The only worry is any publicity is good publicity and there may be many tin-foil-hat-wearers out there that are now more aware of him and will vote for him.
"According to my Publicity Calculator that estimates the net economic worth of free publicity - we have in the last 24 hours had about a Billion pounds worth of free publicity.
The 4 hours of constant BBC News 24 footage was superb.
Four hours of the SWP, UAF and students milling around a London streets shouting a lot.
Not only was it inane - it was free publicity.
Thanks for that.
Hopefully next week they will spend four hours filming another group of students shouting ?BNP? for four hours.
No doubt we shall see a few police officers attacked after dark by the SWP and AFA, so the publicity will continue until Saturday at least.
That should take it to about ?. 2 billion in free publicity.
Brand ?BNP? has just been imbedded in the consciousness of the masses.
(source: HP)
I was surprised at how unprepared he seemed to be. The others acted like complete bullies tho, and 'Baro-fucking-net' Farsi, stupid cow. Her implication seemed to be (as the most 'high profile muslim in the uk') that Islam doesnt have a problem with homosexuality. Right, ok.
I don't like Griffin or the BNP, but I also abhor those hypocritical, spineless motherfuckers that make up the mainstream politics and how they jump at an oppo to sounds as disgusted as the public actually are with them. Puffing out their chests in indignation like they haven't been scamming and lying to the eloctorate for decades and draggimg us into wars that cost far more lives than a bunch of racist yobs could ever dream of. They're not fooling anyone, the BNP are not the problem with this country, just an insignificant pantomime.

It's the incompetence of the mainstream political parties that gives a platform to BNP. Their appeal lies simply in their willingness to talk about issues that some people are concerned about, issues which are never raised by the mainstream politicians.