Oh yay, Burbs had a date! How exciting!

I'm still in the long process of moving and have really no time to be online except at work (yes finally got a job, but it's only temporary, and the pay is crap cuz it's an internship), and I try not to do personal-related stuff there too much. Soooo don't know how often I'll be able to check in here.
Talking about interests, how is that list of Do's u started a while back?
Haha, I suppose it's about time to get that list in circulation again, especially if anyone has more stuff to add:
1. eat non-halal meat
2. eat pork
3. drink alcohol
4. attend events where alcohol is served
5. celebrate holidays
6. celebrate anniversaries
7. attend a funeral
8. go to a salon without needing a private room
9. dye my hair black
10. get acrylics
11. paint my fingernails and toenails
12. pluck my eyebrows
13. get a brazilian wax
14. get cosmetic surgery
15. wear makeup in public
16. wear perfume in public
17. sing in public
18. date
19. have sex
20. have anal sex
21. masturbate
22. walk around my house naked
23. marry a non-Muslim
24. get a tattoo
25. have statues/figurines
26. have photos on the wall
27. have a dog
28. pet or hold a dog
29. travel alone
30. earn interest
31. pay interest
32. eat during the day in Ramadan
33. eat and drink with either hand
34. sleep on my stomach
35. sleep through fajr
36. wear normal clothes
37. wear clothes that fit
38. go to a rock concert or festival
39. dance in public
40. flirt
41. go shopping or go out with a non-mahram
42. criticize the laws of Islam
43. have male friends
44. have gay or lesbian friends
45. have non-Muslim friends
46. make decisions for yourself
47. go inside other houses of worship just to look around
48. get your tarot read for a giggle
49. draw Mohammed cartoons
50. Shaking men's hands
51. Not watching sex scenes, dancing etc
52. Saying 'four letter words'.
53. Not sitting through boring, stupid, offensive, idiotic khutbas and lectures and saying 'Mashallah!'
54. Exercise without guilt, and break out of the sedentary lifestyle encouraged among Muslim women.
55. Being able to display my country's flag,
56. Not feeling guilty for defying parents
57. Going to mixed sports classes
58. Eating seafood
59. Visiting Non-Muslims in their homes and staying over
60. Using communal changing rooms and showers
61. Going inside pubs
62. Going out in the evening and not just during daylight hours
63. Not feeling guilty for having impure thoughts
64. hugging male friends
Ok, let's see... of the list the only things I've not done are #'s 7, 14, 23, 24, 27, 44, 47, 48. And most of those I don't care to do anyway, so I suppose the list has been a success!

In other news, I revealed to 3 of my Muslim friends that I am no longer a Muslim. Two of them didn't seem to care at all (one is a friend in Kuwait, and we still email each other occasionally, the other is a local friend who just had a baby. She lives a couple hours away and I'm still trying to make time to visit and see her baby), and the other had the reaction I expected, which was utter shock and wanted to know WHY. I actually didn't know what to tell her right away. Just after I left Islam, I had all my thoughts and reasons in order, and I thought I'd know exactly how to explain my choice, but it had been so long when I finally told her that I didn't remember all of it lol. So after awhile I came up with a reply to her, and she promised to write me back, but I haven't heard from her. It's been a few months now, but I'll let her take her time, cuz it took me a couple months to write up my answer to her. I'm half-wondering if she read it and has started questioning Islam herself! Haha. Highly unlikely, of course. I will have to let you guys know what she says when she finally replies.
And now I must get back to work. This is the second time I've logged on to the forum from work, and to be honest I don't really want them to know about my history with Islam. I've chatted with a couple people about my experience in Kuwait, but I deliberately led them to believe that I was not religious while I was there, and that I've had no affiliation with Islam other than learning about it from people I befriended in Kuwait. I don't know why I feel so... embarrassed/reluctant to admit the truth. But I suppose I will continue keeping up the facade until I am so far removed from the past that it doesn't matter anymore, which is really what I want to happen.
I'll be back soon hopefully!