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 Topic: Feeling like I have nothing left to give

 (Read 6996 times)
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  • Feeling like I have nothing left to give
     OP - September 02, 2009, 09:44 AM

    It's not just because I have a new man, or I'm out living a real life that I barely post these days, it's because I feel like I have nothing left to give anymore.

    I don't post in threads that are serious anymore, I don't even click on the "expposing islam" type of threads anymore because it's nothing new, I've hashed it over to death and I can't post the same reply yet again, and again, and again.

    It's like I am empty on this issue now.

    I am exorcised completey of my demons, I feel no guilt, no doubt, no fear anymore, I feel no sadness for the time I wasted, I feel nothing.

    I wish I could get back that fire, that passion to change things, to help people, but I've been running on empty for awhile.

    The title above my name is just for show these days as in actual fact I do nothing in the day to day running of this site, again because I have no passion for it.

    I'm so happy at how many ex muslims have come together, at how well the site is doing now, it's very heartwarming though.

    Anybody else ever feel like they have lost the passion? 

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Feeling like I have nothing left to give
     Reply #1 - September 02, 2009, 09:49 AM


    I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not out to my parents yet but I just dont feel the urge to debate Islam anymore. I even ditched my blog which was dear to me and now have a personal blog where I can get away from having any form of link to Islam.

    It feels liberating but at the same time, because I'm not completely disconnected from it yet, I feel quite trapped.

    But yeah, I know what you mean Berbs...something about beating a dead horse, perhaps?
  • Re: Feeling like I have nothing left to give
     Reply #2 - September 02, 2009, 10:12 AM

    Yep, that dead horse isn't getting any deader that's for sure lol.

    I really identify with you scrapping your blog in favour of a more personal blog, I feel the same way.  I occasionally add something new about my experiences in my blog here but I compare it to ex muslim blogs who still have that passion and I can see the difference.

    I miss caring that way.  I want to help, I just don't feel the drive anymore.  Cry

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Feeling like I have nothing left to give
     Reply #3 - September 02, 2009, 10:27 AM

    But I suppose that's good in a way? It proves that you've well and truly moved on, and nobody is going to hold that against you here. We all know how tough it was for you, and I'm sure I speak for most members when I say that we are happy for you. We are just glad that you are enjoying life now and that's the most important thing.

    Just reading through your old blog entries will help people here. It will motivate them to get away from potentially dangerous situations as they see a survivor of sorts. So don't think you aren't helping! Reading about you being back on your feet IS help!

     far away hug
  • Re: Feeling like I have nothing left to give
     Reply #4 - September 02, 2009, 10:35 AM

    I go through the same at regular intervals.  You get faced with the same old arguments again and again and eventually you get bored with repeating yourself.  I still can't resist a really good chew toy, but the run of the mill arguments if I get involved at all I'm on autopilot at this stage.

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: Feeling like I have nothing left to give
     Reply #5 - September 02, 2009, 10:40 AM

    That's a good sign. Good to see you have time to live life rather than harbor on past events and the ideologies responsible. Surely with a good break you will again find the urge to get involved in the discussions.

    Knowing Islam is the only true religion we do not allow propagation of any other religion. How can we allow building of churches and temples when their religion is wrong? Thus we will not allow such wrong things in our countries. - Zakir Naik
  • Re: Feeling like I have nothing left to give
     Reply #6 - September 02, 2009, 11:21 AM

    It's not just because I have a new man, or I'm out living a real life that I barely post these days, it's because I feel like I have nothing left to give anymore.

    I don't post in threads that are serious anymore, I don't even click on the "expposing islam" type of threads anymore because it's nothing new, I've hashed it over to death and I can't post the same reply yet again, and again, and again.

    It's like I am empty on this issue now.

    I am exorcised completey of my demons, I feel no guilt, no doubt, no fear anymore, I feel no sadness for the time I wasted, I feel nothing.

    I wish I could get back that fire, that passion to change things, to help people, but I've been running on empty for awhile.

