1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex(a) Unavoidable, but felt guilty. Not as guilty as it was supposed to be tho, kind of felt like God wouldn't mind that much
(b) It is great, as long as it is consensual it can be a one night stand or romantic relationship, dont care or judge
2) Homosexuality(a) Never could make myself hate homosexuals, but kind of feel ashamed by them. I thought God would take them to heaven in the end. I have always been naturally humanist for some reason dont know
(b) It doesn't concern or bother me, anyone can do as they want, and gays can be really cool
3) Pork(a) Haram and disgusting
(b) Haven't tried it yet, I wouldn't ask for it specifically just to say fuck you Islam- it is ok but would be childish a little bit-- but if it comes in a dish i would try, dont think i will like it tho, we 'll see
4) Alcohol(a) Haram, but always curious about it, wanted to try it a lot but didn't
(b) Drink time to time for fun, to get drunk, but wouldn't prefer a drinking life style.
5) Modest dress code(a) Never liked, often hated it, but obeyed --fucking still obeying!--, it has always been hard on me, felt it was unfair to women. Always hated the burqa, niqab tho, only accepted moderate style, always felt like Islam isnt that harsh as to ask us to wear burqas or even if it did, a reform was natural and good, we were the children of our times after all. It isolates one so much, hate it!!
(b) Hate it, the Islamic kind of imposed moderation I mean, otherwise I find it silly to wear like a stripper at the office or an official ceremony.
6) Suicide bombing(a) Felt it was against Islam, even if wasn't against it I still never could approve it. It was a means to manipulate some naive people into serving your own retarded agenda
(b) Find it stupid, a tool exploited by some bad people who have some sort of agenda, even they really had good intentions-- except the killing innocents as a result-- i can't understand how they can't see that it never worked nor will ever work.
7) Jihad(a) Thought it was misinterpreted, it was meant to battle with your ego and non-Muslims in science, technology etc. But then again, I later came to understand that Quran really means the Jihad as in killing kaffirs, i was disgusted by the idea, hated being part of thing that favors it
(b) Horrible, wish there was a way to make people see how they are being brainwashed
8 ) Other religions(a) They were corrupted, but had empathy for all the members of Religions of the Book, it was the atheist who were the true idiots lol, look at me now. Didn't bother much about it tho, didn't mind having foreign friends, couldn't make myself hate others despite the teachings that I should stay away from non-Muslims as much as possible.
(b) All religions are man made bullshit, but it is true Christianity is more peaceful, doesn't make it any good in my eyes yet
9) Mohammed(a) God created the universe for the love of him. Felt cheated as he didn't earn that love, just born to it. Why I couldn't be the one God loved? He was our role model, the perfect example of humans.
(b) Hate him with a vengeance! He was smart though, shaped, started this bullshit, but the imams, hodjas after him did far more damage actually
10) Allah(a) I loved him but always thought he was really harsh and doesn't explain anything. Believed he would put me in heaven in the end no matter what, cos he loved me

(b) Agnostic atheist just for the sake of a maybe, otherwise purely atheist. Don't think he does but if he exists he is either an entity who doesn't give a crap to anyone or anything, so no test, afterlife etc or he is the God Islam defines, but he isn't merciful or great, instead he is a cruel, spoiled, imperfect God who is also a liar.
11) Circumcision/FGM(a) Was ok with circ.. Thought there wasn't such a thing as FGM in Islam. Found the idea horrible.
(b) Circ. is still ok but must be left to choice, wouldn't force my child to do it, should be up to him. I myself prefer it circumcised. FGM is still horrible and should be banned.
12) Young marriage(a) Against. I was aware that Islam encouraged it but didn't like the idea still. Hated when girls of 11 -12 or smt. were forced into marrying perverts, always thought of it was a cultural thing rather than religious --based on the regions where it was most applied-- but religion provided them the perfect excuse.
(b) Even when it has nothing to do with religion I am against it, I would try to stop my child from doing it, in a good way if i can
13) How you wish to be buried(a) Like a Muslim, usual ceremony, but if possible in Madinah lol:P
(b) I would like to be cremated after donating my organs, but it wont happen unfortunately.