
I finally found an add-on that gets rid of the stupid title bar across the top of the page. You know, the silly one that tells you which page you are on in case you are too retarded to figure it out yourself. Bloody waste of screen space innit.
This sucker fixes it:
https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/9256 Max screen real estate FTW.
Only catch is it completely gets rid of the frame so you can't resize your window by dragging the edges, but I have Web Developer installed anyway so I just use that for resizing. Piece of cake.
ETA: Oh yeah screenshot n stuff.
Works for me now. Think I was being retarded before.
Are there any add-ons to get rid of the bottom status bar on FF? It just seems a bit useless for it to just sit there. In Chrome it only pops up when needed. I'm quite fussy with how much screenspace browsers take up

Also in Chrome I can resize textboxes (like the one I'm typing in atm) to whatever size I want by dragging the corner around. Is there any extension for FF that does this? Its incredibly handy and is a big reason why I love Chrome.
If I can get these two extensions I will probably move back to FF.