Funny you mention the authority thing - I think many are attracted (and many born Muslims are inspired by) the fact that Islam is the bogey man these days. It appeals to their sense of rebellion and going against the grain.
I'm all for that - but have discovered that Islam only hands you over to an ever worse authority - that of a cruel and sadistic God that demands complete obedience or he will burn you. Worse than that is that it divides humanity.
I always say I am not on a mission to eradicate Islam and I have huge love and empathy for Muslims, but the religions itself has outgrown its usefulness for mankind. We have evolved beyond that. And it would be nice to think man could stand on his own two feet and not need the crutch of Islam - or any religion.

Yes, you are absolutely right. Islam has become a fad among people. Hopefully people will outgrow that.
I also agree that God in the Quran, just as in the Bible, is hateful and a megalomaniac, and I decline from accepting salvation from such a fiend.
I fully think that Islam, as well as Christianity, have become detrimental to our society. While I say that Islam has a few positives, the negative aspects far outweigh the positive ones, and these positive aspects can be found elsewhere (and actually most of these are influenced from elsewhere).
Its rejection of absolute authority (at least for those other than God and Muhammad), for example, I find to be a positive.
I'm not sure how positive that is, though. Allah wanted a monopoly on authority because he's incredibly jealous and can't stand the thought of his power being challenged. Islam doesn't 'reject' absolute authority because it values independence and freedom. It's because Allah is a psychotic control freak.
Islam is all for hierarchical relationships (parent to child, husband to wife, etc) as long as Allah's authority and rules are not challenged! If they are, the oppressed is encouraged to rebel against his or her oppressor.
So, yeah Islam 'rejects' absolute authority (outside of Mo & Allah) but all for the wrong reason.
While I agree the reasons are bad, the outcome is typically good. Due to this, absolute dictatorships like in the Post-Renaissance West isn't possible.
However, I should point out while there can't be a live absolute human authority, one thing does retain absolute authority in the Islamic world-the Quran. And that is not at all a good authority