    The title above my name is just for show these days as in actual fact I do nothing in the day to day running of this site, again because I have no passion for it.

    I'm so happy at how many ex muslims have come together, at how well the site is doing now, it's very heartwarming though.

    Anybody else ever feel like they have lost the passion? 

    After spending the latter half of my teens, the whole of my twenties and my early thirties giving islam the benefit of the doubt, chasing scholars and faulting myself, there came a point where I had just had enough. I'm so sick of trying to square the circle so to speak and want to continue with whatever life I might have left raising my kids as rational and moral human beings without religion. Now I'm really at the stage where I have become completely numb to all the old tired arguments that the faithful present. I also don't like having to repeat myself. I had to learn the hard way. It was only when I exercised my "freewill" picked up books on philosophy and the arguments both for and against god and religion that I saw all the fallacies and confirmation of my doubts. I come on the forum to speak to like minded individuals who like me, have discarded the garb called religion. The religious if they are really seeking the truth know where the philosophy section in the library and bookshop is. I just breath a sigh of relief that I have been there done that and come out of it in one piece. It's nice to talk on here, have a laugh about anything, because where I live you can't do that without someone taking it personally.
  • Re: Feeling like I have nothing left to give
     Reply #7 - September 02, 2009, 11:24 AM

    Berbs, whenever you feel that way just look at this Mullah and see how beautiful your life is in comparison with his.... It must be terrible to have to fake a cry?

    I know it has been posted in two different threads now, but I can not stop watching it... I think the look of his face is haunting me...  Cheesy

  • Re: Feeling like I have nothing left to give
     Reply #8 - September 02, 2009, 11:26 AM

    Berbs, I'm quite sure the whole forum want to get into your position where religion doesn't matter any more. Its nothing to feel bad about, we're all glad you've moved on Smiley I am really happy for you, you deserve it yes
  • Re: Feeling like I have nothing left to give
     Reply #9 - September 02, 2009, 11:37 AM

    But I suppose that's good in a way? It proves that you've well and truly moved on, and nobody is going to hold that against you here. We all know how tough it was for you, and I'm sure I speak for most members when I say that we are happy for you. We are just glad that you are enjoying life now and that's the most important thing.

    Just reading through your old blog entries will help people here. It will motivate them to get away from potentially dangerous situations as they see a survivor of sorts. So don't think you aren't helping! Reading about you being back on your feet IS help!

     far away hug

    Oh yeah, I can see that because I also feel it.

    I feel so far removed from my old life that at times I don't recognise myself anymore, and I like it.

    I also feel that maybe my contributions are not the right image the forum is about, I seem to epitomise all the reasons muslims say we leave islam in the first place, even though that's not the case but rather a natural progression for myself.

    I go through the same at regular intervals.  You get faced with the same old arguments again and again and eventually you get bored with repeating yourself.  I still can't resist a really good chew toy, but the run of the mill arguments if I get involved at all I'm on autopilot at this stage.


    It's like using the same shampoo for too long, doesn't matter how much you love it, eventually your hair needs a break because too much of the same thing is bad for you.

    That's a good sign. Good to see you have time to live life rather than harbor on past events and the ideologies responsible. Surely with a good break you will again find the urge to get involved in the discussions.

    I think that's what it is, I need a very long break I'm just still struggling with feelings of guilt even though the forum is well and truly capable of ticking over without me and has been for a very long time, I feel like I'm supposed to be here, when I;m not here I feel like a let down, and when I am here I feel the same way.

    After spending the latter half of my teens, the whole of my twenties and my early thirties giving islam the benefit of the doubt, chasing scholars and faulting myself, there came a point where I had just had enough. I'm so sick of trying to square the circle so to speak and want to continue with whatever life I might have left raising my kids as rational and moral human beings without religion. Now I'm really at the stage where I have become completely numb to all the old tired arguments that the faithful present. I also don't like having to repeat myself. I had to learn the hard way. It was only when I exercised my "freewill" picked up books on philosophy and the arguments both for and against god and religion that I saw all the fallacies and confirmation of my doubts. I come on the forum to speak to like minded individuals who like me, have discarded the garb called religion. The religious if they are really seeking the truth know where the philosophy section in the library and bookshop is. I just breath a sigh of relief that I have been there done that and come out of it in one piece. It's nice to talk on here, have a laugh about anything, because where I live you can't do that without someone taking it personally.

