I'm not just for abortion in the case of rape. I am for abortion in the case of when the child would be unwanted or neglected.
Again, then why mention it?
Yes, don't strangle a living, conscious, breathing person or animal. A bunch of cells without consciousness or sentience, though are not the same.
A fetus lacks consciousness or sentience at all stages of development?
It's not dogmatic to let other people have the right to make their own choices. Its dogmatic to impose OUR choices on other people. I'm not saying everyone SHOULD have an abortion, I'm saying everyone who is alive and can make a conscious decision, should have the right to choose one way or another.
Within the context of this discussion, that argument is little better than a tautology. The argument, from the other side, is that the fetus has a right which is being violated by someone else's choice to abort. You can talk about
choice all you like, but unless you can show how this interfaces with
rights, it's pretty much meaningless. In other words, it's obvious the woman has rights, but does the fetus? Whether or not a choice, in this instance, is permissible, is contingent on answering that question.
No offense allat, but that's evasive and didn't even come close to answering what I asked. The when is a simple enough question, which can be answered in a few words. The why, however, may prove trickier.
ON EDIT: I just caught your response #74 to Leet Socrates, Jr. which is what I was looking for. That actually clears up a lot.