Interesting - so you are kind of Sufi - or at least share the beliefs of some Sufis that God can be incarnate within us (Like Hallaj when he shouted "Ana Allah, Ana Allah - I am Allah I am Allah...)
Yeah?..I know him a famous Sufi of the 10th Century, Mansur Al-Hallaj. He was executed in 922 AD for having stated:
Anal Al-Haq..I am the Truth.Though you of course you do know that you will be regarded as a heretic by most Muslims following orthodox Islam?
I was accused of being heretics
by Muslim as an Apostate, Atheist, Kafr (Unbeliever) and so on. It doesn?t matter to me. For me the most important thing between Supreme Being and me. As Allah has said:
I am as My servant thinks of Me, and I am with him when he remembers Me. If he remembers Me in private, I remember him within Myself. If he remembers me in company, I remember him in better company.