Sorry if this is similar to any of the other threads! Hopefully someone will have some specific advice for the situation!
My girlfriends parents are devout muslims from India, living in the UK. My girlfriend and her sister (both of uni age) are both UK raised western atheists, and I (a pasty atheist Scot) have met her family many times over the last couple of years, and we get on well (they are very very nice to me I must say). So far so good.
Her parents however are pretty sad about their daughters not, and haven't told any of their muslim friends about my GFs non-belief (or me for that matter), but I appreciate its very difficult for them to tell their peers about all this stuff.
Both girls have been at home this Ramadan and I think this has made things particularly tough, with her parents going to the mosque on their own. Anyway to cut a long story short, my girlfriend called me and told me how her mum came home from work today and burst into tears for hours, and she was talking about how she must be being punished, and she's scared of going to hell and noone will pray for her when she dies and she's sick of lying to everyone at the mosque... you get the picture. Generally she sounds very depressed and I feel really really sorry for her - it's difficult for me to imagine, but it sounds like it's tearing her to bits.
My girlfriend is very strong willed and honest and not willing to lie and 'go through the motions' to stop them being sad - she'd feel like a fraud and it's hardly feasible in the long run. So really, I'm wondering, is anyone in a similar position, is there anything we can say to help? Is that stuff about going to hell all in the Qu'ran?
Yes that stuff about going to Hell is in the Qur'an.
As long as your GF is at home and in an Islamic atmosphere it will be hard to appeal to her reason as emotional blackmail will be stronger.
But if she can move away - clear her head and think rationally - she will come to her senses.