I want to quote some famous mens sayings on woman.
And then I dare you,to tell me,who you think they are
"A brief mention may be made on the generation of other animals,sofar as the subject admits of brevity,in this manner our argument will best attain a due proportion.On the subjects of animals,then,the following remarks may be offered.Of the men who came into the world,those who were cowards and led a unrightous lives,may with reason be supposed to have changed into the nature of woman in the second generation"
Another one,he is talking of marriage:
"...constant companion,who will feel interested on one,object to be beloved and played with,-better than a dog-anyhow home.And some one to take care of the house"
"Men are more evolutionarly adwanced than woman"
"Womans brains is like an animal,with overdeveloped "sense" organ,to the detriment of the brain"
The third one:
"Man must be manly and woman womanly,effimancy in a man pleases as little as masculinityin woman"
"Men should become more perfect as a man,woman as a wife"
"Woman,jews and priests,do not usually get drunk,because they are bourgeoisly weak,and find restrain necessary,for their worth rests entirely upon the belief of others in their chastity,piety,and lawabidingness"
Jezz,how many men,through history that felt they had something reasonable to say about womans