Lol, ok, no reply.
I think I have changed my mind for a blog. Anybody can read it and if you give out enough information, anybody could quite easily find you. So for security reasons I think I'm just going to leave it though.
Wanna write a book!

I know, I go from one interest to another; that is very much my type of personality. I always have an interest in Philosophy though. That never withers.
So how do you write a book? (non-fiction)
I'm thinking, take a topic (that will be the book's title), then think of all the main areas of discussion (they will make up the chapter titles) and then just go on and on and on? Is it worth planning how much I'm going to write and a structure of argument before I do? I'm not one for planning my essays when I write them, but if it is important to plan when it comes to writing a book then I shall consider it.
Also, does anyone have any alternatives to the structure of the whole book instead of chapter after chapter? Perhaps I could do one of those ones which ask a question at the end of a section and depending on what you answer determines what page to turn to and read...

Coming from someone who writes a bit and has studied English Literature (hence having the ability to criticise and analyse efficiently) I shall say that planning and structuring writing is very important. Otherwise, you can easily go off on a tangent and never really regain the flow of the original argument/point being made.
It is also very important to do research into your particular topic, identify the audience you are writing for (intellects/fact-bites/easy-reading introductory text),and then write. After that, send it off to prospective publishers (or hire an agenet to do it for you) and hope for the best.