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 Topic: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim

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  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #210 - July 31, 2011, 09:38 AM

    Yes but chicken eats its own poo too, so it's a false ideal.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #211 - July 31, 2011, 03:16 PM

    Its probably because alcohol is just forbidden but it is not insulted at every turn, whereas the pig is called every name they can think of, and seen as the most disgusting animal of all.

    Crazy how you can condition an aversion to specific foods in a child, to the point that when that child becames an adult, they refuse to even change that conditioning.

    Not that they refuse to change it — simply that it takes a lot of unwarranted effort. I have numerous food–based qualms, and the others do not stem from my erstwhile religion. I do not eat rabbit, and could never ever stomach the idea of eating dog. At least I know that my aversion to pig meat comes from my cultural upbringing, and not any belief in a (non–existent) deity.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #212 - July 31, 2011, 04:43 PM

    I never forget.  cool2

    You're supposed to misspell he, noob Tongue

    “I think X is a pretty cool { guy, girl }. {Eh, Seh} (verb) Y and doesn’t afraid of anything.”

    19:46   <zizo>: hugs could pimp u into sex

    Quote from: yeezevee
    well I am neither ex-Muslim nor absolute 100% Non-Muslim.. I am fucking Zebra

  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #213 - July 31, 2011, 09:59 PM

    I wasn't only copying a meme, I was also trying to convey an idea which was an accurate representation of how I felt at the time.

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #214 - July 31, 2011, 10:16 PM

    I will never eat pork, as explained above, just because it is programmed in it is hard to change that mindset.

    The problems we have with alcohol in this coutnry (UK) do annoy me, so to be honest that is enough to make me not too bothered about drinking it. I am not a drug taker in any form anyway.

    I thin kthe difference is that alcohol is a liquid whereas pork is a much more physical thing that you can see more of and smell - I dunno - it is hardto descibe. Yo ucan down a drink but you have to chew on food.

    The simple fact is I have lived for 20+ years without those products and I dont necessarily need them so it makes no difference to go without.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #215 - August 01, 2011, 12:06 AM

    Plus hearing horror stories like this kinda puts me off…
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #216 - August 25, 2011, 04:55 AM

    • 1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

      (a) As a muslim, though I've been horny since a very young age  Cheesy I didn't feel "ready" for sex or being intimate with guys until I was about 17 or 18. I did consider premarital sex wrong only because.. well, Islam said so. But I never understood why and didn't see the harm except a transgression against God apparently.  Roll Eyes that he'll get a hissy fit if you don't secks up only one person in your whole life  Cheesy So I kind of felt guilty when doing stuff, but not really.  Tongue
      Also, I was surprised by how many of my teenage peers were doing it.  Tongue I just thought they were too young... but I was looking at that from my perspective only (since I felt too young) and they could have been at a completely different point in their life which is fine.

      (b) All for everything now.  dance Mostly with someone I care about at least / like as a good friend / someone I'm close to... I don't think I can do the casual thing.. at least not right now.

      2) Homosexuality

      (a) Didn't personally understand it, but as I grew older and discovered a lot of my peers or friends that were LGBT, I knew it truly wasn't a choice and their sexual preference was for real. So then I didn't understand why "God" would care if he's the one who made them that way.

      (b) Love is love, sex is sex.. we're all the same.

      3) Pork

      (a) Never had such strong feelings against it like a lot of Muslims seem to. Who cares? I never felt deprived.

      (b) Well I'm vegetarian now, so I never tried it.  Tongue
      I did have turkey bacon once a long time ago... apparently it tastes a lot like regular bacon.. *shrug* But I'm sure the extreme bacon lovers on here would call blasphemy on me  Cheesy

      4) Alcohol

      (a) I think I was always a bit scared of it. Curious, wondered why people loved it and if it really was fun. But also, I never had the desire to drink until I was about 22. I just got so fucking bored and nothing had been going on in my life for forever, everything so mundane, I was like "I need to try something new and exciting!" Grin

      (b) Drink on.  dance All this big deal Muslims make over nothing?!! Really - be responsible and in moderation and it's all fine!

      5) Modest dress code

      (a) Well, being raised by my parents... my mother always stressed modest clothing. Also, I was a bit of a shy child... so.. I didn't have a problem dressing modestly. After all, I never wore the hijab (despite my parents' incessant pressure)

      (b) I just wear whatever I want, man. If I feel like showing my boobs one day I will. It's not always conscious though.. ya know some of womens' shirts just happen to be a little low... I can't always give a fuck and make sure I wear a tank top underneath or whatever like my mom wants me to  Roll Eyes because I don't care and I don't think there's any shame of our bodies.

