I'm curious, and yet I'm certain I will receive a lot of complaints about this.
If Britain accepted sharia law officially, even having the "infidel" laws alongside; What would be your opinion? Would you protest, or accept living in this system? Submit, but secretly "protesting"?
If Britain replaced the entire law with sharia? What would be your take?
Would you accept living in such a system? What exactly would be your reaction? Would you "disrespect" such laws in subtle ways, like drinking beer, or eat pork...or criticize islam?
If instead of Britain was your current country of residence? What would you do if it was another country(not Britain, or your current country of residence)?
Do you think woman would be allowed to have the same freedoms? If not, what exactly would disappear of their current freedom in your view? Would you support a government that makes it lawful to marry any child of any age and consume it at any age?
What if all this was democratically voted by muslims and muslim supporters? If not, what would be your take if all this was achieved my subtle changes of laws by muslims in power, or even by force?
Would scientific advancement still occur? Would evolution still be taught in school? If so, why do you think evolution would still be allowed?
I'm interested to know your current opinion of those questions, what would exactly be your reaction and thoughts.
edit: Forgot to add this.
How much sharia would you accept? What if all this was implanted in one city, state or whatever in a western country... or what would you feel if this was implanted in your city or state? Or created a especial state for them in your country?
I think, firstly, Britain would not allow sharia to be the law of the country, if anything were to be changed in the law they
may allow sharia to an additional law for the muslim citizens. Although I doubt Britain would allow that as it would cause more confusion and chaos, wouldnt there be a clash between the current british laws, such as coercian and the law in sharia about the penlty of leaving ones religion is death? and possibly other similar cases.
Plus, I mean c'mon, letting islam have it's own law? Do you think the jews, hindu's christians, and other religions would start wanting their own laws? How do you think they would react?
If Britain were to employ sharia then I would probably be in trouble, since my plans are to become open about my disbelief in islam sometime in the future. lol