My wife and I are Ex-Muslims and we live in a Muslim country in North Africa were everybody is expected to be a Muslim. Although being a non practicing Muslims seems to be OK and has no hazards what-so-ever, renouncing the religion altogether is very rare and almost unheard of.
My problem is that My Kids are too young to understand why their parents are being different from other people surrounding them.
Sadly, at school they teach them Islamic faith as a mandatory subject. One day, last year, my son came from school annoyed with me for not praying, as the teacher has told him that day that the non-praying persons will be sent to hell.
I could not tell him that I did not pray, but told him that if I pray I pray in my bedroom in privacy and not like other show-off Muslims. He felt better but I was so sad and angry of the situation and wished that he is already a teenage or older so that I sit with him and discuss what I found out about religion in general and what made me give it all up.
Anyways, I know most of you here in this forum are finding it difficult to tell their parents about their apostasy. However mine is the exact opposite..., and I don't know if any of you have a similar situation or know anyone who is.