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 Topic: Do You Blog?

 (Read 3616 times)
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  • Do You Blog?
     OP - May 27, 2009, 08:37 PM

    I can't remember who or where but somebody recommended I start a blog if I want to give myself a career boost. I was very confused. Isn't a blog just a tiny place somewhere in webspace where some people go to retreat like a cave where nobody else ever goes? If so, then why put effort into writing things that nobody is going to read? Especially if your main objective is to get people to read it. To me, a blog is just like an online notebook. Have I got it all wrong?

    The unlived life is not worth examining.
  • Re: Do You Blog?
     Reply #1 - May 27, 2009, 09:12 PM

    Ah, you certainly listen well to yours truly  Tongue

    There are literally thousands of blogs on the internet and they all started from the same place: a blank screen. You will find that the more popular blogs that have a regular flowing do so because of the consistency in the writing. I don't think you can expect popularilty from the outset but you never know who you will attract. And even if it doesn't turn out to be such a great venture, it can still serve as an online notebook, so it will not really be a waste of time imho.
  • Re: Do You Blog?
     Reply #2 - May 27, 2009, 09:16 PM

    If you start a blog you could put a link to it in your sig here, then some of us will read it. 

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: Do You Blog?
     Reply #3 - May 27, 2009, 10:52 PM

    If you start a blog you could put a link to it in your sig here, then some of us will read it. 

    So how does a blog become popular or famous? As in, if I was to provide a link for it in my sig, it would become accessible, yes, but also limited to the users of this forum.

    The unlived life is not worth examining.
  • Re: Do You Blog?
     Reply #4 - May 27, 2009, 10:52 PM

    So who here has a blog?

    The unlived life is not worth examining.
  • Re: Do You Blog?
     Reply #5 - May 27, 2009, 10:54 PM

    If you start a blog you could put a link to it in your sig here, then some of us will read it. 

    So how does a blog become popular or famous? As in, if I was to provide a link for it in my sig, it would become accessible, yes, but also limited to the users of this forum.

    I think the more people go to your blog the higher its google ranking, so then more people see it, etc. 

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: Do You Blog?
     Reply #6 - May 27, 2009, 11:00 PM

    If you start a blog you could put a link to it in your sig here, then some of us will read it. 

    So how does a blog become popular or famous? As in, if I was to provide a link for it in my sig, it would become accessible, yes, but also limited to the users of this forum.

    I think the more people go to your blog the higher its google ranking, so then more people see it, etc. 

    Crikey, that's aiming high..

    The unlived life is not worth examining.
  • Re: Do You Blog?
     Reply #7 - May 27, 2009, 11:02 PM

    Well, you might as well aim high.   Tongue

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: Do You Blog?
     Reply #8 - May 27, 2009, 11:03 PM

    Well, you might as well aim high.   Tongue

    I know but there seems to be other ways of aiming high where you have more guarantee of a return.

    The unlived life is not worth examining.
  • Re: Do You Blog?
     Reply #9 - May 27, 2009, 11:05 PM

    Well, you might as well aim high.   Tongue

    I know but there seems to be other ways of aiming high where you have more guarantee of a return.

    True, I'm just saying if you're going to do it at all, you might as well do it properly. 

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: Do You Blog?
     Reply #10 - May 27, 2009, 11:11 PM

    It's almost the same as becoming a movie star...
    Choose your style (your subject), create unique and interesting blogs and pass away your links...
    A good way to let people read your blogs is through sites like
    The more people like it, the more they'll press on "Digg" and the higher you get.
    You can make real money with it if you do it right...
    Also try to use as many social communities as possible. Post videos on youtube etc...

    I haven't started blogging yet. But I've already created a blog on
    I'm using the Wordpress CMS hosted on (So I have more freedom than normal people on have).

    Council of Ex-Muslims of the Netherlands will be back!

