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 Topic: Live & work in the U.K. for a month

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  • Re: Live & work in the U.K. for a month
     Reply #30 - August 12, 2009, 05:28 PM

    "Any relatives in UK that you can contact in a emergency?"
    Nope... And that's exactly why I go to the U.K. and not to Belgium, Germany, France or Spain... ^^
    I'm even considering moving permanently to the U.K. in the future. xD
    I can do whatever I want in the U.K. without being afraid that someone will recognize me.
    Going out / drinking alcohol and just having fun is such a pain in the ass here in Holland... -_-"
    There's always someone that knows someone in my family...

    Council of Ex-Muslims of the Netherlands will be back!

    Never doubt that a small group of commited people can change te world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. -Margaret Mead
  • Re: Live & work in the U.K. for a month
     Reply #31 - August 12, 2009, 05:34 PM

    I'm going to be very blunt, but especially in this current job market, your chances of getting some work in the UK in your chosen field for only a month are slim to none, unless you are offering to work for free. And even then, I would apply for voluntary jobs before you come over.

    Religion - The hot potato that looked delicious but ended up burning your mouth!

    Knock your head on the ground, don't be miserly in your prayers, listen to your Sidi Sheikh, Allahu Akbar! - Lounes Matoub
  • Re: Live & work in the U.K. for a month
     Reply #32 - August 12, 2009, 08:33 PM

    You might try registering with a couple of agencies for temporary work .buy things are tough at the moment and it's very competitve . best start saving now and treat anything you can earn as a bonus .
  • Re: Live & work in the U.K. for a month
     Reply #33 - August 13, 2009, 02:50 AM

    I'm a first year Mediatechnology student.
    Anything that has to do with computers or the internet is fine with me... xD
    I was webdeveloper for a small company that got bankrupt like a month ago... -_-"
    I often worked a few hours for that company when I was on vacation to Belgium, Germany or even Morocco.
    So I can easily find job here in Holland and work in the U.K....
    But I want to improve my English skills as well (I have a HUGE accent xD)...
    I live in a city who's famous for its prostitutes and coffeeshops......... xD
    I can handle lowlifes... Baseball bat

    You might find it very difficult to get a job in that field....if you are only working for a month, it's probably best not to be picky.

    If you are coming in September/October time, I can try and put in a good word for you at a computer superstore as a sales person, but it's FULL of muslims, so that might not help (unless you don't tell them you are Muslim). Not sure if that's your kind of job, but I loved working there and the people were amazing. It's just another retail job I dunno... wacko Of course, I can't promise anything...but that's all upto you if you want me to try.
  • Re: Live & work in the U.K. for a month
     Reply #34 - August 13, 2009, 09:19 AM

    Yea, just about everyone in the UK wants a computer and internet job now. The market got oversaturated during the late 90s / early 00's due to masses of TV adverts for IT training courses. Computer related degrees are in tough competition with all the 'teach yourself IT, Learn this IT diploma at home, learn everything about computers for a better career' schemes, now to the point that IT related degrees are worthless because just about everyone knows enough about computers to work in those fields.

    And yea, its true that most Muslims and Hindus, likely also most other minorities in the UK have a huge interest and knowledge on IT. Ive never studied a single IT course at all, yet I know how to build PCs, run all the office programs with fluency, computer networking and maintainence are a piece of piss, can work with video and audio fluently with Windows movie maker, cubase and pro tools, have downloaded and tried several 3D design programs, can mod for games and tried a little C++ coding when I were 16, addicted to the internet and always read more junk about computers ... All purely out of interest and hobby, not from education.

    Yet I still dont aspire to work in IT, even though I wanted to at a young age because the market is very very very oversaturated with too many people wanting jobs in these fields.

    Also I didnt get the grades to go onto computer science, but never mind that.

    My generation in the UK is very tech savvy, not just with PCs, but mobile phones are very popular too. Too many people that know stuff, hardly enough jobs for them all.

    Also when I first started looking for work, I had to start with Christmas temp work, voluntary work in a charity shop, which took 6+ months of applying for just retail work despite having good grades. I never managed to find a summer job between 16-19, and it took years of small minimum pay and voluntary jobs to get a simple permanent job at the supermarket. Most graduates in the UK also struggle to find work, my cousin has straight A grades in her GCSEs and A levels, just got a 2.1 in a Law degree from a good university, and is still working for the same retail company she started working for at 16.

    In all honesty, finding a job for just 1 month in any field is going to be near impossible unless you know people who can get you a job where they work.

    We keep hearing about how Jack Straw or the French government have mentioned the veil and our doing so puts us in the same boat as them. How so? I want a ban on the burka, neqab and child veiling.

    you can either defend women or you must defend Islam. You can’t defend both

    - Maryam Namaze
  • Re: Live & work in the U.K. for a month
     Reply #35 - August 13, 2009, 02:53 PM

    "best start saving now and treat anything you can earn as a bonus ."
    Think I'm going to do that... ^^

    "Of course, I can't promise anything...but that's all upto you if you want me to try. "

    I was actually thinking about July/August period of next year...
    But I'm going to postpone planning this a bit anyways. Still way too early to do anything... xD

    "but it's FULL of muslims, so that might not help"
    I don't mind working for/with muslims.
    But Ramadan will be in July/August next year and I'm thinking about coming out.

    "In all honesty, finding a job for just 1 month in any field is going to be near impossible unless you know people who can get you a job where they work."
    I know =( I just got fired because the company I worked for got bankrupt... -_-
    Finding a new job is like impossible here in Holland.
    But they say 2010 will be a very positive year... So who knows..

    Thanks everyone! ^_^

    Council of Ex-Muslims of the Netherlands will be back!

    Never doubt that a small group of commited people can change te world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. -Margaret Mead
  • Re: Live & work in the U.K. for a month
     Reply #36 - August 13, 2009, 05:07 PM

    Thanks everyone! ^_^

    Talking about jobs, how are you with cartoon art?  I know a studio in London that is looking for someone who can draw comical caricatures of Muhammed.  I hear the pay is pretty good too?

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  • Re: Live & work in the U.K. for a month
     Reply #37 - August 13, 2009, 05:24 PM

    Friendly suggestion, think about France or Germany instead because it may be easier doing it considering they have moved out of recession (they both grew in the last two quarters). Britain still has another quarter or two and even then we will have a slow rebuilding period, new optimism in France and Germany may provide a young foreigner much better chances than the UK. Also, I would have thought it would be easier due to the language and similar customs/culture. The UK (and Ireland) is far seperated from the rest of the continent in such matters.

    You might want to think about it.

    Either way, I wish you the best of luck.

    "I am ready to make my confession. I ask for no forgiveness father, for I have not sinned. I have only done what I needed to do to survive. I did not ask for the life that I was given, but it was given nonetheless-and with it, I did my best"
  • Re: Live & work in the U.K. for a month
     Reply #38 - August 13, 2009, 07:18 PM

    "I hear the pay is pretty good too?"
    I would do that as a volunteer if I was any good in drawing... xD
    I've made the picture in my sig all by myself though. =D
    Well... I just combined 2 pictures found on google, but it's the idea that counts. xD

    "think about France or Germany instead"
    Negative xD If I choose one of those countries I'll be FORCED by my parents to go live with family...
    That means no going out and certainly no getting drunk... xD

    Now that I think about it... Job + going out each night isn't a great combo. xD
    I think I'm just going to do it with saved money...
    Maybe costs a little bit more, but it would save me a lot of trouble.

    Council of Ex-Muslims of the Netherlands will be back!

    Never doubt that a small group of commited people can change te world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. -Margaret Mead
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