull and too typical. Or the fact that you're not cultured, have limited understanding of art, and don't go outside your friendship circles to learn about reality.

    Any girl who comes off as a heat seeking attention missile rubs off badly with me. It isn't exactly graceful now is it? The name aaa is quite protruding like punctuation.

    I am pretty sure that with my skills in Mathematics and logic, I could design a robot which would probably look more beautiful, say more elegant things and have a better chance at seducing young men.

    You're just waiting for a man with enough time and energy, no art or skill, to exhaust and jag and jiggle your body with his spam seduction. There is no fruit.

    So let me bullet this-
    1\ Attention seeking
    2\ Non sensical
    3\ Exhaustive
    4\ Quantity over Quality

    And btw the worst responses in these situations would be
    1\ Playing it off as a laugh, suggesting indifference
    2\ Disputing my judgements and presenting further evidence
    3\ Taking shit seriously
    4\ Writing nonsensical shit
  • Re: hi
     Reply #15 - May 27, 2009, 04:57 PM

    erm yeah you are actually very very right but i did not mean that god is the state.. i was a bit in a rush.... religion is the state religion=State BAD MISTAKE thanks for the correction

    anyways i am trying to be genuine and telling you about myself and you are calling me troll and telling me that I have issues not even talking to me but talking between each other....


    I made a mistake, I am human ...

    anyways I asked two things that were kind of serious.... nobody seems to want to answer..

    What were the two things?
  • Re: hi
     Reply #16 - May 27, 2009, 05:02 PM

    erm yeah you are actually very very right but i did not mean that god is the state.. i was a bit in a rush.... religion is the state religion=State BAD MISTAKE thanks for the correction

    anyways i am trying to be genuine and telling you about myself and you are calling me troll and telling me that I have issues not even talking to me but talking between each other....


    I made a mistake, I am human ...

    anyways I asked two things that were kind of serious.... nobody seems to want to answer..

    Despite my elephant memory, and my ability to remember just about everything, believe it or not, I've never seen you. Thank god for your sake, or this post would have more fire power than the death star. But my skills in apprehension have led me to believe that your behavioural paradigm is suited to a fat chick or one who has obvious insecurities regarding her physical features. I'd guess a combination of both. You're probably slightly anti social too, and don't get out much. I also see a few signs of self loathing here and there. There's something very unclassy about you. I'm not sure what it is. I can't put my finger on it. Maybe you're the type who'd do anal and give deep throat, but refuse to have a penis in her vagina because it's against her religious teachings. Maybe its because your fashion sense is unsophisticated and lacking. Maybe its the men you frequent with are dull and too typical. Or the fact that you're not cultured, have limited understanding of art, and don't go outside your friendship circles to learn about reality.

    Any girl who comes off as a heat seeking attention missile rubs off badly with me. It isn't exactly graceful now is it? The name aaa is quite protruding like punctuation.

    I am pretty sure that with my skills in Mathematics and logic, I could design a robot which would probably look more beautiful, say more elegant things and have a better chance at seducing young men.

    You're just waiting for a man with enough time and energy, no art or skill, to exhaust and jag and jiggle your body with his spam seduction. There is no fruit.

    So let me bullet this-
    1\ Attention seeking
    2\ Non sensical
    3\ Exhaustive
    4\ Quantity over Quality

    And btw the worst responses in these situations would be
    1\ Playing it off as a laugh, suggesting indifference
    2\ Disputing my judgements and presenting further evidence
    3\ Taking shit seriously
    4\ Writing nonsensical shit

    I am really sorry but... I came here for help and  I get offended... i don't get it. I thought the site was to help people understand the disease of religion and get out of it... how can you help me by insulting/ridiculing me... I mean... i don't mind ... you can do whatever you want... but i am not sure how much that helps your cause in the first place.
    I am a normal girl, average looking, slim, green eyes, have quite a few friends... I would not call myself anti-social but it's true im not the most social of people, that;'s true. about my sexual preferences but what does it matter?! what has it got to do with death penalty, apostasy and getting in contact via email with one of your members from Pakistan? Why are you taking the thread that was asking about something serious and turning it into a personal attack on me.... just because I told you about my personal situation or because I told you that I have a deep belief in God? I opened up to you guys to ask for help and all i find is just you mocking me...

