Re: Quotes you would consider for your signature
Reply #481 - September 26, 2010, 04:03 AM
"Men have no special rights because they belong to one race or another: the word man defines all rights."
"Happiness exists on earth, and it is won through prudent exercise of reason, knowledge of the harmony of the universe, and constant practice of generosity. He who seeks it elsewhere will not find it for, having drunk from all the glasses of life, he will find satisfaction only in those."
"In truth, men speak too much of danger. Let others be terrified by the natural and healthy risks of life! We shall not be frightened! Poison sumac grows in a hard-working man's field, the serpent hisses from its hidden den, and the owl's eye shines in the belfry, but the sun goes on lighting the sky, and truth continues marching across the earth unscathed."
"Man loves liberty, even if he does not know that he loves it. He is driven by it and flees from where it does not exist."
- Jose Marti
Truly a great poet, author, playwright, activist and human being