      6) Suicide bombing

      (a) As a muslim I thought this was haram based on suicide itself being haram, I did not support this as an islamic means of jihad and argued often defending my views on it.
      (same as you berbs Smiley)

      (b) As a non muslim I still think suicide bombing is anti islamic.
      and stupid and sad.

      7) Jihad

      (a) Errrr. Didn't like it nor agree with it. I wasn't really a good muslim warrior fighting for allah... wasn't interested... Didn't understand why i would be obligated to.

      (b) Wrong.

      8 ) Other religions

      (a) I thought Islam was the true religion, and all other religions were corruptions, by the devil, of what should have been Islam from day one. But slowly started going away from this when I had doubts.... didn't see what's so bad about the other religions existing, especially since the other 2 abrahamic ones are talked about a lot in the Quran, but with such hate. But then the original Gospel and Torah are recognized in Islam - so wtf?

      (b) I think all religions are man made bullshit.

      9) Mohammed

      (a) I always thought he was a bit strange.  Cheesy Didn't really care to know his life story either...... seemed pretty fucking boring to me..

      (b) Sad man who was one part in making my life (and all of ours) hell today. Thanks asshole.

      10) Allah

      (a) Why so mean?  Cry

      (b) Aha, so you're fake. Good to know.  Afro

      11) Circumcision/FGM

      (a) I didn't have any thoughts on it, the usual beliefs that it was cleaner and better, but I still wondered in the back of my head why allah would make someone imperfect with a need to fix it themselves.  I always thought FGM was wrong though, a cultural misinterpretation rather than coming from the religion, I wasn't aware of the hadiths supporting it.

      (b) Wrong, pointless...

      12) Young marriage

      (a) My parents never condoned it.. the families they come from never did the young marriage (actually, my dad's mom got married young - at 14 i think) thing and they understood we wouldn't do it... It's not for any of us. Not even older teenage marriage, my parents thought that was weird when they had friends who did and their kids got married at 16, 17 or 19. They don't think it's smart or wise because they're still KIDS and probably don't know much about choosing a life partner, someone they want to stay with for life!

      (b) Against it. I don't even think marriage at 18 is normal, but I guess then people do whatever they want.  Roll Eyes

      13) How you wish to be buried

      (a) Just assumed I would be the Islamic way. Didn't think about it much really... didn't care.

      (b) Well, I still don't care because when I'm dead I'm dead. Don't want it to be Islamic though obviously... maybe cremation.

    Rather be forgotten than remembered for giving in.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #217 - August 25, 2011, 09:06 AM

    Purpose of the hymen... this is a theory apparently that I copy/pasted off another site:

    Some of the last cells to mature in the female body are the cells of the cervix. Before these cells have matured the cell membranes are particularly vulnerable to being breached by pathogens, and the cervix remains very vulnerable to infection. It has been hypothesized that the hymen originally exists to protect the developing tissues of the vagina and cervix from dirt and pathogens during childhood, until the cells of the cervix and the cells of the vagina mature fully and start secreting the mucus which protects them in later life.

    In our modern day of bathing and wearing clothes, this is probably not nearly as important as it was to our unbathed, pre-clothing primate ancestors.

    There is some evidence for this function, however, as girls who start to have sex before age 16 are vastly more prone to pick up STDs or infections from more general pathogens such as strep and staph (oh yes, you can get a strep infection "down there"), and roughly 5x more likely to contract human papilloma virus, which specifically infects the cervix, and it isn't all to do with unprotected sex or risky behaviors, either.

  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #218 - April 20, 2012, 07:50 AM

        1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

        (a) I thought sex before marriage was wrong, although I didn't judge those who did it. I couldn't understand why I was judged so harshly for being a non-virgin considering the fact that I had not consented and not had a choice in the matter. I was considered damaged goods, which although didn't stop my X from marrying me, he did bring it up alot during our marriage, saying that if I had been a virgin that I would've been "tighter". Motherfucking arsehole. So yeah, I didn't judge people who had sex before marriage, but did think people should wait. As for people having affairs, I couldn't understand that, thought that was wrong, wrong, wrong. As for anal, bestiality, and paedophilia, thought all of those were wrong, evil, haram etc... I protested often about anal sex as it was something I didn't like being done & I believed firmly that it was haram and bring texts stating such to my X, to no avail.

        (b) I have no qualms with sex before marriage, think go for it if that's what you want to do, and if I was having sex which I'm not 'cause I'm too scared to get intimate with someone at this point in my life it would probably be outside of marriage 'cause I don't want to get married again. I  have no problems with anal anymore, if you enjoy it, well good for you however it's just not my cup of tea, too many bad memories. As for beastiality and paedophilia, think both of them are wrong, wrong, wrong & anyone engaging in them need serious help as well as jail time.