    I just was here looking for hard evidence through links to solid information and interesting material - I am doing a Masters at uni and chose as my final topic political Islam... I accept I am ignorant... yes ... but to be fair you are bit rude and presumptuous!!

  • Re: hi
     Reply #17 - May 27, 2009, 05:08 PM

    Just ignore Tut, he obviously hasn't taken his medication today.  As for wanting help - what exactly do you want help with , aaa?  Also, wrt this...

    what has it got to do with death penalty, apostasy and getting in contact via email with one of your members from Pakistan?

    You have expressed support for the death penalty for apostates from islam.  Therefore, I would not advise any of our members to give you their contact details, especially if they live in a country which has apostasy laws in force.  Anything you want to discuss with members from Pakistan can be discussed on the forum or via PM.

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: hi
     Reply #18 - May 27, 2009, 05:11 PM

    who is Sameera Siddiqui anyway?

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    My Blog  pccoffee
  • Re: hi
     Reply #19 - May 27, 2009, 05:12 PM

    erm yeah you are actually very very right but i did not mean that god is the state.. i was a bit in a rush.... religion is the state religion=State BAD MISTAKE thanks for the correction

    anyways i am trying to be genuine and telling you about myself and you are calling me troll and telling me that I have issues not even talking to me but talking between each other....


    I made a mistake, I am human ...

    anyways I asked two things that were kind of serious.... nobody seems to want to answer..

    Despite my elephant memory, and my ability to remember just about everything, believe it or not, I've never seen you. Thank god for your sake, or this post would have more fire power than the death star. But my skills in apprehension have led me to believe that your behavioural paradigm is suited to a fat chick or one who has obvious insecurities regarding her physical features. I'd guess a combination of both. You're probably slightly anti social too, and don't get out much. I also see a few signs of self loathing here and there. There's something very unclassy about you. I'm not sure what it is. I can't put my finger on it. Maybe you're the type who'd do anal and give deep throat, but refuse to have a penis in her vagina because it's against her religious teachings. Maybe its because your fashion sense is unsophisticated and lacking. Maybe its the men you frequent with are dull and too typical. Or the fact that you're not cultured, have limited understanding of art, and don't go outside your friendship circles to learn about reality.

    Any girl who comes off as a heat seeking attention missile rubs off badly with me. It isn't exactly graceful now is it? The name aaa is quite protruding like punctuation.

    I am pretty sure that with my skills in Mathematics and logic, I could design a robot which would probably look more beautiful, say more elegant things and have a better chance at seducing young men.

    You're just waiting for a man with enough time and energy, no art or skill, to exhaust and jag and jiggle your body with his spam seduction. There is no fruit.

    So let me bullet this-
    1\ Attention seeking
    2\ Non sensical
    3\ Exhaustive
    4\ Quantity over Quality

    And btw the worst responses in these situations would be
    1\ Playing it off as a laugh, suggesting indifference
    2\ Disputing my judgements and presenting further evidence
    3\ Taking shit seriously
    4\ Writing nonsensical shit

    I am really sorry but... I came here for help and  I get offended... i don't get it. I thought the site was to help people understand the disease of religion and get out of it... how can you help me by insulting/ridiculing me... I mean... i don't mind ... you can do whatever you want... but i am not sure how much that helps your cause in the first place.
    I am a normal girl, average looking, slim, green eyes, have quite a few friends... I would not call myself anti-social but it's true im not the most social of people, that;'s true. about my sexual preferences but what does it matter?! what has it got to do with death penalty, apostasy and getting in contact via email with one of your members from Pakistan? Why are you taking the thread that was asking about something serious and turning it into a personal attack on me.... just because I told you about my personal situation or because I told you that I have a deep belief in God? I opened up to you guys to ask for help and all i find is just you mocking me...

