Re: Fuck Gun Control
Reply #43 - September 19, 2009, 04:55 PM
Its not about guns or people kill people.
Its about how a specific society thinks about weapons.
In switzerland, at a verry young age, our parents tell us that weapons are bad. They are not good for anything and are only used under extreme conditions. I can count the gunnuts in my country with 5 fingers.
This education will be repeated by our teachers and later our Military Officers. Everyone tells us, guns are bad, we only have them to be prepared for the worst case scenario aka War. We all learn how to use Guns, but we actually dont like them.
But in other regions of the world, Weapons equel power. If you have a gun, people listen to you. If you need food, and you have no other means then to steal it, its much easier with a gun in your hand.
Switzerland has, as i said before, a great social network where noone is left behind. So there is actually no need to rob/kill somone for basic needs.
In the UK, wich right now has so much aggression stored, legalizing guns would be like giving the nuclear codes to the Joker. But on the other hand, all the criminals in London have the means to get their hands onto firearms. The question is, do they want that?
And one thing i have to say. If somone today wants to buy a gun, dousnt matter where in the world, he will get one. Weapons were and are the one thing you get EVERYWHERE in the world if you look for them. So, legal or not, its mor about society itself and how it deals with Guns, then about gun control or no gun control.
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"Only the wisest and the stupidest men never change." - Confuzios
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