        2) Homosexuality

        (a)I thought it was haram for a long time, but my X used to say that all kufaar are gay/lesbian and he'd do so in public too, and I'd be so embarrased. Towards the end of me being Muslim I'd come to the point of no longer being homophobic and became very accepting of homosexuality, even to the point where I saw a gay couple kissing once in public (less-muslim-populated area) and it made me smile, I was happy for them.
     (b) I fully support gay/lesbian/trans marriage and have a few gay/lesbian/bi and trans friends.

        3) Pork

        (a) Thought it was haram, would not eat it, thought it was poisoness & would make me stink.
        (b) Eat it all the time. YUM!!!

        4) Alcohol

        (a) Thought it was haram, bad for you, disgusting, gross, but secretly had always wanted to try it and see what it does...
        (b) Don't drink much, maybe once every 3-6 months, but when I do drink I go all the way. I like to get smashed & dance & puke my guts out. The last time I drank was Christmas Eve, drank on my own half a cask of Pina Colada and had a wonderful evening wrapping presents for the kids and watching television laughing my head off at things that weren't even the slightest bit funny. Was awesome!

        5) Modest dress code

        (a) Thought that it was fard to wear the hijab, that I was being a good person by covering up, and towards the end of my Islam got very confused over it and couldn't understand why I had to cover up. I didn't judge people who didn't wear the niqab or hijab, however I was very jealous of Lara Bingle and called her a fucking whore 'cause my X had compared my inadequate boob size to Lara Bingle's saying that he wished I had her body.
        (b) Now I couldn't care less if everyone walked naked down the street, in fact I support women being able to go topless down the street same as men, equal rights dudes! However, I still hate Lara Bingle and still think she's a fucking whore, if she hadn't been flaunting her boobs for the world to see my X would never have compared me to her... yes, I know irrational, poor Lara Bingle.

        6) Suicide bombing

        (a) Thought it was evil although at times I started to believe it because of the hours of interrogations my X would put me through regarding it. It is a painful topic for me. I was ashamed to have agreed with him at times (I agreed with my mouth not with my head although sometimes I didn't know what I believed on different subjects as he would wear me down).
        (b) Wrong, wrong, wrong.

        7) Jihad

        (a) Was confused on this one, I couldn't understand some aspects of it, saw a video online (X used to force me to watch mujahideen videos with him) of these mujahideen in Iraq shooting these police-hostages that they'd lined up blindfolded and they shot them over and over and over again whilst screaming Allahu Akbar over and over again, my X screamed out Allahu Akbar in excitement/happiness and then shouted out some other things I can't remember and I cried 'cause these were Muslims they were shooting, and I couldn't understand the joy in it, it was well and truly over-kill. That was one big moment for me when I realized that if they were killing muslims (who were bystanders in the whole thing just trying to feed their families) then there was something terribly wrong with the whole situation.

        (b) Wrong, wrong, wrong. It makes me sick.

        8 ) Other religions

        (a) Good for them, still haram and going to hell. Well I did waver sometimes on the going to hell bit as there was some contradiction in the Qu'ran regarding whether Christians and Jews would go to Janna or not.

        (b) Good for you if that works for you just don't fucking shove it down my throat or expect me to respect you if you hurt someone basing it on your religion.

        9) Mohammed

        (a) Practically worshiped him until I found out about Khaybar & his torture of those poets who spoke out against him & the age of 'Aisha when marrying him & his marriage to Saffiya & the way he treated some of his other wives too.

        (b) Think he was a dirty rotten scoundrel who conned numerous people through dirty rotten means.

        10) Allah

        (a) Loved him, wanted to obey him, wanted to make him happy, hoped to meet him in Paradise.

        (b) Doesn't exist.

        11) Circumcision/FGM

        (a) Terrified of it 'cause my X wanted me to get it done idiot2 as he considered it to be fard or at the very least mustahab, and he wanted to get our daughter done too before she reached puberty. There was no way I was going to let him do that, would've cut his dick off before I let him get our daughter circumcised. Unfortunately my son was circumcised at 3 weeks, I was so upset when it got done, I tried to stop it but my X held me back whilst I screamed in the doctor's office, my poor baby cried and cried and cried and cried and worst part about it is that the circumcision went wrong, not hugely wrong, but still went wrong so that it was somewhat flayed. After that I became totally against male circumcision except for very rare medical conditions (very rare).

        (b) Against both.

        12) Young marriage

        (a) Supported it, but not marriage before the age of 18.

        (b) What adults do is their business, but before 18 in my opinion is criminal.

        13) How you wish to be buried

        (a) Islamically.

        (b) Cremated or mummified in the Ancient Egyptian fashion.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #219 - April 26, 2012, 05:24 AM

        1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

        (a) Knew it was haram. But wouldn't mind had I done it.
        (b) I want it but I also want a meaningful relationship most people my age don't so yeah...

