Tomorrow we will go Italian. My favorite recipe with a mix of halal and haram meat
Lamb with egg-lemon sauce (Abacchio broddetato) I will buy:
-about 2 lb of lamb shoulder. I buy this from a local
halal butcher, because he has the best lamb meat;
-2 oz of smoked bacon (Haram!)
-2 oz of smoked ham (Haram too!)
Further I need:
-a small onion;
-a knife-point of nutmeg;
-salt and pepper;
1/4 cup dry white wine;
3/4 pint of chicken fond;
2 egg yolks;
jews from 1/2 lemon;
1 oz Parmezan cheese;
1 piece of garlic (to scare off vampires)
1 spoon of parsley
In a saucepan I melt the bacon. When there is enough fat I add the ham and the shredded onion and bake at low fire for 5 minutes. Then I turn up the fire and add the lamb (cut to dice),salted and peppered, the nutmeg, and bake till the lamb meat is nice and brown. I add the wine and simmer untill it has nearly vanished. Now I add the chicken fond, cover the pan, and let simmer till the meat is ready, which will take about 45 minutes.
In a seperate pan I put the egg yolks and add the lemon jews and the cheese. I mix thorougly and I add the warm liquid from the saucepan bit by bit. When I have a nice mix I add the garlic and parsley to the meat in the saucepan, and then I add the mixture of egg, cheese and chicken liquid back into the saucepan bit by bit, while stirring. Then I heat untill the sauce thickens. Do not boil further! Serve with whatever pasta you like.