Aliadere, I'm with ya. I see this as a good thing.
Moderate Islam is an oxymoron and can only be the means, not the end. Most of the Islamist politicians in Turkey --outwardly, at least-- call themselves "reformists" if that means anything to you. I want nothing less than an
absolutely secular government. Islamists are criminals and must be treated as such. I do support the Islamic reformists in other Muslim countries though, Iran for example, because they lack the "totally secular" option.
When secularists are powerful enough, they should and they will break free from moderate/reformist Muslims, of course. I do not oppose Islamic reformists, but I am not a reformist. My sympathy belongs to secularists, socialists, secular nationalists, heterodox Muslims, and non-Muslim groups who oppose Islamists altogether.
a major refrom movement from within Islam.
Yes, I would really support a "refrom" movement.