        2) Homosexuality

        (a) Against it but never bigoted or talked about gays except for flamboyant ones but really it was the individually who bothered me
        (b) Don't care do as you will.

        3) Pork

        (a) No
        (b) Still No.

        4) Alcohol

        (a) No
        (b) Maybe in the future for curiosity's sake.

        5) Modest dress code

        (a) Meh IDK Maybe?
        (b) I do love me some respectable women and not whores.

        6) Suicide bombing

        (a) Hell No
        (b) Never

        7) Jihad

        (a) Struggle from within is what it mean...
        (b) I don't care.

        8 ) Other religions

        (a) I knew Christianity was bullshit long before I left(thank you Answering Christianity). Judaism and others I didn't care for.
        (b) Not my worry what you believe in.

        9) Mohammed

        (a) The Prophet and a Good man. But liked Jesus better.
        (b) No, Idea who or what he did need more info on him.

        10) Allah

        (a) Up and Down muslim but I still cared and loved.
        (b) I never want anything to with the idea anymore.

        11) Circumcision/FGM

        (a) I had one so.. FGM? Huh?
        (b) Meh. Saddening

        12) Young marriage

        (a) No, get married when your ready.
        (b) Same.

        13) How you wish to be buried

        (a) Buried
        (b) Buried but most likely cremated.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #220 - May 12, 2012, 07:33 PM

    Not sure if I've replied to this. But lets see.

    1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

    (a) Sex is haram taboo or not before marriage.
    (b) If you are in a healthy committed relationship then why not. Be responsible. Try not to hurt anyone in the process....
    ....and what the hell is taboo sex?

    2) Homosexuality

    (a) Absolute haram. Falls under the same desire to fornicate or commit adultery. A disease of the heart and nafs. Can be overcome by seeking help from Allah (and therapy).
    (b) That's just how you are.

    3) Pork

    (a) Haram. There's wisdom in why it's forbidden. If Allah said it's haram then that's the end of it. No point trying to rationalise.
    (b) Ham is awesome with cheese and branston. Don't like bacon except with a burger. I like sausage roles. Tried black pudding. Didn't like it. Pork chops are good!

    4) Alcohol

    (a) Haram. A societal vice. As above Allah prohibited it for a reason, who am I to dispute?
    (b) Doesn't do anything for me. Won't go out of my way to have it. Will have it if offered socially. On those occasions I'll have a gin and tonic. Never bring it home.

    5) Modest dress code

    (a) Yep. Helps the sisters to preserve their integrity and self-respect.
    (b) Each to their own.

    6) Suicide bombing

    (a) Murder - Although I could understand why the Palestinians were dong it.
    (b) Murder - Complete insanity!

    7) Jihad

    (a) Begins with the nafs.
    (b) I still think if you are Muslim then the above applies. No doubt the traditional definition as understood also applies. I still have some of the legacy in terms of the nafs, except I see it as developing good character and cultivating virtues. A corrupted version of stoicism.

    8 ) Other religions

    (a) Clapped out old cars that will no longer take you to your destination.
    (b) Mistaken fables. Sick men's dreams. Corroded vehicles including Islam. As for the destination, it ends at the grave.

    9) Mohammed

    (a) The paragon of mankind. The reason the universe was created and completely infallible.
    (b) A seventh century Arab who united the warring tribes. Traditions claim that he founded a religion and that he had a tendency to claim that he heard voices from the heavens. Probably sincere in his belief that he did. Although more plausible clinical explanations can be given.

    10) Allah

    (a) Omnipotent, Omniscient and Benevolent creator of the universe. I prayed to him when I was plagued with doubt and asked him to heal me. I thought I was doing something wrong, hence my iman was fading.
    (b) A superfluous explanation that theologians have been attempting to prove for eons. In the same category as the Olympian pantheon and other gods who once held humanity in awe. Now I know why there was no answer and why so much indifference. There just isn't anybody there to answer.

    11) Circumcision/FGM

    (a) FGM wrong. Circumcision a must for the boys.
    (b) A barbaric practice carried out on innocent women and baby boys. I hope my kids don't inflict this on my grandchildren.

    12) Young marriage

    (a) A good deterrent to illegal sexual intercourse and a sunnah of the prophet.
    (b) If you are ready, responsible and committed then why not.

    13) How you wish to be buried

    (a) As a Muslim.
    (b) The funeral is for those that are still living. My family will take that responsibility. After all I'm not going to be in a position to object once I shuffle off this mortal coil.
  • Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #221 - January 02, 2013, 06:00 PM

    • 1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

      (a) I thought it was wrong and sometimes believed that AIDS were there to punished sinners.

