It was here in Surrey, UK. I didn't have my phone on me. But I didn't think it was of that important, just petty and lame as usual. What's more obvious is how in nearly all mosques I've been to in the UK and Bangladesh is that women have hardly any space in a Mosque compared to men. This is gender discrimination and shows the visible but never talked about power for men to have so much more room than women. And on Eid this mosque did make some room for them, though through the back entrance. But being so nice here in the UK, such things are just not discussed, even amongst Muslims which I think just reflects the general progressiveness of British Muslims. For a front page on The Times (or, if The Independent spin it as women's rights issue), a survey of the floor spaces for women should be averaged for all UK mosque. I am willing to be this to stand at about oooohhhh ..... hmmm ... 15% at absolute most. I'd wage a higher bet at 5% by taking into account floor space combined with utilization rate. Now I haven't been to all UK Mosques so it maybe that I'm grossly wrong, especailly with the much bigger mosques. But that's my observation on the matter.
Surrey? Woking by any chance? Isn't that where Abdullah Yusuf Ali is burried?