As an Ex Hindu instead of Muslim:
1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex
(a) Wanted it since I were 12
(b) Anyone can have sex so long as it is consensual.
2) Homosexuality
(a) Realised I were gay at age 4. yes, 4. 3+1, 5-1, or 2+2.
(b) No one has managed to cure me yet so I still like my butt being penetrated.
Pork Beef
(a) Thou Shalt Not Eat beef.
(b) Ewwww, beef is still yucky sounding to me.
4) Alcohol
(a) Father was a drunkard who said I couldnt ever drink any myself.
(b) Became a pisshead for a few years at university, later realising I had a balance disorder so no more drinking was allowed.
5) Modest dress code
(a) I liked hot men in underpants from age 4.
(b) Now I like hot men with no underpants.
6) Suicide bombing
(a) Didnt know what it was
(b) If your going to kill yourself, please do it without harming anyone else.
7) Jihad
(a) Didnt know what it was.
(b) I want a Jihad against all religious people, if that is possible.
8 ) Other religions
(a) Didnt care about them
(b) Religion is a mental disorder.
9) Mohammed
(a) Prophet of God.
(b) Prophet of God who maybe ate too many shrooms and had hallucinations of angels.
10) Allah
(a) Didnt know what Allah was.
(b) The Islamic word for God.
11) Circumcision/FGM
(a) Please dont snip my pee pee place :(
(b) Thank you for not snipping my pee pee place. Docking is epic fun and hot

12) Young marriage
(b) Young people can marry if they choose too and it isnt arranged.
13) How you wish to be buried
(a) Buried in a Cemetary
(b) No longer want to be buried and want my entire body donated to Science to with as they please. When I die, my funeral will have to continuosly play 'Ding Dong The Witch is Dead' at as LOUD a volume as possible, so loud that no one can hear anyone speak or say a word throughout the ceremony and that as many people outside can hear it as possible. I want people to be glad, happy, and celebrating that I have died.