      (b) Action speaks more than a thousand words, Fuck Yeaaa!

      2) Homosexuality

      (a) I can't bring myself to wronged and condemn them, though i fully understand i am supposed to do so.

      (b) No longer felt guilty about not doing so.

      3) Pork

      (a) I don't eat it because it is unhealthy and haram.

      (b) Tastes better than goat.

      4) Alcohol

      (a) I drank it since junior high, never had a problem with it. Well, it's a lesser sin compared to pre-marriage sex right?

      (b) I drink less often, had no idea why.

      5) Modest dress code

      (a) I used to think that hijab protect a women's dignity and pride. And wearing a revealing dress are the mark of sluttiness.

      (b) I guess i became indifferent about a woman outfit. (Well, i do prefer seeing chicks in mini skirts than in hijab  whistling2)

      6) Suicide bombing

      (a) Idiotic

      (b) Idiotic

      7) Jihad

      (a) I used to think of jihad being heroic, for standing up to what you loved and believed.

      (b) Well, this might be offensive but this is truly my thought about it...
      What kind of a prick who need to be promised an eternal life with 72 virgins, to stand up for your own belief?

      8 ) Other religions

      (a) I thought Islam was the true religion, and all other religions were corruptions, by the devil, of what should have been Islam from day one.

      (b) I think all religions are made by man to explain mysteries. (God of Gaps)

      9) Mohammed

      (a) I used to thing that, such a humble, compassionate, tolerant, to the point of it is impossible for a man to be that perfect.

      (b) I really had no idea what to think of him now... (this is the first time someone ask me this question, and i've been an atheist for 4 years)

      10) Allah

      (a) My fear towards allah can only be compared toward my fear toward hell. I simply fear him and his wrath.

      (b) It took me years to free myself from this fear. I enjoyed reading pictured book about jahannam now.

      11) Circumcision/FGM

      (a) I was a kid when i had a circumsicion, and i did it for the gift money (much like Ied).

      (b) It's a genital mutilation, and i'm against it.

      12) Young marriage

      (a) My parents always taught me how a human will never be completed until they are married, and convince to get married as soon as i had a stable job. And i believed so.

      (b) I'm 24 had worked for 2 years, had a nice monthly income (biggest out of my siblings  grin12), and loved being single.

      13) How you wish to be buried

      (a) The islamic way of course.

      (b) No longer care, hell i'm dead anyway.
  • Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #222 - January 02, 2013, 11:37 PM

    1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

    (a) As a Muslim this really used to haunt me. After sex, or even after jerking off, I was overwhelmed by this feeling of guilt and remorse. I felt like I let my god down, and that I gave up the creator of the Universe for finite and primitive temptations. I felt weak and horrible.

    (b) Now I'm free from this slavery of conscience. I couldn't even care less what ancient myths had to say about my sex life, by now.

    2) Homosexuality

    (a) I've never been insulted or treated badly by a gay person, but I still used to be one of those hateful, ignorant morons hating on homosexuals for no real reason. I could make one up though: They've corrupted God's nature, they are sinful etc.

    (b) Now I feel ashamed that I actually thought that, but proud that I left those values behind.

    3) Pork

    (a) I ate pork once as a Muslim and I kind of ate it without realizing it was pork. I threw up when I realized what it was.

    (b) Today I don't function without bacon.

    4) Alcohol

    (a) I started drinking way before I left Islam. And just like the sex-part, this always gave me a guilt-trip from hell. I remember, 16 years old or so, that if I drank on a Saturday, I sometimes would pray all Sunday, asking for forgiveness.

    (b) Surprise, surprise. Couldn't give a fuck less.

    6) Suicide bombing

    (a) We had a consensus within our family and our Islamic social circle, that suicide bombing isn't a practice inspired or recommended from/by Islam, hence it was immoral (remember, this is usually how Muslims determine morality, whether it is coherent/incoherent with the Quran). But whenever there where news of a kafir being killed in a suicide attack, I would hear  those regular yeahs and claps of approval from the rest of the house (c'mon, I know you all did this before!). So, I was all over the place on that one.

    7) Jihad

    (a) I was a bit of a "swinger" on this one. I would always say that jihad was just the "struggle" to inform and teach people about Islam, to oppose subjugation and oppression and to fight for righteousness, whatever this creepy term means. Then I would see news reports from Gaza, showing "Jews" killing Muslims and I would suddenly support all sorts of violence against kafirs.

    (b) Now I've a clearer stance on what the Jihad-term represents for the classical Islamic interpretations and it isn't all about this rosy missionaring about justice. It has always had this aggressive and violent meaning, meant to force unto others the religion of the creator, through violence, if not consent is offered cheaply.

