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 Topic: Hello from EDL

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  • Hello from EDL
     OP - November 09, 2009, 02:49 PM

    Hello folks,

    I'm a mod over on the EDL forum. We've noticed you are going to be protesting on the 21st and that started a bit of a discussion about you. I was nominated to make contact but I see from looking through your forum you've already got quite a discussion going on us and have already met Arthur. Let me know if I should take this over to the thread you've already got going, but I only managed to make it through about half of the 15 pages.
  • Re: Hello from EDL
     Reply #1 - November 09, 2009, 09:36 PM

    Hello, FF. Just a tip-- if you really want Ex-Muslims and moderate Muslims to take you seriously and see you as allies, you need to purge the fascists from your ranks. Not a Brit myself, just a friendly organizational tip.

    fuck you
  • Re: Hello from EDL
     Reply #2 - November 09, 2009, 09:43 PM

    Just to add, you're not ready yet  Wink

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  • Re: Hello from EDL
     Reply #3 - November 09, 2009, 11:17 PM

    Thanks for the welcome. We would like to build as many bridges as we can with organisations working for similar goals. I understand that you have a number of worries about us. I had a chance to speak to one of the organisers of BMSD on the 31st and he raised what I imagine would be some of the same concerns, although I'm not sure what your relationship with that group is like, that being a Muslim group and this being an ex-Muslim one. Still, we're all aiming for the same thing in this case!

    I don't think there is really much of a problem with fascists, to be honest. They have got the message that they are not wanted, although a few will still try to sabotage us. They don't like the fact that we are advocating a non-racist, inclusive patriotism that is attracting the disaffected young men they normally try to recruit and indoctrinate.

    I think that is the essence of the EDL, to be honest. There are millions of people in this country who want to stand up and say that the government should stop appeasing and funding extremists, that we should not live in fear of offending Muslims with normal British things such as sausages, the three little pigs, interest-bearing bank accounts, etc., and that we should not be ashamed of the flag, but do not want to have anything to do with the racism and other crap that the BNP and other fascists are selling.
  • Re: Hello from EDL
     Reply #4 - November 09, 2009, 11:31 PM


    Is on official website of the EDL?

    Is the "St. George" division part of the EDL?

    What part does Paul Ray play in the EDL?

  • Re: Hello from EDL
     Reply #5 - November 09, 2009, 11:43 PM

    I'm happy to answer that. is the official website, and the only place where official EDL statements are posted, protest announcements made, etc.

    Paul Ray and his "St. George division," which exists largely in his head, have nothing to do with the EDL. Paul Ray parted company with the EDL back at the beginning when it became clear that he wanted a group that was against Islam in general, not just extremism. His crusader fantasy videos which he publishes under the name "lionheart" are his own independent project and again have nothing to do with the EDL, although he claims they do. I see a number have been posted on the "EDL" thread here in this forum as "the views of the EDL" which is just what he wants. We're working on legal options to keep him from using the EDL name.

    Hope that clears things up!
  • Re: Hello from EDL
     Reply #6 - November 09, 2009, 11:45 PM

    When then does the youtube channel "ChesterCasual" subscribe to Paul Ray's channel?
  • Re: Hello from EDL
     Reply #7 - November 10, 2009, 12:01 AM

    Sorry, took me a while to find it. Not so good with youtube. Couldn't tell you, really. To keep an eye on what he's posting? Because it said 'EDL' and he didn't check? Honestly no idea but if it's who I think it is I can ask him when he's next online.
  • Re: Hello from EDL
     Reply #8 - November 10, 2009, 12:16 AM

    is it deliberate humour to have the guy in the burka hold his speech in front of a poster saying "ban the burkha"?

     Cheesy bunny

    And why is the Guardian called a "Far Left paper" on the website?
  • Re: Hello from EDL
     Reply #9 - November 10, 2009, 01:31 AM

    Tommy wears a face mask because he lives in an area that is heavily Muslim and where there is the known presence of  Muslim extremists and he is worried that he or his family might be targeted. He has received quite a number of death threats. One of our organisers has already had a brick thrown through her window.

