Regarding the list, I think you have made some good choices there. I still think you might
want to still include 2 items as they can be explained in passing without any detail added
- Mans creation - clay, mire, dust, water or from the dead? - this can simply demonstrate the scattergun approach to science - throw in enough guesses into the mix, then some might stick
Yep - might put that one in
- Medical - camels urine, black seed & fly's wings as antidotes - these again can simply be read out, and there is no need to go into any depth about their absurdity. Particularly camel's urine - I dont think any Muslims would bhe prepared to do that. You could also mention that God could have given us a better miracle, like penicillin i.e. antibiotics which would have been a cure for infections, an unknown cure for a widespread problem during those days.
Since this is from Hadith (also moon splitting etc... are from Hadith) I think I will leave them out and just concentrate on the Qur'an. (Too easy for internet Muslims to dismiss hadith - but Qur'an they can't dismiss.)