    I just was here looking for hard evidence through links to solid information and interesting material - I am doing a Masters at uni and chose as my final topic political Islam... I accept I am ignorant... yes ... but to be fair you are bit rude and presumptuous!!


    Welcome to the forum, it is good that religion helped you get out of a lifestyle that made you feel empty.

    If it feels good and right, then thats all that should matter, really.

    I dont know of any apostates who have been actually put to death on apostacy charges (by the state) but there have certainly been some fatwas and murders by extremists (such as in egypt).

    "By the One in Whose Hand my soul is, were you not to commit sins, Allah would replace you with a people who would commit sins and then seek forgiveness from Allah; and Allah would forgive them." [Saheeh Muslim]

    "Wherever you are, death will find you, Even in the looming tower."
    - Quran 4:78
  • Re: hi
     Reply #20 - May 27, 2009, 05:14 PM

    Just ignore Tut, he obviously hasn't taken his medication today.  As for wanting help - what exactly do you want help with , aaa?  Also, wrt this...

    what has it got to do with death penalty, apostasy and getting in contact via email with one of your members from Pakistan?

    You have expressed support for the death penalty for apostates from islam.  Therefore, I would not advise any of our members to give you their contact details, especially if they live in a country which has apostasy laws in force.  Anything you want to discuss with members from Pakistan can be discussed on the forum or via PM.

    o yes sorry i write to fast.... I don't want the actual email address ... I just wanted to be able to pm her or even talk on the public forum

    i will keep the question open for information on executions on death penalty... if anybody has any academic articles/books, references... i just would like to know how many people are actually executed, in which countries and the the trial processes if any and so on.. just more specific details about the thing... I must have heard it sometimes on the news so the best thing should be going through articles of the newspapers.

    Thank you 
  • Re: hi
     Reply #21 - May 27, 2009, 05:16 PM

    who is Sameera Siddiqui anyway?

    her story is in the members page of this site - i think towards the bottom of the list... it was really interesting.. i wanted to ask more about her story
  • Re: hi
     Reply #22 - May 27, 2009, 05:18 PM

    I am a recent convert to Islam (I have been Muslim about a year) and I love it.

    I love covering myself from head to toe (although i do get some abuse from men !!)

    What is it that you love about it?

    Do you ever find it too hot to wear it?

    I love the segregation of the sexes, I feel that I can express myself

    This is understandable if you are the type of the person that prefers isolation and has socialisation issues, especially amongst men.  Do you believe that every other woman would feel the same?  if you are able to recognise that other women might be more comfortable socialising in both sexes, do you believe it is right to set it as a law for all women?

    I love the prospect of not having to go to work if i don't want to

    No doubt many people would love the prospect of being lazy yet still able to survive thanks to the hand that feeds.

    I love the prospect of being at home and looking after children

    Many women do and don't need to embrace Islam to stay at home with the kids.  You say it like only muslim women have that option.  Roll Eyes

    I love the prospect of being obedient to my husband and serve him

    This is vomit inducing, no word of a lie.  Where is your self respect?  obedient isn't a word that should ever be assigned to a relationship between a man and a woman.

    I love that I finally managed to come out of free sex, alcohol and hard drugs after some times of struggles

    So without Islam coming off of these things would be impossible?

    Do you think that all non muslims are busy taking hard drugs, having free sex and drinking?

    I love praying and so on.

    You should have tried meditation, it grants the same effect.


    I live in the UK, and hope to go and visit Muslim countries soon, maybe through my doctorate and MAYBE I will convince myself of the opposite after experiencing different Muslim countries for a while.

    For real experience you would have to go to a proper muslim country, not a modernised semi secular one.