    8 ) Other religions

    (a) Swinging a bit here as well. I was sometimes careless about other religions, because they weren't true anyway. Or I hated them, because they made be doubt my own religion and it would make me uncomfortable and push me out of my comfort zone. Or I would explore them, because they couldn't turn out to be better or more rewarding than Islam. But always dismissive and negative. Often criticizing other religions for the same faults that existed in my own. No ability to think out of the box, to criticize objectively or even to be as little as fair-minded.

    (b) Now, being irreligious, I could learn and criticize religions on an equal basis, nor would I feel this cringing feeling of discomfort caused by doubt and confusion when my viewpoints are challenged or discussed.

    9) Mohammed

    (a) No matter how much the elders in the family tried to drill me into anything Islamic, whether it be prayers or moral codes, I never really got a grip on this man, Muhammed. How could I really love a man I've never met, more than myself, something Islam wants you to do? How could he make religious exceptions for himself, like the numbers of wifes for example? His character and what he demanded others to do and believe, always made me suspicious, but then the well-drilled machinery I was brought up in of astagfurulahs and a'odo bilahs removed the doubts and reinserted religious certainty, followed by this sensation of comfort. This is the psychology of religion.

    (b) I see now through this man as the opportunistic, narcissistic and clearly deluded warlord he was.

    10) Allah

    (a) I really found comfort in this guy, though. I liked him. He loved the same people that I loved and hated the same people that I hated as well. As a child and even as a teenager, I was convinced that Allah would make space for me, my mother, sister, brother, best friend and whatnot in paradise, but take the classroom bully and the rapist on the newspaper to hell. The more I think of this character though, the more he was someone I put together in my imagination. So, whenever kafirs called him a made-up, non-existent, Arab desert god, I would be extremely offended.

    (b) Now, Allah is for me just an abstraction in a Muslim's imagination.

    Too much typing. I'll pass the rest.

    Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it.
  • Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #223 - March 17, 2013, 01:02 PM

       1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

        (a) Never really understood the big deal with it.
        (b) I still don't.

        2) Homosexuality

        (a) Never understood how it was wrong.
        (b) Still don't get whats wrong with it. But I do find it weird when gays are very religious, I mean why believe in something that doesn't accept who you are.

        3) Pork

        (a) I though it was dirty, and disgusting plus it's haram.
        (b) Haven't tried it yet.. I doubt it will taste good.

        4) Alcohol

        (a) HARAM.
        (b) Meh, don't care.

        5) Modest dress code

        (a) It's good because you have honor dressing modest, blablabla.
        (b) I don't think being all covered make you modest. If that's your definition of modesty then cool. Just don't be such a jerk towards those who don't cover up and calling them hoes.

       6) Suicide bombing

        (a) It's wrong.
        (b) Still wrong.

        7) Jihad

        (a) Never cared about it before.
        (b) Wrong.

        8 ) Other religions

        (a) I've always been interested in other religions, but though that Islam was the right one.
        (b) The only religions i'm interested in now is just mythologies like the greek/roman/nordic etc. Others suck ass.

        9) Mohammed

        (a) The nicest guy ever.
        (b) You know what? Scratch that. He sucks.

        10) Allah

        (a) Creator of all, who must be feared!
        (b) Pfft, I thought he was merciful? Sending unbelievers in eternal hellfire doesn't sound merciful to me.

        11) Circumcision/FGM

        (a) Wrong, and unislamic. Some fucked up culture thing.
        (b)Wrong, and fucked up. Read the hadiths about it, mind blown.

        12) Young marriage

        (a) It's a stupid culture thing.
        (b) Still thinks it's wrong and no it's not a culture thing.

        13) How you wish to be buried

        (a) Never thought of that.
        (b) Still haven't though of that lol.
  • Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #224 - March 17, 2013, 02:51 PM

    I'm not an ex-muslim (just yet) but I think this would be interesting to do to see if my views have changed any...

    1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

    (a) Haram, but it kinda happened. With different people. I spent a lot of time really regretting it and worrying what my future muslim husband would think and whether I'd tell him.

    (b) If you're gonna regret it in the morning, don't do it! I've seen too many friends regret their decision in the morning when they're sober. I don't regret my decisions any more and recently I've begun to worry less about this mystery muslim man, because I sincerely doubt I'm gonna marry one. Also in terms of taboo sex, thats the poo poo hole so I'm not interested. (Grosses me out thinking about it, but thats a personal opinion, if you like it and can do it, good on ya!)

    2) Homosexuality

    (a) Haram, but I would never judge/hate a non-muslim for being gay. I didn't think you could be muslim and gay.