    I'll tell you what was darkly funny was something I saw in Manchester: a woman in a burka holding a sign denouncing fascism.

    The Guardian is certainly a leftist paper although I don't know if I would call it far-left myself.

    Anything else? Will answer if I can.
  • Re: Hello from EDL
     Reply #10 - November 10, 2009, 01:46 AM

    Yes, a final question: Which comedian is behind all this shtick and will finally come out and out it as the hoax it is  Cheesy

    Sorry, but I simply cannot take this serious. These people with their symbols and the way they speak and chant and the way the videos are made. It's just too funny...
  • Re: Hello from EDL
     Reply #11 - November 10, 2009, 02:14 AM

    Well, I'm sorry you feel the need to be obnoxious. I've answered in good faith and I hope you're not an average representative of this organisation. If you are I fear it is the joke. However I don't think that's the case.
  • Re: Hello from EDL
     Reply #12 - November 10, 2009, 02:38 AM

    Don't worry, I am not a member or representative of this organization. I also think that the forum is the wrong way to approach the organization since the "big animals" don't post on here.

  • Re: Hello from EDL
     Reply #13 - November 10, 2009, 07:38 AM

    Don't worry, I am not a member or representative of this organization. I also think that the forum is the wrong way to approach the organization since the "big animals" don't post on here.

    Hi, my first post here.

    I have read the 'Arthur' thread in it's entirety yesterday, so I believe I have a fair understanding of where you guys are at now, and what your fears/concerns are with regard to the EDL.

    It is not only the leadership of this organisation we would engage with, the ordinary membership (for me at least) is a vital link in communication.

    Just wanted to clear that up, and basically say 'hello'.

    So, hello Smiley

    Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing the attempt - William Shakespeare
  • Re: Hello from EDL
     Reply #14 - November 10, 2009, 10:57 AM

    Hello, FF. Just a tip-- if you really want Ex-Muslims and moderate Muslims to take you seriously and see you as allies, you need to purge the fascists from your ranks. Not a Brit myself, just a friendly organizational tip.

    Yeah, and change the name too, or you'll forever be plagued by skins and swastika's.

    Ha Ha.
  • Re: Hello from EDL
     Reply #15 - November 10, 2009, 12:12 PM

    The name 'English Defence League' shall be staying, I can state that categorically.

    'England' is a nation, it in no way is some kind of 'swastika and skins' banner.  It is a banner known throughout the world to mean freedom and tolerance.  There is no way I would allow a bunch of racist imbeciles to take my national flag away from me.  That sir, gives them a sort of victory.  And I would not yield a single inch to those cretins, not now, not ever.

    'England' means you, me, all of us, united.

    Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing the attempt - William Shakespeare
  • Re: Hello from EDL
     Reply #16 - November 10, 2009, 01:50 PM

    There is no way I would allow a bunch of racist imbeciles to take my national flag away from me.  That sir, gives them a sort of victory.  And I would not yield a single inch to those cretins, not now, not ever.

     They took your national flag away from you years ago ,or rather hijacked it.Why not demonstrate against the BNP as well as militant Islam? That way you could say you are a true English Defence League as you would be defending the country against Nazism as well as militant Islam.
  • Re: Hello from EDL
     Reply #17 - November 10, 2009, 02:34 PM

    The BNP are another issue entirely.  We do not oppose them in the same way we do not oppose the Labour party, or the Monster Raving Loony party.  Personally, I oppose all three, though I respect all their democratic rights to exist.

    If the BNP grew strong, I might get off my arse to oppose them vociferously, or not.  Either way, it wouldn't be under the EDL name, as the EDL is only against radical islam.