    True, having a laugh with like minded people has been part of this healing process for me.  I think this forum set out to do what it was intended to do when it comes to myself, and I hope other members feel this has been a cathartic experience for them too.

    Berbs, whenever you feel that way just look at this Mullah and see how beautiful your life is in comparison with his.... It must be terrible to have to fake a cry?

    I know it has been posted in two different threads now, but I can not stop watching it... I think the look of his face is haunting me...  Cheesy

     Cheesy I hadn't seen that yet, it's bad but not as bad as some of those "speaking in tongues" things that happen to certain xtians, haha now that's truly insane.  Cheesy

    Berbs, I'm quite sure the whole forum want to get into your position where religion doesn't matter any more. Its nothing to feel bad about, we're all glad you've moved on Smiley I am really happy for you, you deserve it yes

    Thanks hun hugs

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Feeling like I have nothing left to give
     Reply #10 - September 02, 2009, 11:39 AM

    You know, i dont know how that is for you, because i never was religious. But actually i like discussing the topics...maybe because of this. Its kind of a hobby, and most theists make me chuckle with their ridicioulous Arguments.

    But for former believers i think it can be a good feeling, knowing that your former religion dousnt affect or interest you no more any way. Thats a good thing. Move on with your life and let the delusioned have their little world.

    "We are never deceived, we deceive ourselves." - from Goethes Faust
    "Only the wisest and the stupidest men never change." - Confuzios
    "there is no religion of peace, only people who are peaceful while being religious."
  • Re: Feeling like I have nothing left to give
     Reply #11 - September 02, 2009, 11:53 AM

    I also feel that maybe my contributions are not the right image the forum is about, I seem to epitomise all the reasons muslims say we leave islam in the first place, even though that's not the case but rather a natural progression for myself.

    I'm sure this whole forum epitomises all the reasons muslims think we left Islam but who cares? They're just jealous because we get to have all the fun Tongue
  • Re: Feeling like I have nothing left to give
     Reply #12 - September 02, 2009, 11:56 AM

    I dunno..

    I passed the phase of criticizing the Quran long time ago since it's been refuted enough as a divine thingie IMO, shifted to Hadiths..same as Quran;

    therefore I started focusing on Islamic literature and history. Maybe some stuff that even westerners Muslim-Ex-Muslims-regular readers aren't aware of, and/or can't believe.

    Also, it's important to note that I 1st started browsing such (non-Arabic) forums/sites after being extremely pissed with those Muslims who give wrong translations in a very cheap way to attract converts...etc;

    so, I took it upon myself to help in this regard.

    Living in a 99.9% Muslim land makes it even harder, I hafta be ready for those who question my understanding of Islam and why I left it....I need to be adequately equipped..

    I do understand your feeling ain't bad, actually it IS good... Smiley

    "I'm Agnostic about God."

    Richard Dawkins
    "If there is a God, it has to be a man; no woman could or would ever fuck things up like this."
     George Carlin == "...The so-called moderates are actually the public relations arm of Al-Qaeda and the Islamic Republic of Iran."  Maryam Namazie
  • Re: Feeling like I have nothing left to give
     Reply #13 - September 02, 2009, 11:57 AM

    You know, i dont know how that is for you, because i never was religious. But actually i like discussing the topics...maybe because of this. Its kind of a hobby, and most theists make me chuckle with their ridicioulous Arguments.

    But for former believers i think it can be a good feeling, knowing that your former religion dousnt affect or interest you no more any way. Thats a good thing. Move on with your life and let the delusioned have their little world.

