Quran 3:54 "And (the unbelievers) Plotted and planned, And
Allah too planned, And the best of planners Is Allah."
Unfortunately, currently Allah indeed seems to be a great planner.
I don't know how far secularism & irreligion will succeed against Islam, where were the Greek irreligious philosophers & Indian Charvakas, otherwise so good at debates & metaphysical talk, in anyway defending against Islam? It were religious armies like those at Vienna & Tours who helped defend Europe from Islamization. Communism has certainly done its two bits in secularization in Albania, Azerbaijan etc, but secularism isn't communism, secularism in nations like Singapore hasn't secularized or lured away many Malay Muslims from Islam. Nor have Malay Muslims with Malaysia's dwindling non Muslim minority of Chinese\Indians begun to be more secular & irreligious, laws are still as discriminatory as ever.
Muslims see Christianity in Europe as a faith of the elderly & more of a dying faith's residue than a living faith, Christianity, mixed gender churches, the whole culture is quite a bit better-had Christianity aggressively proselytized, I do think it could get Muslims to quit in larger numbers.
Again, I repeat that I don't support any coercion or deportation.