News update for members of COEM, the BNP is in serious financial trouble, it seems that having an elected member or two of the EU parliament doesn't help them financially as we all once thought. If they are willing to admit it as well it's even more serious, here's an email from chairman Nick Griffin:
Dear Friend and Colleague,
I wanted to write to you as soon as I could to thank you personally for putting such great trust in this Party, and in me, by helping us to win seats in the European Parliament.
On behalf of myself and Andrew Brons MEP, let me assure you that we will not let you down; we will be your voice in the belly of the Euro beast, speaking out for British freedom.
As you know we have all worked hard for many years to gain this success, many think our troubles are over now we have made such a huge political breakthrough. Not so! With political success come new challenges and obstacles, and the Party as a whole is suffering acute financial pressure.
Andrew and I will of course be giving the promised 10% of our salaries (pre-tax) to good causes in our constituencies, but the other Euro monies, ?17k for staff and ?4k for offices per month is locked down legally and can only be used for parliamentary work. Any breach of this and we could be de-registered - in effect, the BNP would be banned.As you know, our affairs, more than any other party, will be scrutinised to death. That's why we have employed an independent professional accountant to act as 'Paying Agent' for us. Unfortunately many in the party don't understand the stringent rules on European finances and wrongly think that the party is now financially well off!
#This is not only incorrect but it has led to the central Party now being under incredible pressure.
In short, we are cash strapped. We threw everything we had at the Election Campaign, and why not, we won didn't we! But our success has unleashed the furies of hell against us, now our very existence is being challenged, and it is costing us dear!To send an urgent gift online: send an urgent gift by telephone ring: 0871 0500 234
Harriet Harman is the current deputy-leader of the Labour Party and minister for "equalities". In the late 1970s Harman was the "legal officer" for the "National Council for Civil Liberties" which was heavily involved with two pro-paedophile groups, the Paedophile Information Exchange and Paedophile Action for Liberation. She only disassociated from these groups in 1982 when she ran for Parliament in Peckham. Harman is a rampant "feminist" who harbours highly negative views of fathers and marriage and despises the role of the family in society. Harman used to sport t-shirts stating: "This is what a feminist looks like!" Despite standing for "equality", Harman was the person who made it legal to discriminate on grounds of race - as long as it was ethnics who benefited. It was Harman who proposed excepting MP's from the Freedom of Information Act so that their expenses could remain secret. Harman is the chief driving force behind the attempt to criminalise the BNP's British-only membership policy.
Precisely because of our political success we are now fighting for our very existence! The anti-British 'Equalities Commission' is running a legal campaign to destroy our Party. Added to this deadly danger is the equally serious threat by Simon Woolley of 'Operation Black Vote' to force his people on us to flood the party in order to take it over and destroy it. We will be discussing this threat and how we respond to it at the RWB next month.
The impact of these attacks on central finances is severe, as we have had to buy in the services of expensive legal experts just to survive as a party.
Be clear on this: if you don't give, we can't fight? if we don't fight we're shut down. They win and the British people are left voiceless and at the mercy of the PC, multicultural fanatics who hate all we hold dear. It's that brutal. We are the last bastion for the rights of the indigenous British majority, if they break us our people will be left defenceless!
Our current situation certainly is not good and remember that we have a General Election to fight in less than 10 months, so we need to keep our infrastructure in 'fine working order if we are to survive never mind securing an even more dramatic victory at Westminster next year. I know how generous everybody has been over the last year, that's why I did not want to send you a simple fundraising appeal e-bulletin.
I have written to you like this to ask you personally to help your party out of these current difficulties. The situation is thus: we spent nearly ?600,000 during the elections; we were careful and budgeted well, investing in assets as well as the campaign itself. But these attacks on our very existence are placing an intolerable strain on us and I need you to help me get through this difficult period. We need ?150,000 to keep the wolves at bay and to ensure our survival!
To send an urgent gift online:
To send an urgent gift by telephone ring: 0871 0500 234THE MAN WHO WANTS
Trevor Phillips, who epitomises immigrant arrogance, is head of the absurdly named "Equalities & Human Rights Commission". Phillips started in politics as a leftwing student in London. In 1998 he co-wrote the book "Windrush: Irresistible Rise of Multi-Racial Britain". When Barrack Obama was elected president in America, Phillips claimed that the same could not happen here because of "institutional racism" and complained that native British people make up "all but 10% of the population" of the British Isles. Trevor Phillips was known to have a bust of the Communist tyrant and mass-murderer Lenin on his desk. Phillips is also listed on the offensive website, "100 Great Black". Trevor and his motley gang of leftwing anti-British cretins have declared they want to criminalise the BNP's British-only membership policy.
I know you love your country and your commitment to our cause is beyond reproach and that's why I am asking you in earnest to give as generously as you can right now to keep the party machine rolling on in defence of our constitution and right to exist.
Over the last year we have built a political powerbase that has astounded the Establishment and as you know, it has worked! We now have two MEPs, and a vital county council breakthrough - unimaginable even 2 years ago - but top flight campaigning and administration while delivering results also sends out the signal that the BNP are a real 'threat' to the status quo and that's why we are now under such serious attack.
So, today we stand at the crossroads of history. Do we pull together and go on to greater electoral success or do we scale back our operation and go back to being a 'Fringe Party'? Only you and how you respond to this email can decide the future direction and survival of our party.
By digging deeper than ever before you will be making a statement that you are with me on our journey to even greater success and ultimately Westminster.
I will never let you down, you have my solemn word on this, right now I really need your help to get us out of the pit that our enemies are digging for us.
To send an urgent gift online: send an urgent gift by telephone ring: 0871 0500 234