Re: Stuff you miss
Reply #32 - July 06, 2009, 05:08 PM
When being alternative in music and style wasn't something prepackaged and marketed to kids in the mall via the "emo" and "scene" stuff and 'Twilight' and Hot Topic.
Having many years ahead of me to figure it all out. Also what Berbs said about your younger figure.
Not being married, in the end, was a more preferable state than being married, and I miss that. Emotionally, intimately, socially - it was all better. Financially it did help me, but I think I would have eventually achieved financial stability and a better position than I have now (due to the wonders of al Islam!)
Breaded pork chops. I haven't had them in ages, and it seems like people don't make them anymore. I guess it's not healthy!!!
When MTV showed music on it, and discovering new things through that. I think some of the bands that were big back then or had big hit songs wouldn't have a chance today because they are too alt or they are too gay or something like that that they can't package up nice and slick and sell to teenagers ala Hannah Montana. I can't imagine Dead or Alive making it very far today. I think that even a song like "Our House" by Madness wouldn't make it on the regular rotation and be popular today.
I sort of miss the pre-internet culture, when people wrote letters. But it was harder to find stuff out back then. Shows were word of mouth, etc. There were 'zines and small newspapers and letters and phone calls.
When books weren't so frikken expensive
The TV show 'My So-called Life'
Wandering through the woods, walking around town, having adventures. I don't let my kids do this today. Even where we live, which is a nice small town with rich areas, mostly middle class and a hood, there are gangs (or wannabe gangs), drug dealers, and who knows - now we are more aware of pedophiles.
I'm not sure if this is going to come out the way I want it to but I miss the days when everyone didn't have a disorder of some type. But I am glad that people who do have problems can now get some recognition and medication for it.
This is strange, but I sort of miss when your TV was watching re-runs of old shows from the 50s and 60s. Before there were 500 cable stations, so everyone watched re-runs of 'Bewitched', 'My Three Dads', 'The Munsters' and those sorts of shows. Now one kid is watching Nickelodeon, and one is watching MTV2, and one person is watching Discovery and so on.
Cor blimey I miss the days before 'reality TV'. Reality TV is such a load of utter crap (I'm looking at you, 'Bachelor' and 'Real Housewives').
I miss Times Square when it was nasty, down and dirty, gritty. Now it is a packaged Disneyland for the tourists and no real New Yorker would go there. I mean really -- Olive Garden? Chevy's Fresh Mex? The Disney store?
I miss seeing farmland in the outlying exurbs of the big cities I grew up around. Suburban sprawl, the disappearance of the family farmer, cookie cutter houses, increased population, increased taxes, increased traffic, etc. I kind of miss what was there before.
The anticipation of Xmas and birthdays. I am still like this by the way but it is apparently unseemly for a woman my age to be giddy about expecting gifts and surprises. Apparently, I'm supposed to be giving gifts to these ankle biters calling me mother, and I'm not supposed to want it all to be a surprise anymore.
OK I sort of miss going roller skating and going to the roller rink. Even if they are still around, now it seems like the only people who go there are meth heads and pedos. I miss roller skating for sure. I have a pair of roller blades that I'm afraid of.
I can't say if I miss much else. The candies that I liked are still made. The drinks I like are still made. I look at the clothes I wore then and I cringe. Not because they are out of style but because they are not flattering. I think that we're sort of moving into this customized culture where you get your TV shows, your internet, your music, and even clothing that, while generally being in and out of style, you can customize to fit your body type and blahblah.
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