1) Sex before marriage and taboo sex
(a) I thought sex before marriage was wrong, although I didn't judge those who did it. I couldn't understand why I was judged so harshly for being a non-virgin considering the fact that I had not consented and not had a choice in the matter. I was considered damaged goods, which although didn't stop my X from marrying me, he did bring it up alot during our marriage, saying that if I had been a virgin that I would've been "tighter". Motherfucking arsehole. So yeah, I didn't judge people who had sex before marriage, but did think people should wait. As for people having affairs, I couldn't understand that, thought that was wrong, wrong, wrong. As for anal, bestiality, and paedophilia, thought all of those were wrong, evil, haram etc... I protested often about anal sex as it was something I didn't like being done & I believed firmly that it was haram and bring texts stating such to my X, to no avail.
(b) I have no qualms with sex before marriage, think go for it if that's what you want to do, and if I was having sex which I'm not 'cause I'm too scared to get intimate with someone at this point in my life it would probably be outside of marriage 'cause I don't want to get married again. I have no problems with anal anymore, if you enjoy it, well good for you however it's just not my cup of tea, too many bad memories. As for beastiality and paedophilia, think both of them are wrong, wrong, wrong & anyone engaging in them need serious help as well as jail time.
2) Homosexuality
(a)I thought it was haram for a long time, but my X used to say that all kufaar are gay/lesbian and he'd do so in public too, and I'd be so embarrased. Towards the end of me being Muslim I'd come to the point of no longer being homophobic and became very accepting of homosexuality, even to the point where I saw a gay couple kissing once in public (less-muslim-populated area) and it made me smile, I was happy for them.
(b) I fully support gay/lesbian/trans marriage and have a few gay/lesbian/bi and trans friends.
3) Pork
(a) Thought it was haram, would not eat it, thought it was poisoness & would make me stink.
(b) Eat it all the time. YUM!!!
4) Alcohol
(a) Thought it was haram, bad for you, disgusting, gross, but secretly had always wanted to try it and see what it does...
(b) Don't drink much, maybe once every 3-6 months, but when I do drink I go all the way. I like to get smashed & dance & puke my guts out. The last time I drank was Christmas Eve, drank on my own half a cask of Pina Colada and had a wonderful evening wrapping presents for the kids and watching television laughing my head off at things that weren't even the slightest bit funny. Was awesome!
5) Modest dress code
(a) Thought that it was fard to wear the hijab, that I was being a good person by covering up, and towards the end of my Islam got very confused over it and couldn't understand why I had to cover up. I didn't judge people who didn't wear the niqab or hijab, however I was very jealous of Lara Bingle and called her a fucking whore 'cause my X had compared my inadequate boob size to Lara Bingle's saying that he wished I had her body.
(b) Now I couldn't care less if everyone walked naked down the street, in fact I support women being able to go topless down the street same as men, equal rights dudes! However, I still hate Lara Bingle and still think she's a fucking whore, if she hadn't been flaunting her boobs for the world to see my X would never have compared me to her... yes, I know irrational, poor Lara Bingle.
6) Suicide bombing
(a) Thought it was evil although at times I started to believe it because of the hours of interrogations my X would put me through regarding it. It is a painful topic for me. I was ashamed to have agreed with him at times (I agreed with my mouth not with my head although sometimes I didn't know what I believed on different subjects as he would wear me down).
(b) Wrong, wrong, wrong.
7) Jihad
(a) Was confused on this one, I couldn't understand some aspects of it, saw a video online (X used to force me to watch mujahideen videos with him) of these mujahideen in Iraq shooting these police-hostages that they'd lined up blindfolded and they shot them over and over and over again whilst screaming Allahu Akbar over and over again, my X screamed out Allahu Akbar in excitement/happiness and then shouted out some other things I can't remember and I cried 'cause these were Muslims they were shooting, and I couldn't understand the joy in it, it was well and truly over-kill. That was one big moment for me when I realized that if they were killing muslims (who were bystanders in the whole thing just trying to feed their families) then there was something terribly wrong with the whole situation.
(b) Wrong, wrong, wrong. It makes me sick.
8 ) Other religions
(a) Good for them, still haram and going to hell. Well I did waver sometimes on the going to hell bit as there was some contradiction in the Qu'ran regarding whether Christians and Jews would go to Janna or not.
(b) Good for you if that works for you just don't fucking shove it down my throat or expect me to respect you if you hurt someone basing it on your religion.
9) Mohammed
(a) Practically worshiped him until I found out about Khaybar & his torture of those poets who spoke out against him & the age of 'Aisha when marrying him & his marriage to Saffiya & the way he treated some of his other wives too.
(b) Think he was a dirty rotten scoundrel who conned numerous people through dirty rotten means.
10) Allah
(a) Loved him, wanted to obey him, wanted to make him happy, hoped to meet him in Paradise.
(b) Doesn't exist.
11) Circumcision/FGM
(a) Terrified of it 'cause my X wanted me to get it done

as he considered it to be fard or at the very least mustahab, and he wanted to get our daughter done too before she reached puberty. There was no way I was going to let him do that, would've cut his dick off before I let him get our daughter circumcised. Unfortunately my son was circumcised at 3 weeks, I was so upset when it got done, I tried to stop it but my X held me back whilst I screamed in the doctor's office, my poor baby cried and cried and cried and cried and worst part about it is that the circumcision went wrong, not hugely wrong, but still went wrong so that it was somewhat flayed. After that I became totally against male circumcision except for very rare medical conditions (very rare).
(b) Against both.
12) Young marriage
(a) Supported it, but not marriage before the age of 18.
(b) What adults do is their business, but before 18 in my opinion is criminal.
13) How you wish to be buried
(a) Islamically.
(b) Cremated or mummified in the Ancient Egyptian fashion.