You see, the only reason Satan is in the picture is to get more followers, it is called the carrot and stick approach. Allah is the carrot, and Satan is the stick. This is part of human psychology.
As humans we even do it to kids subconsciously, when they are being disobedient, when we tell kids not to misbehave or the 'Old Man' is going to get them. In the case of Islam, Satan was Mohammed's, way of making incredibly weak-minded humans listen/obey him out of fear.
I think Mohammed at times was confused with his story, sometimes he would make himself sound like Allah, and Allah like the devil. In the Quran there are many places where it says: "Obey the prophet, and fear Allah" and also, Allah seems to (Like all human ideas of God) display human characteristics, such as 'love', 'mercy', 'forgiveness', 'anger', 'threats' these are all human emotions, created by chemical reactions in the brain, why would a God display human emotions?
Interesting idea.
I wasn't threatened as a child when I misbehaved that the 'Old Man' was going to get me, nor did I threaten my daughter that way. Neither was the fear of a burnig Hell or ever lasting torment ever put before me nor did I teach my daughter such a thing.
When I look at what Aziz posted I see it from a very different angle.
I don't know all the things the Qur'an teaches. Of some things I have a very basic idea. Most things cause more questions then answers or formed opinions.
From my fondation of belief God is just, powerful, merciful and loving far beyond the ability of any human.
God created Satan (who at his creation had a different name) to be a perfect and beautiful angel with freewill. That beautiful angel misused his freewill by desiring what didn't belong to him thereby becoming Satan and Devil (names meaning slanderer and divider). IT WAS NOT GOD'S FAULT THAT THIS HAPPENED. If God had interfered in Satans use of his freewill then Satan would not have had freewill. God's prefect justice would allow for Satan to present his case and have a trial. To us very short lived humans this seems to have been going on a very long time. However, to very long lived spirit creatures, older then our earth, very little time has pasted since Satan desired the worship and loyality of God's human creation and thus proceded to cause them to disobey God and thereby obey and show loyality to him. Raising the question: Is God the best and rightful Sovereign of the creation.
So when I see :
82: (Iblis) said: "Then, by Thy power, I will put them all in the wrong,-
83: "Except Thy Servants amongst them, sincere and purified (by Thy Grace)."
Of course Iblis (Satan) is trying to mislead all of mankind, especially God's servants, because he is trying to create evidence the people want him (Satan) to be Sovereign of the Creation. The thing that this verse from the Qur'an shows me is that Mohammed did not have as complete understanding of the situation as he should have.
As regards Aziz question:
1. How would you thoughtfully criticize the fact that Allah allows Iblis to lead humans astray?
-I would not thoughtfully or other wise critize the fact that Allah allows Iblis to attempt to lead humans astray because if at this point Allah pervented humans from using thier freewill then they would not have freewill and Allah would be acting unjustly. There will come a point in time when it will have been established that the True God's Sovereignty can not be challenged and any one doing so will be stopped immediately but that has not happened yet.
Do you think it's fair to say that Satan is a challenge in this life, like many other things?
-Fair? I suppose. If Satan had no influence there wouldn't be sickness, death, injustice, racial hatred, so yes Satan causes challenges in our lives. Hardships that are put on us not caused by our own bad choices or just by being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Can this be justified in some way or does it contradict Allah's justicy and mercy?
-I think I already answer this part.
2. Do you think the contradiction I pointed out above about Satan and prophets is valid?
I do understand.
Do you think Allah should take freewill away from prophets? Shouldn't prophets be able to make their own choice to serve Allah because they love him?
Or if you think the contradiction his to do with Satan lying to the Almighty, why wouldn't he? I mean...of course the Almighty would know but why wouldn't Satan try lying to God? Satan's a powerful angel but at some level he's got to be sort of delusional. Satan know's he was created by the Almighty but he thinks his going to out do his Creator...