I saw a documentary on Shahrukh Khan and he led the camera crew through his house and he has an alter where there is a Qu'ran side by side with some Hindu idols for his Hindu wife. My first thought was that any Muslim seeing this desecration of their holy book by being worshipped alongside a Hind idol would probably drop a bullock!
Not to mention the ex-President and Scientist Abdul Kalam who was accused of accepting a
tilak in ameeting with Swamis.
Every Hindu and Sikh friend I have ever had who is from India has a near vitriolic hatred of the Musilms. My very good Hindu friend who grew up in Mumbai told me that the problem with India's Muslims is that they do not want to mix with the rest of the 'kaffir society' and that they ghettoise themselves and then complain that they are unfairly treated.
A Sikh bf I dated about a decade ago outright HATED Muslims, but I think that comes with the territory considering the history of the Sikhs and the Mughals.
Many people I've seen exhibit a mixed opinion. They do have close Muslim friends, and sometimes speak highly of Muslims, yet they sometimes speak behind their back. I guess the fundies should actually to take the blame for that.
There are also places in India were some mainstream blashpemy is considered the norm, like religious festivals which Muslims and Hindus conduct together.
Here is the other route through which Islam entered India;
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MappilaI guess that started even before the Turkic invasions in North India, though there is no clear historic evidence.