If your mom was my mom she wouldnt ever speak to me about religion ever again =D.
I would have gone into sharia law, and that if it is just mistranslated then why do women in Iran / Saudi Arabia get mistreated under law the way that they do? What exactly is wrong if people want to drink beer, eat pork, have sex before marriage, eat on ramadan and never fast, and what is wrong with not wanting to believe in the imaginary circus clown living in the sky that they call Allah?
Oh, I would offend, though not by being directly offensive to the person, but bringing up everything that offends them to discuss.
It was funny when my dad was literally mortified and beyond disgusted when discussing 'disgusting condoms' during me saying that they are used to avoid unwanted pregnancy during sex and to protect against STDs to make having sex safer and more enjoyable. The absolutely disgusted look on his face was beyond unforgettable and priceless. That happened when he started talking about having kids.
Then they never make a single peep about it ever again
They are hindus though, I would seriously love to have such a chat with a devout muslim though.