Sorry to Rashna / Idolator / Calm, you all have obviously submitted and stuck true to your hindu roots. You may claim to not be hindus, but you still actually are.
Hi ExHindu,
From where did you get the idea that I am
obviously sticking to my Hindu roots?

I am not a Hindu, I never was, don't have any Hindu family members-
I already told you in my first post out here that I am a Zoroastrian.Please understand this:
* I am a Zoroastrian.
* I am a Zoroastrian.
* I am a Zoroastrian.
I had already posted this multiple times-you seriously need to get this, I posted about how my Zoroastrian ancestors had come to India a millennia & a half ago & found safe asylum & religious freedom amongst your Gujarati Hindu
narrow minded, witch like screaming,violently dancing with sticks ancestors who showed
not the slightest discrimination towards us in all these thousand & a half years of any sort.
You needed to read my posts before pinning obvious labels on me -how can I stick to my so called Hindu roots, when I never had any Hindu roots in the first place?

Can a White Polish Catholic with no Japanese Shinto family stick to their Japanese Shinto\Buddhist
roots? Can a self proclaimed British Pakistani Muslim from a Muslim family stick to her Icelandic Lutheran roots &
still be a Lutheran despite
claiming to not be Lutherans when she obviously wasn't ever Lutheran in the first place & has made that abundantly clear?

If someone aired such opinions before me, accusing me of sticking to imaginary roots & shoots to which I have not the remotest ancestral or present family connection, or for that matter insisted that I and my friends not speak in a particular tone because I happen to sound like a
shreiking witch to their self declared newly Anglicized & sophisticated tastes, I would give such a person a piece of my mind as well, & I can assure you that I wouldn't be using lame words like
nastik &
gora, but words far more appropriate & richly deserved.

To think that I & my friends sound like a bunch of screaming witches & so have to modulate our decibel levels to accomodate someone's supposedly ultra sophisticated tastes!!!

I would come up with more than these little pieces of insult! Telling a person that she's sticking to her non existing Hindu roots or telling one's mom that she & her friends speak like witches will in all probability make them retort but that
isn't discrimination, its simply
plain speaking.

Also, it doesn't need an ex Hindu or ex Muslim or ex whatever to get that its utterly daft rubbish criticism that one's mum & her friends speak like screaming witches or might get a sore knuckle while dancing so their faith & culture is horried & violent, or that its very silly criticism when a Zoroastrian is said to cling to roots which don't exist in the first place.
Being an atheist\agnostic or quitting one's ancestral faith are absolutely no pre conditions to joining these forums, many of us do actually cling to our roots or even actively practice a religious faith, which aren't neccessarily or even mostly Hindu btw-having a religious faith doesn't exactly make a person irrational, just like quitting one's ancestral faith doesn't make a person intellectually superior or even capable of fully reading posts to comprehend that a self proclaimed Zoroastrian has zilch Hindu roots.
It doesn't take an atheist to realise that saying ones mom & her friends speak like witches or a religion is violent because someone might accidentally get hurt with a stick while dancing is a bogus rant not deserving much respect, or that a person who fails to understand that I am a Zoroastrian with Zoroastrian ancestors means that I have no Hindu roots isn't being very clever or even capable of reading posts! Then if such a person wants to mock religions, he will naturally be mocked & made fun of,
not because he's left a faith,
but because the opinions he's expressed as well as his inability to comprehend that a never been Hindu has no Hindu roots makes him seem dumb & plain worthy of being mocked.

Such a person might well be actively discriminated against as well, not because he's irreligious, but because he insists on putting foolish labels like violent or clinging to Hindu roots to dances or people who obviously don't merit such adjectives! It would be discrimination against
dumbness & reading incomprehension, rather than discrimination due to any religion or culture!

Foolish, absurd rants which expect others to modulate their decibel levels, or change their perfectly harmless dance forms to suit someone's self proclaimed superior tastes will bring on insulting words from anyone, regardless of religion & presuming that a Zoroastrian who was never a Hindu in her life is sticking to her Hindu roots & is still actually a Hindu will make the ranter seem dumber still, especially if the person the ranter accuses of
still being a Hindu & submitting to their non existing Hindu roots has devoted almost a whole post explaining that fact that she's a Zoroastrian.

If you want to
avoid discrimination as well as make fun of religions\cultures or whatever else, make sure that you are able to read & comprehend that a person who has identified herself as a Zoroastrian to you as well as given a detailed description of her ancestry hasn't got any Hindu roots which she(in your eloquent words)"
Sorry to Rashna , you all have obviously submitted and stuck true to your hindu roots. You may claim to not be hindus, but
you still actually are." is still obviously sticking & submitting to

Just two samples from two different posts of mine, no less, where
I posted about my religion as well as roots:
-I'm not a Hindu but a Zoroastrian
I am a Parsee, a Zoroastrian, your very offensive ancestors first gave shelter to my ancestors. My ancestors were from Iran, Persia...
In this second post, I go on to explain my religion as well as my ancestral roots to great lengths for your benefit, but alas, you seem completely incapable of comprehending these extremely simple words...
It really doesn't need an exHindu clinging to their ancestral roots to call a spade a spade, or in this case, a foolish & bogus rant just that-an imprudent & ignorant rant! To mock something, intelligence, basic vocabulary(like nastik) & comprehension(that a Zoroastrian with Iranian roots isn't a Hindu) are utterly neccessary, otherwise the person runs the risk of being as badly mocked in return!

Please use your scintillating intellect for these much more worthy & urgently required causes in future before deigning to use them for unworthy causes like making fun of faiths or dance forms, because they seem to succeed only in giving others legitimate reasons to making fun of
you!(which again strikes you as discrimination or people sticking to their non existing roots)!