With all due respect to Emerald - "Ash-hadu" means I bear witness.
Witness as in; I testify I saw it - I witnessed it - I am proof it is true.
The fact is we take it on trust from others - there is no fucking Shahada!
RIBS is right.
Very true...Hass, Os and RIBS.
Muslims tho like to cut it to: (la ilaha illa Allah), without the (ash-hadu) part,
thus it'll be what Os said.
yet still, Muslims could argue that (yash-hadu) could mean:
"He can decisively tell that....." so ahshadu anna la ilaha illa Allah = (I -deep inside my heart- believe that there's no divine but Allah)
altho I consider that weak argument, not well clear in lexicons...etc.
Anyway, it needs more digging into lexicons and Qaraen of Quran, I just wanted to let Os know I was talking earlier about the (la ilaha Illah Allah) part without ashhadu, as it is commonly said by Muslims...