    There are a lot of good causes in the world, the EDL hasn't been formed to take them all on, it's been formed to oppose radical islam only.  So any questions of 'why don't you oppose....' or 'why aren't you in favour of....' mean absolutely nothing mate.

    Hope that's cleared it up for you bud Wink

    Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing the attempt - William Shakespeare
  • Re: Hello from EDL
     Reply #18 - November 10, 2009, 02:42 PM

    I don't really know all that much about the EDL aside from what I read here, I think it's about time I did a bit of research.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Hello from EDL
     Reply #19 - November 10, 2009, 03:12 PM

    Nice one BerberElla.  All I would ask is that you view your research with an open mind.

    You will find some YouTube videos that are just plain lies, one for example, shows what they say are 'nazi salutes' from the Leeds demonstrations, and if you watch the video, some of the ones on show were photos actually taken in the 1970's.  Amazingly blatant.  I'd like to think nobody of sound mind would be taken in by that, though you never know.

    At the Leeds protest, I did see a Nazi salute.  I couldn't even see the guys face, I just saw the arm.  He was wearing (I found out later) a 'Bolton Division' EDL polo shirt.

    It just so happened that someone had bought a Bolton Division polo shirt on eBay, then subsequently gave negative feedback.  And if you look at their own feedback, it was all primarily from the same company.  Very dodgy indeed.  My guess that this was a UAF/SWP member who bought the shirt specifically to do nazi salutes and be photographed in an EDL shirt.  Yes, this is how far they are willing to go.

    There was a genuine Nazi at the Birmingham demo, you will find footage of him doing the salute, and also singing 'I hate Paki's more than you'.  What you don't see is that on the bus, one of our chaps gave him a slap then kicked him off the bus later on.

    Any other pictures of so called Nazi salutes at EDL demo's have clearly been where people have been singing and had their arms in the air.  In some cases you can clearly see that an arm has been 'photoshopped' off, to make it look like only one arm was in the air.

    You will find that I will speak openly and honestly with you about the EDL, we do have a ways to go.  I will reveal warts and all, but I 100% believe that the EDL has the potential to unite all races in the UK as never before.  This reaching out to your good selves in one step in that process my brothers and sisters.

    Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing the attempt - William Shakespeare
  • Re: Hello from EDL
     Reply #20 - November 10, 2009, 04:28 PM

    The name 'English Defence League' shall be staying, I can state that categorically.

    'England' is a nation, it in no way is some kind of 'swastika and skins' banner.  It is a banner known throughout the world to mean freedom and tolerance.  There is no way I would allow a bunch of racist imbeciles to take my national flag away from me.  That sir, gives them a sort of victory.  And I would not yield a single inch to those cretins, not now, not ever.

    'England' means you, me, all of us, united.

    Problem is that a nationalist organization focused on street protests is going to attract far-right elements, as well as provocateurs and antifa counterprotesters. Not saying it's impossible to weed out those types or prevent confrontation with antifa, but given your organization's orientation, you will be spending a lot of time addressing that issue if you're serious about it

    The BNP are another issue entirely.  We do not oppose them in the same way we do not oppose the Labour party, or the Monster Raving Loony party.  Personally, I oppose all three, though I respect all their democratic rights to exist.

    If the BNP grew strong, I might get off my arse to oppose them vociferously, or not.  Either way, it wouldn't be under the EDL name, as the EDL is only against radical islam.

    There are a lot of good causes in the world, the EDL hasn't been formed to take them all on, it's been formed to oppose radical islam only.  So any questions of 'why don't you oppose....' or 'why aren't you in favour of....' mean absolutely nothing mate.

    Hope that's cleared it up for you bud Wink

    It's an organizational question. Actions speak louder than words, and a protest of the BNP by the EDL would send a very strong message that you guys aren't racists, and set many minds at ease-- the question is whether you are willing to alienate and lose the pro-BNP people who are undoubtedly amongst your ranks for the sake of proving your anti-racist cred. And yes, I know the BNP has said the EDL is a proscribed organization, but that doesn't mean you don't have a lot of BNP sympathizers/voters within the EDL

    There was a genuine Nazi at the Birmingham demo, you will find footage of him doing the salute, and also singing 'I hate Paki's more than you'.  What you don't see is that on the bus, one of our chaps gave him a slap then kicked him off the bus later on.