    (b) Do what you want, so long as you don't talk to me about the poo-poo hole. Still not sure you can be muslim and gay. I don't understand how someone could hold onto their beliefs while doing something that God would hate. Sort of how I feel about my religion at the minute. If God has a plan for me, then why is he letting me be "bad"? Why is he making me hurt my family so much now? Why isn't he answering my prayers?

    3) Pork

    (a) Doesn't smell good. Would wash shared dishes 3/7 times if they had been used for pork/haram meat. Didn't judge anybody for eating it.

    (b) Haven't tried it, don't know if I will. Bf keeps telling me its delicious, but he'd never pressure me to try it. I no longer wash dishes a stupid number of times, however if I'm cooking a shared meal it doesn't contain pork.

    4) Alcohol

    (a) Regardless of religion I didn't want to try it, I didn't like the way my friends acted when they were wasted. I was too much of a control freak and never want to be out of control of myself.

    (b) The bf doesn't drink but I spend a lot of time thinking about what it would be like to try it.

    5) Modest dress code

    (a) Short sleeve tops were ok, feet were ok, face was ok, hair was ok. Kept my parents happy by staying within those rules. Wore a hijab and abaya for 2 years or so, but stopped praying so I stopped wearing hijab.

    (b) Fine with whatever as long as you look classy. Not a fan of the hobag look. Still dress respectfully around parents.

    6) Suicide bombing

    (a) Not ok.

    (b) Not ok.

    7) Jihad

    (a) Great believer in the lesser Jihad. You didn't need to go out and do stupid things and have stupid wars, you just needed to focus on pleasing Allah.

    (b) Silly idea, just focus on being a good person and not upsetting people.

    8 ) Other religions

    (a) Tolerant of other religions, but they were false and non-believer would end up in hell.

    (b) Believe whatever you want, but don't force your beliefs onto me.

    9) Mohammed

    (a) Greatest guy ever.

    (b) Not too sure.

    10) Allah

    (a) Merciful, would forgive me if I was truly sorry.

    (b) I've spent a lot of time praying to him for guidance and for help. I am yet to receive any. Makes me sad that he has a plan for us all, yet for me it seems that his plan is that I spend my time hurting and disappointing my parents. I've been a failure in their eyes since I was 15. I'm now in my early 20's and still failing them.

    11) Circumcision/FGM

    (a) Circumcision = the done thing.
         FGM = no no

    (b) Circumcision - If I ever have kids I'd discuss it with the father and make a decision. I don't have a willy therefore I don't know what its like to clean a willy, if it does make it easier to clean then maybe it is an option.
         FGM still = no no

    12) Young marriage

    (a) Was never exposed to it, but have been told by parents that I need to be engaged by the age of 24 otherwise nobody will want me.

    (b) Not acceptable, get married whenever is right for you.

    13) How you wish to be buried

    (a) Islamically?

    (b) Dunno.

  • Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #225 - August 20, 2014, 11:33 PM


    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #226 - August 21, 2014, 02:08 AM

    I want to answer this. Need to be on a different device. Thanks, Quod.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #227 - August 21, 2014, 05:24 AM


    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #228 - August 21, 2014, 02:51 PM

    1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

    (a) I don't remember what views I held as a muslim about sex.
    (b) Now marriage doesn't hold a meaning for me, therefore sex before or after marriage doesn't make a difference. I seriously don't understand how sex, considered evil, becomes a legal thing soon after you recite a few words in arabic.

    2) Homosexuality

    (a) I don't remember.
    (b).But when my faith started trembling, I started to learn more about sexuality. I realized that people can be homosexuals, bisexuals etc..
    I have no problem with them, why should I judge someone based on their sexuality?

    3) Pork

    (a) I was told that pigs eat their own excrements. As a muslim I found the idea of eating such animal repulsive. Sometimes I just wanted to throw up, as soon as I saw someone eating it.
    (b)  When it comes to food, I find it hard to come out of a certain mindset. I tried it twice , but swallowed it.
    Work in progress...

    4) Alcohol

    (a) As a muslim I was ok with the prohibition of alcohol for two reasons:
    First, if you are not sober, you are more likely to engage in sexual behaviour.
    Second, it is unhealthy.
    (b)  Now I wouldn't mind having alcohol. But of course in moderation.

    5) Modest dress code

    (a) I didn't like the modest dress code even as  a muslim.  I wanted to buy shorts and skirts, because I found them really cute. I rebelled when my parents decided that it was time for me to wear the hijab and to wear long shirts so that my butt was not visible. Lol
    (b) Now, because of the modest dress code I have self-esteem problems. I  found it ridiculous how someone could impose such restrictions. It is disgusting to see how even little girls (the age of 8!!) are prohibited  to wear too “revealing” clothes.  Basically, women are sexualized at the tender age of 8...

