He just seems to change what words mean, to make them mean other stuff, then he takes that stuff and changes its contexts, the forms a prophecy using new words and new context....TaDa.
I'm seriously thinking of getting into the dawa business, I want to make up stuff and get bank like him.
For instance the same text he's using has been used to prophicise Jesus, however, unfortunetly for Naik, uses the word "Isha Putra", which means 'the Son of God'. (The text, btw, is written in a very Nostradamus kind of way so you can make a lot out of it)
but here is the real fun part, even if we concede, as Naik has done, that the Bhavishya Purana is true in predicting the coming of new religions like Islam, it also predicts the coming of Christianity and Buddhism, ...AND It does not say any of them are true. It just predicts they will come about....So basically, Naik is unwittingly proving Hinduism! or at least that a hindu prophet could predict future events.