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 Topic: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim

 (Read 46784 times)
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  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #60 - July 22, 2009, 05:03 PM

    Did you know removing the hood is supposed to make orgasm easier?

    Not what I have heard, as I would assume removing part of a sensitive area would make it harder

    Also, since when did a man have to be able to last longer to make a woman orgasm?

    Didnt say that, I said more likely, which stands to reason.

    If the foreplay is right, I would orgasm from instant penetration.  Infact even without any foreplay I could orgasm in less than 5 minutes depending on my level of arousal.

    I am sure you and many women have, but we are talking about with imperfect men

    The amount of time spent dry humping her doesn't = the better orgasm.

    I am not talking about a better orgasm, just a more likely one.  I agree  technique is a more important factor, but if the technique is the same then duration becomes more important.  I agree that you could go on all night, and she might not achieve orgasm, and conversely it is possible that she might achieve an orgasm in less than a minute.

    For the minor procedure that it is, and after considering the pros & cons, I just dont feel strong enough to want to ban the practice.  Its not just Islamic culture, remember most of America have volountarily chosen circumcision too.

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  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #61 - July 22, 2009, 05:05 PM

    I went for an hour without cumming, different positions and speeds, took a few breaks to lick and such, she got sore. Tongue

    Wow, your tank must have been empty.  You might want to use lubrication next time  Afro

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  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #62 - July 22, 2009, 07:56 PM

    1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

    (a) Obviously sex before marriage was haraam so I was against.
    (b) You don't need a marriage certificate to tell you your committed.

    2) Homosexuality

    (a) Again, it's haraam, so I followed the law.
    (b) I don't believe in victimless crimes, and homosexuality is victimless.

    3) Pork

    (a) Same.
    (b) Eat it to your heart's content.

    4) Alcohol

    (a) Same.
    (b) If you want to drink it, I'm not going to look down on you anymore, but I personally consume very little.

    5) Modest dress code

    (a) I believed in a modest dress code for women which believed hijaab and jilbaab/long skirt was compulsory, but not niqaab. Men only had to cover the torso to the kneecap, which I observed quite easily.
    (b) I like modest dress, but modest dress that can still be beautiful or even sexy. Personally my fashion sense hasn't changed but I was always into fashion even as a Muslim.

    6) Suicide bombing

    (a) When I first converted to Islam I believed 9/11 was a victory for Muslims. However, when 9/11 happened I wasn't a Muslim, and I grieved, so when I became Muslim I didn't have much enthusiasm about it, it was just a change in my formal beliefs. For most of my time as a Muslim I was against suicide bombing. Suicide to me was haraam, and wanting to die, no matter what the reason, constituted sin.
    (b) I've kept my same beliefs as I was during the most part of me being a Muslim.

    7) Jihad

    (a) Never really got to understand the true definition of this word. If you take it to mean holy war, well as long as that war is morally justified then I didn't have a problem.
    (b) As long as a war is morally justified it is okay. I see it as a last resort though.

    8 ) Other religions

    (a) They were false. I respected members of other religions though. Sometimes I would actually admire non-Muslim religious believers more than Muslim religious believers that I knew.
    (b) Organized religion in general is not good for society or the individual. A free and open society and a free and open individual that is not restricted by organized religion is preferable.

    9) Mohammed

    (a) Almost an idol. I always felt closer to Jesus for some reason, but nevertheless, the mercy of Muhammad made me cry.
    (b) A shady figure who did a lot of iffy things and sometimes downright wrong. There are plenty of better people in the world.

    10) Allah

    (a) My lord and savior. I had a relationship with this guy like no other. He was my best friend, father, patron. I loved him with all my heart and he occupied my mind every minute of the day.
    (b) Allah/God might well exist, but he must be so different to us that he cannot have any significance in our lives.

    11) Circumcision/FGM

    (a) Never had it. Sometimes I was told that it was compulsory, sometimes I was told I didn't have to have it anymore on health grounds, because apparently at my age there is an increased danger of death from circumcision. I never believed female circumcision was compulsory.
    (b) I don't think it is worth it.

