I'm pro, because i cant bear the thought of a child being brought up in an unloved & uncaring environment.
That's pretty much it for me too. I'm pro-
choice. Given that in today's world, for most people, it's ridiculously easy to get and use contraception, and that there are millions of children already existing who are unwanted, malnourished or otherwise could use our help, I see no reason for more unwanted children in the world.
Besides the moral implications, as much as I support men's rights, and I do, since it is ultimately a woman who carries and nurses the child, the decision has to be her's whether she wants to or can give birth to and raise another human being.
People romanticize parenthood, it's not all hugs and cupcakes and birthday parties. It's hard work, it's a lifetime commitment of time, money, energy, and not everyone who becomes pregnant can or should take on such a serious, massive, permanent commitment.