    6) Suicide bombing

    (a) I used to think it was a pretty cool way to get the free ticket for heaven. Basically, it is a short-cut! As a muslim I really wanted someone to kill me, so I wouldn't have had to worry about ending up in hell.
    (b) Now I realize how ridiculous it is, because hell and heaven is just a mental creation.

    7) Jihad

    (a) I don't remember. I was taught that Islam is a peaceful religion.
    (b) Now, I realize that I was told the biggest lie ever.

    8 ) Other religions

    (a) As a muslim I didn't like the fact that Christianity was the world's largest religion. I wanted Islam to be at such position. And when I learned about religions outside of the abrahamic group, I wasn't comfortable with their existence. I wondered, how could they possible not accept Islam as their religion? But as soon as I started comparing different religions with one another...
    (b) I learnt that it was all man-made.  If God was real, Islam would have been the first and last religion. But of course life is a test, yadda yadda yadda...

    9) Mohammed

    (a) As a Muslim I wasn't aware of the fact that Mo married a kid, therefore I sort of worshipped him. I was never taught about the bad things he did. I was shown just one side of the coin (the good deeds).
    (b) but one day I typed in Google “what do you think of prophet Mohammed ?”, I couldn't believe what I was reading.  What a disgusting person.

    10) Allah

    (a) He used to be my friend. I would ask him to help me, when I was in a difficult situation.
    (b)but now...I realize that it is just product of a human mind. So similar to us, because he needs recognition, he wants us to kneel before him, he gets angry if we disobey etc..

    11) Circumcision/FGM

    (a) I don't remember.
    (b) It's just a way to control female sexuality and of course Im against it. Also, no one has the right to decide for someone else. It is my body and I decide for myself.

    12) Young marriage

    (a) What do you mean by it? Like, marriage between minors, or a minor with an adult?

    13) How you wish to be buried

    (a) Islamically of course.
    (b) Now, to be honest I would like my body to be mummified Cheesy
  • Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #229 - August 22, 2014, 12:13 AM

      1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

        (a) Thought it was a good idea to discourage it, a good way to keep the STDs down
        (b) Your choice!

        2) Homosexuality

        (a) I grew up with a gay parent, and the gay couples I knew stayed together for the most part and raised kids far better behaved than I or my friends born to straight parents, so I tried to understand the Islamic view, but never quite got there.
        (b) I am supportive of gay, trans, bi. They have a tough road, still.

        3) Pork

        (a) I don't eat meat, and most meat smells nasty to me, so I always disliked this.
        (b) If I start eating meat, this will not be one of the ones I go through the acclimation process for.

        4) Alcohol

        (a) I had quit drinking as soon as I reached adulthood, so I was glad it was haram.
        (b) I will never drink. My family has enough alcoholics to scare the crap out of me.

       5) Modest dress code

        (a) I was grateful to have a religious excuse to drop out of the fashion race. I kept my eyes off of exposed flesh.
        (b) I realized that keeping my gaze down for over a decade had actually made me hypersensitive to exposed flesh, and I am trying to undo the damage.

       6) Suicide bombing

        (a) Suicide bombing is crazy.
        (b) Suicide bombing is crazy.

       7) Jihad

        (a) Fell for the apologist line about jihad only now applying to inner struggles against nafs and the like.
        (b) Recognize jihad as sanctioned by Quran and Sunnah and wish it were not!

        8 ) Other religions

        (a) Felt it was my responsibility to introduce people to Islam, so they could hear the message of the True Religion.
        (b) Now I think religion is abuse. I feel teaching a child to believe something untrue is dishonest, deceptive, willful abuse.

        9) Mohammed

        (a) Poor hero who was vilified by his enemies and those who did not understand his great purpose.
        (b) Egotistical, greedy, bloodthirsty, sick man.

        10) Allah

        (a) The beneficent, the merciful.
        (b) Selfish, vengeful, shortsighted. Could not possibly be Divine.

       11) Circumcision/FGM

        (a) Did not understand the issue. Assumed it was cultural and on it's way out of fashion.
        (b) Mutilation that is perpetuated by religion, among other things, and wrong no matter what the excuse. Including MGM, unless you have  medical history of issues in the family.

        12) Young marriage

        (a) Assumed it was a cultural and class issue.
        (b) Now I understand it is another issue of an abuse sanctioned and perpetuated by religion.

        13) How you wish to be buried

        (a) Traditional Muslim burial.
        (b) Just burn me up and skip the ceremony.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #230 - August 22, 2014, 04:57 AM

    Isn't that last cells to mature thing rubbish?  When do hair and finger nails mature?  I thought all cells changed every seven years.

    Are you saying women do not grow once they have periods?

    When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.

    A.A. Milne,

    "We cannot slaughter each other out of the human impasse"
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