    12) Young marriage

    (a) Didn't matter, as long as you got married at some point. As long as you don't leave it until your too old to have kids.
    (b) Get married whenever you want. As long as your over the lower age limit ofcourse.

    13) How you wish to be buried

    (a) I wanted to be buried in a Muslim cemetry following the Islamic procedures.
    (b) I want to live forever.

    The unlived life is not worth examining.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #63 - July 22, 2009, 08:05 PM

    In fairness some of our cahnges are as result of our growing  maturity, as opposed to our apostacy.  Although some of these are as a direct result, with others its difficult to guage if there is a causal relationship.

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  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #64 - July 22, 2009, 08:08 PM

    (b) As a non muslim I understand why I never connected with the allah persona, it's because he isn't real lol.

    That isn't true. You can develop very deep and very real emotions for an imaginary friend/enemy.

    The unlived life is not worth examining.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #65 - July 22, 2009, 08:09 PM

    I wasn't aware of the hadiths supporting it.

    There are hadeeths that support FGM? Which ones?

    The unlived life is not worth examining.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #66 - July 22, 2009, 08:14 PM

    There is a hadith from Abu Dawood's collection about a woman who used to perform female circumcision. And Muhammad told her not to cut too much because it is better for the woman and for the husband. But Abu Dawood, who narrated the hadith, also stated that the authenticity was poor.

    Abu Dawood, whose version differs in phraseology from the above-quoted one, says in commenting on this hadith: "It is reported in its general sense on the authority of Ubaidellah ibn Amr ibn Abd al-Malik. Its chain of transmitters is not strong. Besides, it is reported not as a direct quote attributed to the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, ?This hadith is poor in authenticity" (Abu Dawood?s sunan, XIII, 125?26).

    Religion - The hot potato that looked delicious but ended up burning your mouth!

    Knock your head on the ground, don't be miserly in your prayers, listen to your Sidi Sheikh, Allahu Akbar! - Lounes Matoub
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #67 - July 22, 2009, 08:29 PM

    1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex

    (a) a Sin
    (b) as long as the two are in love, it's fine.

    2) Homosexuality

    (a) a sin
    (b) as long as the two are in love, it's fine.

    So are you against promiscuity?

    The unlived life is not worth examining.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #68 - July 22, 2009, 08:33 PM

    That isn't true. You can develop very deep and very real emotions for an imaginary friend/enemy.

    Usually by convincing yourself in some way that they are real.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #69 - July 22, 2009, 08:34 PM

    (b)opposed to old men marrying young girls, but kids marrying kids is ok, if it's legal where they live.

    Kids marrying kids is okay? Are you sure they should be allowed to be making such decisions at such a young age?

    The unlived life is not worth examining.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #70 - July 22, 2009, 08:40 PM

    There is a hadith from Abu Dawood's collection about a woman who used to perform female circumcision. And Muhammad told her not to cut too much because it is better for the woman and for the husband. But Abu Dawood, who narrated the hadith, also stated that the authenticity was poor.

    There's more hadeeths than that which deal with FGM.  There's one from Muslim which refers to intercourse as "when the circumcised parts touch each other", and another which refers to circumcision as obligatory for men and an honour for women.

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #71 - July 22, 2009, 08:46 PM

    I eat sushi, but I wouldn't eat raw meat.

    The first time I was taken to a restaurant, I ordered a rare steak because I thought it meant rare, as in not usual, something rare  Cheesy , when it turned up all bloody I started cracking up at my stupidity.  dance


    The unlived life is not worth examining.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #72 - July 22, 2009, 08:51 PM

     Cry  hugs

    What you crying for lol?

    The unlived life is not worth examining.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #73 - July 22, 2009, 08:56 PM

    There's more hadeeths than that which deal with FGM.  There's one from Muslim which refers to intercourse as "when the circumcised parts touch each other", and another which refers to circumcision as obligatory for men and an honour for women.

    That's the only one I knew of. Have you got them per chance?

    Religion - The hot potato that looked delicious but ended up burning your mouth!