    I am just looking for evidence on how many people have actually been killed due to apostasy in Muslim countries (if anybody's has some links to broadsheets and any reliable sources please do give me a shout) well let's say in the past 5/10 years.

    I doubt stats like that would be readily available, just like stats on rape or aids in muslim countries are supressed as much as possible.  Islam wouldn't want to advertise a high amount of apostates, islam prefers to loudly cry out for their converts.

    Also I was struck by the case of  Sameera Siddiqui, Pakistan - I am in love with Pakistan and would like to visit the country  Smiley. Do you know how and if it is possible to contact this member?

     Google it billy


    I do dislike people that don't believe in God, due to my background growing up with people that would make fun of me if I said that I believed in God (I was raised in a very very atheist environment),

    I do dislike muslims due to my background, growing up with people who would abuse me (I was raised in a very islamic environment)...........oh dear, isn't that bigotry?

    they say they are atheist but then they say things like "o my God" or they are even blasphemous, which is contradictory, why would you say the name of God but then you don't believe, but anyway... whatever.

    I hate to do this but  hahaha that was the worst line of reasoning I have read in a good while.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: hi
     Reply #23 - May 27, 2009, 05:19 PM

    who is Sameera Siddiqui anyway?

    her story is in the members page of this site - i think towards the bottom of the list... it was really interesting.. i wanted to ask more about her story

    Where?  Whats her forum name?

    My Book     news002       
    My Blog  pccoffee
  • Re: hi
     Reply #24 - May 27, 2009, 05:20 PM

    Aaa, I don't know the figures about executions of apostates, but I find wiki is always a good starting point if you're researching anything, they give lots of external links which are useful.

    In March 2006, an Afghan citizen Abdul Rahman was charged with apostasy and could have faced the death penalty for converting to Christianity. His case attracted much international attention with Western countries condemning Afghanistan for persecuting a convert. Charges against Abdul Rahman were dismissed on technical grounds by the Afghan court after intervention by the president Hamid Karzai. He was released and left the country to find refuge in Italy. [40]

    Two other Afghan converts to Christianity were arrested in March and their fate is unknown. In February, yet other converts had their homes raided by police.[41]

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: hi
     Reply #25 - May 27, 2009, 05:21 PM

    who is Sameera Siddiqui anyway?

    her story is in the members page of this site - i think towards the bottom of the list... it was really interesting.. i wanted to ask more about her story

    Where?  Whats her forum name?

    ermmm thats what im asking!!!
  • Re: hi
     Reply #26 - May 27, 2009, 05:24 PM

    What makes you interested in an ex Muslim site aaa? Why do you seek the company of those who've quit Islam rather than spend your time with fellow Muslims on Islamic sites?

    Just curious.  Smiley

    World renowned historian Will Durant"...the Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. It is a discouraging tale, for its evident moral is that civilization is a precious good, whose delicate complex order and freedom can at any moment be overthrown..."
  • Re: hi
     Reply #27 - May 27, 2009, 05:31 PM

    Hi, I am a skeptic, I don't believe in anything at all.
    And I don't drink (but I tried drinking), I don't smoke (but I tried smoking), I don't do drugs (but I tried drugs), I don't have sex (but I tried sex).

    Thanks for disliking me ^_^
    And welcome to the forum, dear hater Smiley

    Do not look directly at the operational end of the device.
  • Re: hi
     Reply #28 - May 27, 2009, 05:49 PM

    Hi, I'm Islame.  I think science provides the answers to our origins.  Thanks for hating me for this belief too.

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  • Re: hi
     Reply #29 - May 27, 2009, 06:35 PM

    Welcome to the forum.

    Howcome you decided to come to an ex-muslim forum? Just wondering.

    "The more I study religions the more I am convinced that man never worshiped anything but himself."
    ~Sir Richard Francis Burton

    "I think religion is just like smoking: Both invented by people, addictive, harmful, and kills!"
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