Are you making a judgment of my character?
No nothing personal. It's just funny how otherwise enlightened people like to think they have the right to control a woman's body and restrict her choices. you guys want to argue legislation and biology, there are a number of books and articles out there. I know that it is not an easy choice for any woman, mainly because of the heaps of religious-based morality that we're buried in from a young age.
I personally don't agree with late term abortions. But I also know that each situation is unique and I don't feel arrogant enough to impose my beliefs on others.
It's a slippery slope from saying ban abortions to saying ban contraceptives. Women will still need to and get abortions, they'll just be performed by illegal methods and butchers with hangers.
Like many other unfortunate but necessary things in the world, abortion is not a black-or-white issue. Society needs to deal with it on many levels, first starting with safe sex education. If any of you guys think it's an open and shut case of "right or wrong" then you're being simplistic and not looking at other sides of the issue.
Anyway, honestly, internet arguments are a waste of time. You believe what you want, I'll believe what I want to. We just must allow each other to have the choice to do what we want with our lives. Again, differentiate between late and early terms, do the research, listen to other perspectives. Don't just dogmatically assume that your belief that "it's a person at the moment of conception" is the only belief out there.
If you weren't aborted and you're happy about that, thank your mom. But don't presume to know what's going on in the case of every woman who gets an abortion. Might be that she saved that potential person from a lifetime of grief.