    Knock your head on the ground, don't be miserly in your prayers, listen to your Sidi Sheikh, Allahu Akbar! - Lounes Matoub
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #74 - July 22, 2009, 09:03 PM

    Also, since when did a man have to be able to last longer to make a woman orgasm?

    If the foreplay is right, I would orgasm from instant penetration.  Infact even without any foreplay I could orgasm in less than 5 minutes depending on my level of arousal.

    I've only ever orgasmed once from sex. Many women have problems orgasming from sex even if the foreplay was good.

    How does this relate to surgery anyway?
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #75 - July 22, 2009, 09:09 PM

    Usually by convincing yourself in some way that they are real.

    But you believed Allah was real when you were a Muslim, right? Yet you say that the reason why you didn't feel anything for Allah was exactly because he wasn't real. It must be some other reason.

    The unlived life is not worth examining.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #76 - July 22, 2009, 09:12 PM

    Why does she need to feel anything for Allah when she was a muslim?
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #77 - July 22, 2009, 09:14 PM

    She doesn't... I'm just saying the reason she didn't feel anything is NOT because Allah isn't real.

    The unlived life is not worth examining.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #78 - July 22, 2009, 09:15 PM

    Yes it is...
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #79 - July 22, 2009, 09:17 PM

    lol no it isn't. If it was then how come people with imaginary friends actually feel real feelings for them?

    The unlived life is not worth examining.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #80 - July 22, 2009, 09:18 PM

    Because some are able to do that but not all. If god was real why would he leave you in the dark like that when you are calling for him?
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #81 - July 22, 2009, 09:22 PM

    Maybe he is sadistic or ignorant...

    I'm just saying that just because a figure isn't actually real, that doesn't mean that you can't feel something for them. But Berbs said that she now knows why she never felt anything for Allah even though other people did and she says the reason is because Allah never existed in the first place. Just sayin'...

    The unlived life is not worth examining.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #82 - July 22, 2009, 09:53 PM

    Well if he is sadistic then he isn't worth acknowledging Tongue But when you're religious and you think f him as caring then it is only fair that he responds. Berbs is atheist now so her answer would be that he doesn't exist Wink
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #83 - July 22, 2009, 10:07 PM

    I've only ever orgasmed once from sex. Many women have problems orgasming from sex even if the foreplay was good.

    Yep,  I think it is only possible for a women to do so when men are in a certain position

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  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #84 - July 22, 2009, 10:30 PM

    I eat sushi, but I wouldn't eat raw meat.

    Sig worthy.  whistling2
    Question: what are fish made of?

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #85 - July 22, 2009, 10:41 PM

    In fairness to Berbs, we sometimes declassify fish and treat it as a separate entity to meat e.g. when we list proteins, the main ones are often listed as red meat, white meat, fish, eggs & milk.

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  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #86 - July 22, 2009, 11:09 PM

    Yep,  I think it is only possible for a women to do so when men are in a certain position

    Or if they have a g-spot, not all women do.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #87 - July 22, 2009, 11:10 PM

    I didnt know that - in that case perhaps not.

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  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #88 - July 22, 2009, 11:12 PM

    Sig worthy.  whistling2
    Question: what are fish made of?

    Back when I was a vegetarian I still ate fish.  They're not really meat.

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: Please show how you think differently now that you are an ex muslim
     Reply #89 - July 22, 2009, 11:13 PM

    Well if he is sadistic then he isn't worth acknowledging Tongue But when you're religious and you think f him as caring then it is only fair that he responds. Berbs is atheist now so her answer would be that he doesn't exist Wink

    I think we're diverging from the point.

    Berbs said that the REASON why she wasn't feeling anything for Allah is BECAUSE he never existed in the first place.

    If you accept this, then you must accept that it is impossible to develop strong emotional feelings for imaginary friends. But clearly people do develop strong emotional feelings for imaginary friends. And I'm sure 2 billion Muslims around the world will give testament that they feel something deeply emotional for Allah. The fact that they think Allah is real does NOT MATTER. The fact is that IN REALITY Allah does not exist and yet they still have strong emotional feelings for them.

    I hope that clears it up.

    The unlived life is not worth examining.
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