I thought to check out IslamFactor.org as I remember History, whom I had really liked, mentioned it as a place "unique in its multifaith respect!"etc etc!
I have registered there as the same name I used in Ummah.com, minus the surname! So you can guess my name if you check that site out!
This is a topic I found there!Its called the Conquest of India, is it near???
Post #1
From: USA
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I find it very interesting that India is surrounded by Muslim countries, has a large Muslim population, and yet, remains a Hindu state. It is fully surrounded by Islamic states, other than Nepal, which is bordered by Western China. I've heard that Muslim Chinese live in the West, and would be interested in knowing how close their cities are located to Nepal.
This is particularly interesting, as it seems the Day of Judgment is moving ever so closer. Why is it that India is yet to be conquered?
Na'im b. Hammad in al-Fitan reports that Abu Huraira - may Allah be pleased with him - said that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) mentioned India and said, "A group of you will conquer India, Allah will open for them [India] until they come with its kings chained - Allah having forgiven their sins - when they return back [from India], they will find Ibn Maryam (Jesus) in Syria."
In other words, the conquering of India is a sign of the coming of the end of days. Muslims: be ready.
To non-Muslims, I ask: Would Muhammed (saws), if not truly a Prophet, have really made up this random hadith, taking the risk that if it were conquered by Muslims, it would totally disprove his prophet hood if Jesus (as) did not return to earth upon their accomplishment? And why is it that there seems to be rising tension in that area of the world (Pakistan&India) as more and more of the predictions for the day of Judgment are coming true? Just several decades ago, a part of India broke off, and became territory of the Muslims- One of two states officially founded in the name of religion (the other being Israel).
A day will come when we all will stand on trial, and we will have no lawyers there to protect us. It will be between us and Allah (swt), and on that day, you will have to face all that you have done throughout your life.
I'm not saying it will come within a decade, nor decades. I'm simply stating, that as we move closer towards the day of judgment, as more signs are coming to pass, it seems India is growing closer on the scope. And that should be a sign for believers that we should constantly be preparing. Repent for your sins. Do good to your fellow man. Submit to Allah (swt). Don't be of those people who will be embarrassed without excuse on the Day of Judgment for their bad deeds.
This is the link to the topic!
http://islamfactor.org/index.php?showtopic=5546I wonder why my Iranian ancestors came to India sometimes!Why couldn't they have gone to say Japan or Korea, away from Islam's clutches?
My ancestors came to India-Islam followed them!
Then they used to live in the area which is Pakistan today-Islam again demanded a separate state & drove them out!
Now look at the sheer pride with which this Muslim guy Musa speaks about conquering the rest of India!!!
And he lives in USA now! I can only pity the Americans!