    Never doubt that a small group of commited people can change te world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. -Margaret Mead
  • Re: Do You Blog?
     Reply #11 - May 27, 2009, 11:19 PM

    It's almost the same as becoming a movie star...
    Choose your style (your subject), create unique and interesting blogs and pass away your links...
    A good way to let people read your blogs is through sites like
    The more people like it, the more they'll press on "Digg" and the higher you get.
    You can make real money with it if you do it right...
    Also try to use as many social communities as possible. Post videos on youtube etc...

    I haven't started blogging yet. But I've already created a blog on
    I'm using the Wordpress CMS hosted on (So I have more freedom than normal people on have).

    Sounds like hard work. What is your blog going to be about?

    The unlived life is not worth examining.
  • Re: Do You Blog?
     Reply #12 - May 27, 2009, 11:31 PM

    Setting things up takes a lot of time...
    I did mine in about 3 days and I have experience with web developing... xD
    But everything will go automatically as soon as you've customized and tweaked it. ^_^

    I was thinking about making it a Technology blog (Computers and Internet in general), but I also want to do things with all the problems in the world...
    So I still need to find a way to make it unique... xD

    Council of Ex-Muslims of the Netherlands will be back!

    Never doubt that a small group of commited people can change te world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. -Margaret Mead
  • Re: Do You Blog?
     Reply #13 - May 27, 2009, 11:36 PM

    Setting things up takes a lot of time...
    I did mine in about 3 days and I have experience with web developing... xD
    But everything will go automatically as soon as you've customized and tweaked it. ^_^

    I was thinking about making it a Technology blog (Computers and Internet in general), but I also want to do things with all the problems in the world...
    So I still need to find a way to make it unique... xD

    Are you going to try get it to the point where you can make money out of it?

    The unlived life is not worth examining.
  • Re: Do You Blog?
     Reply #14 - May 27, 2009, 11:45 PM

    I don't know... Have to see if people will actually read it... xD
    Ofcourse I will, if I CAN... ; )

    Council of Ex-Muslims of the Netherlands will be back!

    Never doubt that a small group of commited people can change te world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. -Margaret Mead
  • Re: Do You Blog?
     Reply #15 - May 27, 2009, 11:53 PM

    Omg I've just stumbled accross your facebook, Farid..

    The unlived life is not worth examining.
  • Re: Do You Blog?
     Reply #16 - May 27, 2009, 11:55 PM

    Feel free to add ^_^

    Council of Ex-Muslims of the Netherlands will be back!

    Never doubt that a small group of commited people can change te world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. -Margaret Mead
  • Re: Do You Blog?
     Reply #17 - May 28, 2009, 12:00 AM

    Your mad, lol. I just found another user's (Tommy's) facebook. I wasn't even trying to search either of you two.

    Don't you want to keep your identity private? If I was to add you, you would have access to all my personal details..

    The unlived life is not worth examining.
  • Re: Do You Blog?
     Reply #18 - May 28, 2009, 12:13 AM

    Lol xD
    I feel way too comfortable on the internet... xD
    I just don't see the danger of posting my address or phone number online... What could possibly happen? xD
    And to be honest... I'm afraid of telling my family about "it" myself, but I really wouldn't care if someone else told them... xD

    Council of Ex-Muslims of the Netherlands will be back!

    Never doubt that a small group of commited people can change te world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. -Margaret Mead
  • Re: Do You Blog?
     Reply #19 - May 28, 2009, 12:41 AM

    Don't you think you should be more careful? There was a thread on here talking about how atheists at a university Atheist society event got a death threat from a member of the Islamic society, simply for doing this Atheist event. Seriously, there are nutters out there!

    The facebook group that I saw you on as a member, when you joined it did you know that other friends of yours will be able to see you have joined that group?