    What others see is all that matters for you if you want people to believe you are not a far-right or racist organization. Next time you have rally marshals, and anyone shows up giving Nazi salutes or shouting racist shit, you toss them right then and there and have your members chant "racist go home!" You publicly reject and humiliate the person, not privately discipline them.

    I got a question and a couple of comments about something I read on your website:

    Organisation and Leadership of the English Defence League 

    The English Defence League is run by a network of organisers across England, and is partnered with the Welsh, Scottish, and Northern Irish Defense Leagues. Unfortunately, aside from a handful of named spokesmen, the names of these organisers cannot be published because of the threat to their lives and property from a colourful cast of characters including Islamic extremists, white supremacists, and misguided anti-fascists. Members of the English Defence League have received death threats from all three groups. This is also the reason why some members choose to cover their faces. We wish we lived in a society where that was not necessary, and hopefully one day we will.

    1. What is the Northern Irish Defense League? Sounds like a Loyalist organization, in which case links with paramilitaries may exist, then you can forget about not being associated with the far-right or violent elements. I googled this name, but nothing came up. Sure fuckin sounds shady to me though.

    2. You need to tell people that if they don't have the balls to come to a demo without a hood/mask, then they don't need to come-- seriously. It makes your organization look like criminals and cowards. If I were running your group I'd tell your members to man up and come without their masks, not make excuses for them on the website. If there is a serious threat against them, then the EDL should take steps to ensure their protection-- after all, you are the English Defence League, right? The BMSD and CEMB shows up to public events without masks and it seems likely that they are in much more danger of violent retaliation than EDL members-- if they can manage it, so can your members.

    My guess is that what Cheetah (one of the mods here) once said about this is correct-- it's not that people are worried about physical retaliation, but that some of your protesters have nice white-collar jobs and don't want their co-workers, neighbors, or perhaps even family and friends, knowing that they are involved in the EDL, and that more people are covering their faces for those kinds of reasons than any fear of having their houses firebombed or whatever.

    3. Same with the organizers. Unless you are organizing a clandestine or paramilitary group, your organizers should be public-- otherwise people will, not unreasonably, suspect you of being criminals or having something to hide. Again, I suspect the claims of possible physical retaliation are overstated and the real fear is social retaliation/alienation/embarrassment. Even if there is a real risk of physical retaliation-- well, that's a risk people will need to take. All this talk of "defending England" is a bunch of hyperbolic noise if your own organizers are not willing to take any risks, and are hiding from public view-- that strategy may make sense for an underground or partially-underground resistance group, but it's insane for a public protest group which claims to be taking a completely legal and non-violent route.

    fuck you
  • Re: Hello from EDL
     Reply #21 - November 10, 2009, 04:42 PM

    it in no way is some kind of 'swastika and skins' banner. 

    Oh yes it has. Take a look around at your next demo, although you don't need me to tell you that. You and the other EDL guy on here seem okay, intelligent, but I'm amazed you don't see your problem.

    Ha Ha.
  • Re: Hello from EDL
     Reply #22 - November 10, 2009, 04:47 PM

    Jack, I am sorry you regard my/our national flag as racist.  I find that offensive, and therefore will sadly have to come to terms with the possibility that you are not reachable by the hand we offer.  That is a shame, a crying shame, but I must focus on the other members of this forum.

    Q-Man, that is an excellent post, and you raise some great points.  I will answer shortly and in depth, I just felt I had to answer Jack first.  Cheers.

    Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing the attempt - William Shakespeare
  • Re: Hello from EDL
     Reply #23 - November 10, 2009, 04:56 PM

    Jack, I am sorry you regard my/our national flag as racist.  I find that offensive

    Well, don't be offended at Jack about it, be offended at the Nazis and other fascists who have been using St. George's cross as a banner for so many decades that it has become a symbol for fascism/racism to so many in your country.

    Fair or not, they put you behind the 8-ball on that, and the burden is on non-racist nationalists like you to reclaim the flag and make it stand against racism-- the burden of proof should not be on Jack, the anti-fascists, or members of the general public who have every reason to associate that flag with right-wing extremism, as they have been the primary ones waving St. George's cross over the last several decades. Given the history of how the flag has been used it is unreasonable for you or anyone else to expect people will just automatically view it the way you do. Again, may not be fair, but if you want to use the flag, the burden is on you to change how it is viewed by anti-fascists and the general public.

    fuck you
  • Re: Hello from EDL
     Reply #24 - November 10, 2009, 04:58 PM

    Problem is that a nationalist organization focused on street protests is going to attract far-right elements, as well as provocateurs and antifa counterprotesters. Not saying it's impossible to weed out those types or prevent confrontation with antifa, but given your organization's orientation, you will be spending a lot of time addressing that issue if you're serious about it

    Aye, I don't doubt it is an uphill task.  Maybe even impossible.  But we shall try nonetheless sir, we shall try.

    It's an organizational question. Actions speak louder than words, and a protest of the BNP by the EDL would send a very strong message that you guys aren't racists, and set many minds at ease-- the question is whether you are willing to alienate and lose the pro-BNP people who are undoubtedly amongst your ranks for the sake of proving your anti-racist cred. And yes, I know the BNP has said the EDL is a proscribed organization, but that doesn't mean you don't have a lot of BNP sympathizers/voters within the EDL

    People within the ranks of the EDL can vote for whoever they like.  We are not, nor do we have aims to be, a political party.

    Can I ask why your organisation does not oppose the BNP?  Your answer is very likely our answer.

    What others see is all that matters for you if you want people to believe you are not a far-right or racist organization. Next time you have rally marshals, and anyone shows up giving Nazi salutes or shouting racist shit, you toss them right then and there and have your members chant "racist go home!" You publicly reject and humiliate the person, not privately discipline them.

    I fully agree with this and indeed I have proposed it.  We are a very young organisation so these sort of things need a little while to sort out.  Questions such as vetting for who the marshalls are for example.  If we just handed out a hi-vis vest to anybody who volunteered we could end up with the worse situation of being policed by Nazis.  We are though getting more and more to know who the good guys are, and weeding out the bad.  A bit of time to go, but we are nearly there I think.

    If your group was to protest with us, I personally would have no qualms whatsoever about one or more of you being marshalls.

    1. What is the Northern Irish Defense League? Sounds like a Loyalist organization, in which case links with paramilitaries may exist, then you can forget about not being associated with the far-right or violent elements. I googled this name, but nothing came up. Sure fuckin sounds shady to me though.

    The Ulster Defence League is just the Northern Irish version of EDL.  I would hope that the factions within Northern Ireland can unite under the one banner, that would be an amazing achievement if I'm honest, but again, it is very much worth the attempt.

    As Shakespeare said, 'our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing the attempt.'

    2. You need to tell people that if they don't have the balls to come to a demo without a hood/mask, then they don't need to come-- seriously.

    Fully agree with you there mate, a good point and I will propose that on our forum.  Thank you.

    3. Same with the organizers. Unless you are organizing a clandestine or paramilitary group, your organizers should be public-- otherwise people will, not unreasonably, suspect you of being criminals or having something to hide. Again, I suspect the claims of possible physical retaliation are overstated and the real fear is social retaliation/alienation/embarrassment. Even if there is a real risk of physical retaliation-- well, that's a risk people will need to take. All this talk of "defending England" is a bunch of hyperbolic noise if your own organizers are not willing to take any risks, and are hiding from public view-- that strategy may make sense for an underground or partially-underground resistance group, but it's insane for a public protest group which claims to be taking a completely legal and non-violent route.

