I also didn't like the way that so many Asians tried to be "Arab" - it seemed demeaning to them and it didn't seem right.
I am going to give you a list of things that wind me up now.
I know it shouldn't, but now it really irritates me when I see asian men and converts wearing a thawb. Religion should be about what you believe, not what you look like. How does dressing like a seventh century arab make you more holy than wearing jeans and a t shirt?
My cousin was saying that at some point, he aims for his deen to be so strong, that he does not talk to any non Mahrams. Which led him onto a whole spiel about how the Pakistani family system is immoral and totally unislamic as non Mahrams mix all the time, and sometimes even live in the same house.
My other cousin, who is a salafi, who's favourite subject is how "jahil" Pakistanis and Indians are. He finds it so easy to talk about how Pakistanis and Indian Muslims practice their own, personal religions, but never has anything to say about how Arab governments treat their people, or about radical Islam.
The fact that you have Muslims who don't even understand Arabic, and who can't even read it properly, yet talk about how beautiful and moving it. They are obviously talking crap and just saying that because that is the official line. When I listen to "99 luftballons", it doesn't spark any emotions because I don't understand what Nina is on about!
My rant is over!