    I'm not sure what circle of friends you kept but I hung out with hard-liners. I had 2 local mosques I used to visit the most. One of them is infamous for its extremism and the imam at the other one was quoted in The Times newspaper for saying that 9/11 led to a lot of good in the world such as more women wearing hijab. One of my friends was a grown man and he was under MI5 surveillance. I had another friend who was more my age and I thought was more moderate and more understanding, and when I told him indirectly that Islam wasn't for me anymore, he would give me wierd phonecalls asking me if I have left Islam. Then I met up with the guy who is under MI5 surveillance to give some books back to him, and he shocked the hell out of me. I was sat in his car, and he just comes out with "what's this I've heard that your not Muslim anymore". I swear, my sweat was dripping man. "Who the fuck could have told him that?!" I was thinking. He doesn't even really know my other friend who is same age as me. Boy was I glad when I got out of that car. Things get round in the Muslim community. It is darker than you think.

    The unlived life is not worth examining.
  • Re: Do You Blog?
     Reply #20 - June 01, 2009, 07:52 PM

    Lol, ok, no reply.

    I think I have changed my mind for a blog. Anybody can read it and if you give out enough information, anybody could quite easily find you. So for security reasons I think I'm just going to leave it though.

    Wanna write a book!  dance

    I know, I go from one interest to another; that is very much my type of personality. I always have an interest in Philosophy though. That never withers.

    So how do you write a book? (non-fiction)

    I'm thinking, take a topic (that will be the book's title), then think of all the main areas of discussion (they will make up the chapter titles) and then just go on and on and on? Is it worth planning how much I'm going to write and a structure of argument before I do? I'm not one for planning my essays when I write them, but if it is important to plan when it comes to writing a book then I shall consider it.

    Also, does anyone have any alternatives to the structure of the whole book instead of chapter after chapter? Perhaps I could do one of those ones which ask a question at the end of a section and depending on what you answer determines what page to turn to and read...    grin12

    The unlived life is not worth examining.
  • Re: Do You Blog?
     Reply #21 - June 01, 2009, 08:38 PM

    Lol, ok, no reply.

    I think I have changed my mind for a blog. Anybody can read it and if you give out enough information, anybody could quite easily find you. So for security reasons I think I'm just going to leave it though.

    Wanna write a book!  dance

    I know, I go from one interest to another; that is very much my type of personality. I always have an interest in Philosophy though. That never withers.

    So how do you write a book? (non-fiction)

    I'm thinking, take a topic (that will be the book's title), then think of all the main areas of discussion (they will make up the chapter titles) and then just go on and on and on? Is it worth planning how much I'm going to write and a structure of argument before I do? I'm not one for planning my essays when I write them, but if it is important to plan when it comes to writing a book then I shall consider it.

    Also, does anyone have any alternatives to the structure of the whole book instead of chapter after chapter? Perhaps I could do one of those ones which ask a question at the end of a section and depending on what you answer determines what page to turn to and read...    grin12

    Coming from someone who writes a bit and has studied English Literature (hence having the ability to criticise and analyse efficiently) I shall say that planning and structuring writing is very important. Otherwise, you can easily go off on a tangent and never really regain the flow of the original argument/point being made.

    It is also very important to do research into your particular topic, identify the audience you are writing for (intellects/fact-bites/easy-reading introductory text),and  then write. After that, send it off to prospective publishers (or hire an agenet to do it for you) and hope for the best.
  • Re: Do You Blog?
     Reply #22 - June 01, 2009, 09:30 PM

    I have a blog, me and phonetic blog now and then, although I have not updated in a little while, although I my blog is pretty popular. The thing to getting a popular blog is, just being yourself and not thinking about attracting others, it should be just for expressing yourself/your views never play to your audience.

    Here is the link:
  • Re: Do You Blog?
     Reply #23 - June 02, 2009, 12:08 AM

    Also, does anyone have any alternatives to the structure of the whole book instead of chapter after chapter? Perhaps I could do one of those ones which ask a question at the end of a section and depending on what you answer determines what page to turn to and read...    grin12

    Run a search for books or something on this forum.  It has been discussed before, I remember sojournlemous, as well as others,have given some good advice on it as he has had some experience in this field

    My Book     news002       
    My Blog  pccoffee
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