So let me get this right, you don't arrest people for inciting violence?
You only arrest them when there is solid evidence that their speech directly led to violence. Is that the idea? Wait for the blood of innocents to be spilled then get busy arresting!
Um, no...I said no such thing. You reading shit into my posts that isn't there is very fucking tiresome. Are you capable of not doing that? It's enough work just replying to actual points of contention, without having to correct you on something I never said on top of that.
You mentioned that there are incidents of violence arising from these concerts that demonstrate the lyrics are immediate incitement to violence-- I agreed. Geez, I fucking agree with you and you still end up putting words in my mouth, or keystrokes on my computer as it were.
Daniel Pipes is a scumbag because you disagree with him. Typical, this is a text book example of the "discredit your opponent by branding them as something unthinkable" game.
![Roll Eyes](
No, it's a textbook example of posting your personal opinion on an internet discussion forum. You are welcome to post your opinion that Daniel Pipes is a great guy and it's always sunshine, puppies, rainbows and blowjobs when he's around, or you can post a more nuanced opinion of him. Tell me, brucepig, how exactly would me simply calling him a "scumbag" on this thread in any way discredit him? Yeah, I might as well be a Stalinist information commissar. Got news for you-- this internet discussion is just an internet discussion-- no broader impact. No different than us debating in a bar over beers except I'm not drunk and leering at pretty women.
Other than that you seem to be saying two very foolish things.
Go on, Aristotle...
One that American conservatives are tyrannical and intolerant so it's ok for the left to behave the same way and two that bias, intolerance and harassment are cool as long as it is biased to the left and intolerant of right wing views.
No, what I'm saying is that conservatives attacking socialist political orthodoxy at universities is hyperbolic, hypocritical and downright silly:
1. There have been Marxist professors at American universities since the 1960s-- is this country any closer to socialism than it was in the 60s as a result? No. In fact, arguably, we're more free-market than we were then. And, as an interesting and important factual addendum almost all the economics postgraduate programs in this country are what I call "free-market purist" oriented, and most of the international relations departments are quite centrist-- and the folks getting degrees from those programs are much, much more influential than some kid majoring in liberal arts who will likely end up a teacher themselves or a lowly civil servant.
In other words, whatever left-wing political orthodoxy that exists in higher education has limited impact on American society as a whole so it's stupid to complain about it like it's some big fuckin deal, which it isn't.2. As I noted above, there are plenty of educational institutions in this country where there is very little left-wing political activity or indoctrination.
3. It's also fucked-up for conservatives, pro-imperialists and free-marketeers (and I include many big "L" Liberal Democrats in this bunch) to complain about left-wing political orthodoxy in higher education when they have the upper hand with institutions that are MUCH more influential over American society and government policy, like the media.
Also you are overlooking the nature of educational establishments as places of free inquiry. As soon as they become places of political orthodoxy they become moribund.
What is the point of having a department of women's studies that refuses to teach the opposing argument to radical feminism, what is the point of having a sociology department that only teaches multiculturalism and gives good grades to students for churning out politically correct bunk. What is the point of having political science courses that are almost exclusively taught by Trotskyites who teach that capitalism is evil as if it was a fact?
Universities should be places where ideas are challenged not reinforced. If professors are using their privileged positions to promote their anti imperialist politics then they should be sacked.
What do you think universities are? Some Socratic symposium (and we all know what happened to Socrates for challenging the dominant ideas)? Universities have always had professors pushing their personal ideologies, and the majority has always tried to limit the influence of minority ideas. Don't you think in the 19th century at Oxford and Cambridge most professors were teaching about how fuckin awesome British imperialism was? And, as I noted above, in economics departments in this country the leftists are in a distinct minority. That's the real world-- educators will tend to push their own ideas and values and dismiss competing ones.
Horowitz is right. They are there to teach not indoctrinate.
Horowitz is a cunt too and full of shit. If you really think he would still object if it were
his ideas students were being indoctrinated with, I've got some nice oceanfront property in Arizona to sell ya.
Finally, on a personal note-- when I went to college I had a lot of Marxist and other lefty professors. When I started college I was a right-winger who thought Ayn Rand was awesome, and the US Army was footing the bill-- I planned on accepting a commission from the Army and becoming airborne infantry, eager for combat. Within a couple of years, due mostly to class resentment of the rich kids at school, I started shedding these ideas-- but at no point throughout college was I leftist in any sense except that I've always been pro-union. It wasn't until after college, after a few more years in the workforce full-time and through union activism that I acquired socialist ideas (though it should be obvious I'm still heavily influenced by the Libertarian ideals of my youth). I thought lefty student protesters were spoiled brats who didn't have to work and once attended a counter-demo just to spite them. The only protest I ever participated in (besides the counter-demo) at that time was walking a picket line for adjunct professors trying to win health insurance in their union contract.
Yes, I do actually have a point to this long-winded story, and that is-- I frequently challenged my professors in class with unorthodox ideas and not once did I ever feel discriminated against or intellectually intimidated. I think this whole "leftist orthodoxy in education" is incredibly overblown by Horowitz and his crew and that the stories of students being intimidated by their professors mostly come from students who are either too big of pussies to stand up to their professors ideas or too fuckin dumb to make an opposing point in a manner that earns them respect from the professor they are disagreeing with.
Again, this isn't nearly as big of a deal as the critics want to make it seem.