    Must be the difference, for me this was never a hobby, I feel personally involved when I choose to try and help someone, I come from a place of emotional investment and I actually feel drained by the ridiculous responses a believer shoots out of their mouth, so I would only do this for results rather than amusement.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Feeling like I have nothing left to give
     Reply #14 - September 02, 2009, 11:58 AM

    I'm sure this whole forum epitomises all the reasons muslims think we left Islam but who cares? They're just jealous because we get to have all the fun Tongue

    True, our having fun and a laugh is something the muslims will have to deal with. It's not our problem. Afro
  • Re: Feeling like I have nothing left to give
     Reply #15 - September 02, 2009, 12:00 PM

    I'm sure this whole forum epitomises all the reasons muslims think we left Islam but who cares? They're just jealous because we get to have all the fun Tongue

    Quite true lol yet still I find myself annoyed that because I choose to have that fun, my reasons for leaving islam, or my ability to see the truth is questioned more, because I no longer get the "respect" factor.

    I only wonder for the sake of what we hope to do here, personally in my real life I am not ashamed of myself since shame is something other people try to get you to feel when you are different from them. Fuck those fools.  Roll Eyes

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Feeling like I have nothing left to give
     Reply #16 - September 02, 2009, 12:03 PM

    I dunno..

    I passed the phase of criticizing the Quran long time ago since it's been refuted enough as a divine thingie IMO, shifted to Hadiths..same as Quran;

    therefore I started focusing on Islamic literature and history. Maybe some stuff that even westerners Muslim-Ex-Muslims-regular readers aren't aware of, and/or can't believe.

    Also, it's important to note that I 1st started browsing such (non-Arabic) forums/sites after being extremely pissed with those Muslims who give wrong translations in a very cheap way to attract converts...etc;

    so, I took it upon myself to help in this regard.

    Living in a 99.9% Muslim land makes it even harder, I hafta be ready for those who question my understanding of Islam and why I left it....I need to be adequately equipped..

    I do understand your feeling ain't bad, actually it IS good... Smiley

    Wow, wiss I think if I was surrounded by muslims as you are then this forum would always remain my only outlet and therefore I would not fade out as often.  Must be so hard for you. hugs

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Feeling like I have nothing left to give
     Reply #17 - September 02, 2009, 12:10 PM

    Must be the difference, for me this was never a hobby, I feel personally involved when I choose to try and help someone, I come from a place of emotional investment and I actually feel drained by the ridiculous responses a believer shoots out of their mouth, so I would only do this for results rather than amusement.

    Berbs, I really feel the same. I remember when I was going through my doubting period and debating with my friends, one of them eventually said to me that they didn't want to discuss the subject with me anymore and that I didn't want guidance or I was just not accepting the answer. I suggested to one of them that they should read books on philosophy and science etc, but he said to me that he doesn't need to read any books by "fallable" men when he has the messenger of allah and the sahabah which is enough. At that point one thinks to themselves "What logic and what rational do these guys get? Am I just wasting my time?" Like I said, they know where the philosophy section is, we can only point them to it. The rest is their choice.
  • Re: Feeling like I have nothing left to give
     Reply #18 - September 02, 2009, 12:13 PM

    Not easy, yeah..

    but guess wut Berb, sumtimes it gets unbelievably amusing and enjoyable, when you go in details with Quran/Hadiths/Islamic history, most Muslims know nuthin about them..

    @ 1 time a Muslim (ain't a friend), gave up in less than 5 min and said outright:

    "Man, keep going...I do not blame you."

    I only showed him 1 Bukhari hadith....(not even the harsh ones we know...)   bunny

    Thanks... Afro

    "I'm Agnostic about God."

    Richard Dawkins
    "If there is a God, it has to be a man; no woman could or would ever fuck things up like this."
     George Carlin == "...The so-called moderates are actually the public relations arm of Al-Qaeda and the Islamic Republic of Iran."  Maryam Namazie
  • Re: Feeling like I have nothing left to give
     Reply #19 - September 02, 2009, 12:36 PM

    Wiss- you've got a lot of knowledge, i'm sure you could just about corner anyone!

