I downloaded it and listened to it. But I agree with Kenan, the volume is a little faint.
Hey Islame, think you could record another one that's with the format below? I'll add your new one and the one I just downloaded together.
That's a baddass idea Hassan.
Guys here is what I want you to do and say:
1) Record an audio clip/video clip and say "My name is.....(use a nickname if you're uncomfortable with using your real name) and I'm an Ex-Muslim Atheist/Agnostic.
2) "...and I'm also a..." (Father, brother, sister, video gamer, artist, lovable etc.)
3)"...I believe in.." (List three things)
4) "In my spare time..." (List all the thing you like to do in your spare time)
I think you guys get the gist of where I'm going with this project. Basically I want to show people that although we are ex-Muslims, we are still the same people we were as Muslims in a lot of ways. Sure our views on the life may have changed, but that doesn't make us bad in anyways."
Hassan, I'd love it if you would put the final video in your channel.
If you guys have anything you want to add to my four things above, please do so.
What I'd like for you to avoid is any ill treatment of any Islamic or Biblical texts (like tearing the pages out or something) or even cursing at people with faith. Remember, this project is about you as a person. This is not another video that gives arguments for people to disbelieve in religion. I'm trying to show that ex-Muslims DO exist, and we are as Human as the next Muslim.