Can I ask what people think is worse when applied to a human and when applied to a rabbit:
a) Torture
b) Kill
Would be interesting if people come up with different answers for rabbit than they do for human.
I would think it would be the same for humans and animals, but which is worse depends on the circumstances, and in this particular case it seems highly probable the rabbit was going to die soon anyways*, Bob just sped it up so the bunny would cease suffering-- so in this case it wasn't an either/or situation.
*I know some people are saying "take it to the vet" but, in my experience, an animal that has been run over cannot be helped by a vet. It's nearly guaranteed the vet will euthanize the animal.
One time I was driving along the road and this dog ran right across my path out of nowhere. I slammed on the breaks but it was too late. Apparently it had gotten away from its owner because he came running right behind. Poor fuckin dog was barely breathing, clinging onto life, and the poor owner, a full-grown man, was bawling his eyes out. I stayed until animal control could come. They got the dog off the road and took it to be euthanized. It was a really shitty experience, and, needless to say the rest of my night I was pretty damn depressed. There was nothing I could've done-- it was dark, in a commercial area, I wasn't speeding but there was no time to react-- but it still feels bad to be responsible for killing someone's pet.
Another time, when I was a teenager, a friend of mine intentionally swerved to try to hit a cat. I started screaming at him and told him if I ever saw him kill a cat I'd fuckin kill him (I love cats), and if he weren't driving I would've slugged the fucker right then and there. What a fuckin dick.
Only had experience with a run-over bunny once, again when I was a teenager. My buddy hit it by accident, so I told him to stop the car. It died immediately, so I grabbed it and put it in the car then took it to my friend's house. I chopped off its head with a small hatchet and prepared to skin it so we could cook it up. My friends thought it was gross because it's road-kill, but fuck, it's fresh road-kill, it's not like we found it on the side of the road with flies circling it. Anyhow, when his mom saw the dead rabbit she got very upset (I made the mistake of picking the rabbit's disembodied head up by the ears and showing it to my friend's younger sister who promptly freaked the fuck out), so I had to abandon my plans for rabbit braised in garlic and wine.
And thus end the Q-Man's disjointed run-over-animal stories. BTW, you did the right thing Bob, though next time try to find a better way to kill the animal if you can.