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  • Re: Feeling like I have nothing left to give
     Reply #20 - September 02, 2009, 12:54 PM

    Thx IsLame... Smiley

    I learn a lot from you guys.. Afro

    "I'm Agnostic about God."

    Richard Dawkins
    "If there is a God, it has to be a man; no woman could or would ever fuck things up like this."
     George Carlin == "...The so-called moderates are actually the public relations arm of Al-Qaeda and the Islamic Republic of Iran."  Maryam Namazie
  • Re: Feeling like I have nothing left to give
     Reply #21 - September 02, 2009, 01:00 PM

    Not from me  Undecided, my thoughts are just a rehash of what everyone here tells me  Smiley

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  • Re: Feeling like I have nothing left to give
     Reply #22 - September 02, 2009, 02:44 PM

    I agree with Emerald, I've learnt so much from you all...even you Islame (as much as you'd like to argue otherwise!)

    It sort of took me away from very narcissistic reasoning for leaving Islam and made me look deeper. Don't get me wrong, I knew deep down that certain aspects of Islam were just not right but I just needed help making sense of it all and you all helped me with that.

    I have come a long way since I first joined the forums. Smiley
  • Re: Feeling like I have nothing left to give
     Reply #23 - September 02, 2009, 03:01 PM

    HB - were you an ex-muslim before you joined this forum?  

    My Islamic knowledge was actually quite poor compared to others here before joining this forum, as I rejected Islam primarily on philosophical grounds i.e. 'why would God do this' type questions.

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  • Re: Feeling like I have nothing left to give
     Reply #24 - September 02, 2009, 03:19 PM

    Yeh I was...I was never really a practising Muslim in the first place, and like you I used to doubt on philosophical grounds too.

    I have definitely learnt a lot from reading some of the stuff people have posted here.
  • Re: Feeling like I have nothing left to give
     Reply #25 - September 02, 2009, 03:51 PM

    Gosh - so it looks like the forum is quite powerful and has converted quite a few people (I can think of 3 that are confirmed just of the top of my head and thats only since I've been a member!)

    My Book     news002       
    My Blog  pccoffee
  • Re: Feeling like I have nothing left to give
     Reply #26 - September 02, 2009, 03:57 PM

    Yeh I was...I was never really a practising Muslim in the first place, and like you I used to doubt on philosophical grounds too.

    I have definitely learnt a lot from reading some of the stuff people have posted here.

    I was a practising muslim and am familiar with the likes of Nuh Keller, Abdal Hakim Murad and Hamza Yusuf. I have also listened to their lectures, talks and read their books. I have been to see Hamza Yusuf at a talk three times. Had a one-to-one with Abdal Hakim Murad, and of course you know about the audio from Nuh Keller which was in response to my questions. My doubts were philosophical initially and also Islam itself, which got worse the deeper I got into it. When I was a muslim, I hated apostates because I thought that they had an inferiority complex and had a huge chip on their shoulder because of the west. This contributed to many reasons why I didn't apostate earlier on. I do still feel that if anyone uses the west as an excuse for apostasy is using a very shallow excuse. IMHO when you apostate from any religion not just islam, your reasons really have to be justified within the absurdities of the religion or philosophically. I am sure that there are atheists or agnostics who do it for very superficial reasons and could very easily be swayed back into religion. I know everyone on this forum has thought long and hard about leaving islam and can either philosophically or just through the sources justify their apostasy. I am glad that I went through my journey though because I know that I've not left a stone unturned. What I have learnt from this forum is that I'm not on my own or some sort of freak and that there are people who think as I do and have had the same or similar doubts to me. One particular person is Fading who has had similar experiences to me and is familiar with the scholars I have spoken to.
  • Re: Feeling like I have nothing left to give
     Reply #27 - September 02, 2009, 04:03 PM