    This is currently being debated at the top level and is being very carefully considered.  While Tommy is a good guy, we agree with you that someone who is able to be open and honest would be much better.

    Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing the attempt - William Shakespeare
  • Re: Hello from EDL
     Reply #25 - November 10, 2009, 04:59 PM

    I don't regard it as racist, I'm saying it has been hijacked by racists. There's no denying it.

    Ha Ha.
  • Re: Hello from EDL
     Reply #26 - November 10, 2009, 05:14 PM

    In that case I apologise for misunderstanding you.

    Let's not hand a bunch of weirdo's the upper hand by conceding our flag so easily to them, it is yours and mine.

    Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing the attempt - William Shakespeare
  • Re: Hello from EDL
     Reply #27 - November 10, 2009, 05:25 PM

    I fully agree with this and indeed I have proposed it.  We are a very young organisation so these sort of things need a little while to sort out.  Questions such as vetting for who the marshalls are for example.  If we just handed out a hi-vis vest to anybody who volunteered we could end up with the worse situation of being policed by Nazis.  We are though getting more and more to know who the good guys are, and weeding out the bad.  A bit of time to go, but we are nearly there I think.

    Good point.

    The Ulster Defence League is just the Northern Irish version of EDL.  I would hope that the factions within Northern Ireland can unite under the one banner, that would be an amazing achievement if I'm honest, but again, it is very much worth the attempt.

    Dude, just the name "Ulster Defence League" sends shivers up my spine. It just sounds like a Loyalist paramilitary group. You'd be best off ditching them.

    A clarification-- since you keep saying "my group" and "my organization". My only "organization" is my union. I'm not a Brit, and although my dad is Muslim, I was not raised Muslim, therefore I am not an ex-Muslim. I'm merely a guest here-- an opinionated American who is thankfully tolerated by most here. Many participants on the forum and some staff are in a similar position. There are some CEMB members/activists here, but many of the CEMB's main organizers/activists don't post here or only rarely.

    You probably already read this on the front page, but just in case you didn't:

    Opinions expressed in the forum do not necessarily represent the views of the Council of Ex-Muslims.
    Only official CEMB statements represent the organisation?s position on any matter.
    The Council cannot be held responsible for the views of others.

    On a public forum a range of views will be aired and it is necessary to allow this so issues can be discussed.
    Our current forum membership includes ex-Muslims, Muslims and people who have never been Muslims.
    Membership of this forum is open to anyone and the staff are happy to assist with any questions you may have.  

    That being said, there are many ex-Muslims who post here, whether they are active with, or officially represent, the CEMB or not.

    fuck you
  • Re: Hello from EDL
     Reply #28 - November 10, 2009, 05:37 PM

    The UDL is a very similar name to the UDA which was indeed a loyalist paramilitary group.  So I understand how you can get the heebie jeebies from that.

    However, the Northern Ireland question has defeated some of the greatest political minds of the last 300 years so I don't think qman and pdbedl are going to sort it out within ten minutes on this forum (would be great if we could though eh? lol).

    So I think it would be best all round if we let that particular sleeping dog lie  whistling2

    Fully understand that you are posting from a personal viewpoint, I accept that as I am here to engage with the grass roots anyway, and any 'official' representatives would no doubt want to observe our discussion before jumping in anyway.

    Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing the attempt - William Shakespeare
  • Re: Hello from EDL
     Reply #29 - November 10, 2009, 05:53 PM

    In that case I apologise for misunderstanding you.

    Let's not hand a bunch of weirdo's the upper hand by conceding our flag so easily to them, it is yours and mine.

    I'm with you in spirit, but in practice, you are always gong to have too many right wingers identifying with the flag in exactly the way you hate - unless there's  a re-think, in my humble opinion.

    Ha Ha.
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