    I was a practising muslim and am familiar with the likes of Nuh Keller, Abdal Hakim Murad and Hamza Yusuf. I have also listened to their lectures, talks and read their books. I have been to see Hamza Yusuf at a talk three times. Had a one-to-one with Abdal Hakim Murad, and of course you know about the audio from Nuh Keller which was in response to my questions. My doubts were philosophical initially and also Islam itself, which got worse the deeper I got into it. When I was a muslim, I hated apostates because I thought that they had an inferiority complex and had a huge chip on their shoulder because of the west. This contributed to many reasons why I didn't apostate earlier on. I do still feel that if anyone uses the west as an excuse for apostasy is using a very shallow excuse. IMHO when you apostate from any religion not just islam, your reasons really have to be justified within the absurdities of the religion or philosophically. I am sure that there are atheists or agnostics who do it for very superficial reasons and could very easily be swayed back into religion. I know everyone on this forum has thought long and hard about leaving islam and can either philosophically or just through the sources justify their apostasy. I am glad that I went through my journey though because I know that I've not left a stone unturned. What I have learnt from this forum is that I'm not on my own or some sort of freak and that there are people who think as I do and have had the same or similar doubts to me. One particular person is Fading who has had similar experiences to me and is familiar with the scholars I have spoken to.

    Yeah, but many people accuse many ex-Muslims including myself of apostating for superficial reasons.

    I think this forum has really helped me and given me an insight on how hard it has been for other ex-Muslims out there and in a way, I've learnt from their experiences.

    I started off by being quite anti-theist when I was a teenager, and because I thought this was a phase of teenage angst (as did many of my friends) I tried my hardest to get back into Islam.... but then this later turned to atheism as I got more and more into the scientific argument, I began to get more and more interested in evolution. I just couldn't comprehend how the scientific complimented the religious theories, it didn't work to me then, and it doesn't work now.

  • Re: Feeling like I have nothing left to give
     Reply #28 - September 02, 2009, 04:05 PM

    What I gained from this forum (and my ffi days) was that my initial reasons for leaving islam was very personal to me, not based on rational reasons to start off with.  In my anger at my treatment I was more open to then exploring the other reasons people leave, and now I have embraced them too.

    So the anger has gone and I am an ex muslim for more than just my treatment.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Feeling like I have nothing left to give
     Reply #29 - September 02, 2009, 06:30 PM

    It's not just because I have a new man, or I'm out living a real life that I barely post these days, it's because I feel like I have nothing left to give anymore.

    I don't post in threads that are serious anymore, I don't even click on the "expposing islam" type of threads anymore because it's nothing new, I've hashed it over to death and I can't post the same reply yet again, and again, and again.

    It's like I am empty on this issue now.

    I am exorcised completey of my demons, I feel no guilt, no doubt, no fear anymore, I feel no sadness for the time I wasted, I feel nothing.

    I wish I could get back that fire, that passion to change things, to help people, but I've been running on empty for awhile.

    The title above my name is just for show these days as in actual fact I do nothing in the day to day running of this site, again because I have no passion for it.

    I'm so happy at how many ex muslims have come together, at how well the site is doing now, it's very heartwarming though.

    Anybody else ever feel like they have lost the passion? 

    I've noticed that about myself too. I avoid serious discussions that I've hashed over, content. I see this place as more of a social outlet, my new rare identity as a former muslim. A place to vent, share common concerns and interests, even if they're not that serious lately. I'm glad I found this place, I'm glad you were here for me, and us all for eachother. AlhamduliFSM for the internet, joining disparate souls who would otherwise live thinking we were alone in doubts and disbelief of our muslim faith/heritage. This forum has been my AA, it's become a Cheers ("sometimes you want to go, where everybody knows your name.."). MashaFSM, thank you all for putting this together, contributing, and making it what it is. My life is better for it.

    I'm not quite done with it tho, tho I haven't contributed 'positively' in awhile. I don't think I will be done until I can proudly and without fanfare say publicly that I am an ex-muslim, and not fear death.

    (Ok, I got distracted from writing this for a few hours, coming back I don't feel like changing anything. In summary, I love ya'll. Peace)

    I chose to get circumcised at 17, don't tell me I never believed.
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