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  • Question: Medically unnecessary, non-consensual circumcisions should be banned. Do you agree?
  • Yes. - 64 (79%)
  • No. - 17 (21%)
  • Total Voters: 80

 Topic: Medically unnecessary, non-consensual circumcisions should be banned.

 (Read 67093 times)
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  • Re: Medically unnecessary, non-consensual circumcisions should be banned.
     Reply #90 - November 23, 2009, 09:52 PM

    He said he would support a ban even if circumcision provided immunity to AIDS-- I think that's ridiculous. Of course it can't, but if circumcision could provide immunity to any deadly disease, I think parents are well within their rights to make that decision for a child who is unable to consent. It's just fuckin foreskin. Who gives a shit? You can do fine without it. It's not like we're talking about FGM or footbinding here.

    fuck you
  • Re: Medically unnecessary, non-consensual circumcisions should be banned.
     Reply #91 - November 23, 2009, 09:57 PM

    He said he would support a ban even if circumcision provided immunity to AIDS-- I think that's ridiculous. Of course it can't, but if circumcision could provide immunity to any deadly disease, I think parents are well within their rights to make that decision for a child who is unable to consent. It's just fuckin foreskin. Who gives a shit? You can do fine without it. It's not like we're talking about FGM or footbinding here.

    No it is not just a fucking foreskin. It is tissue, skin, blood vessels, and nerves.... it is a piece of the baby we are talking about. Some one would just say it is OK to chop off your little pinky. It is just a fucking little finger, and we have nine left!

  • Re: Medically unnecessary, non-consensual circumcisions should be banned.
     Reply #92 - November 23, 2009, 10:03 PM

    The pinky has utility that the foreskin does not. You can do almost anything without a foreskin that you can do with a foreskin, except stick a cigarette in your dick. Those fretting about decreased sensitivity or enjoyment of sex are being unnecessarily neurotic-- the dick is plenty sensitive and sex plenty enjoyable whether your limp cock looks like a bishop or a trumpet. It's not a big deal.

    fuck you
  • Re: Medically unnecessary, non-consensual circumcisions should be banned.
     Reply #93 - November 23, 2009, 10:32 PM

    It's not a big deal.

    Off course it is.

    It's my Foreskin.

    Not yours!

    Why should I care about your foreskin?

    I should decide whether I want it cut or not. Not my parents.

    end of.

    Challenge All Ideologies but don't Hate People.
  • Re: Medically unnecessary, non-consensual circumcisions should be banned.
     Reply #94 - November 23, 2009, 10:42 PM

    Whatever, man. You wanna be all neurotic about some useless piece of skin that you wouldn't miss if you hadn't convinced yourself that you were the victim of some awful, oppressive mutilation like an African girl who had her clitoris cut off (which actually does serve a very important function in terms of sexual pleasure) or some medieval Chinese woman with her feet bound-- you're absolutely correct, that's your business.

    But if you insist on pushing legislation to ban the practice in a jurisdiction I am a citizen of, then it becomes my business. Not like I care too damn much one way or the other or that I would actively campaign against such a ban, but you'll have to excuse me if I think there are much more pressing issues for our polity than having the government validate the neuroses of people who are irrationally upset about having a useless piece of skin lopped off.

    fuck you
  • Re: Medically unnecessary, non-consensual circumcisions should be banned.
     Reply #95 - November 23, 2009, 10:48 PM

    Whatever, man. You wanna be all neurotic about some useless piece of skin that you wouldn't miss if you hadn't convinced yourself that you were the victim of some awful, oppressive mutilation like an African girl who had her clitoris cut off (which actually does serve a very important function in terms of sexual pleasure) or some medieval Chinese woman with her feet bound-- you're absolutely correct, that's your business.

    But if you insist on pushing legislation to ban the practice in a jurisdiction I am a citizen of, then it becomes my business. Not like I care too damn much one way or the other or that I would actively campaign against such a ban, but you'll have to excuse me if I think there are much more pressing issues for our polity than having the government validate the neuroses of people who are irrationally upset about having a useless piece of skin lopped off.

    No neuroses.

    I just want to decide whether I want my foreskin or not. Not my parents.

    End of.

    Challenge All Ideologies but don't Hate People.
  • Re: Medically unnecessary, non-consensual circumcisions should be banned.
     Reply #96 - November 23, 2009, 10:52 PM

    The pinky has utility that the foreskin does not. You can do almost anything without a foreskin that you can do with a foreskin, except stick a cigarette in your dick.

    Well, I think my dick has a right to smoke

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  • Re: Medically unnecessary, non-consensual circumcisions should be banned.
     Reply #97 - November 23, 2009, 10:55 PM

    No neuroses.

    I just want to decide whether I want my foreskin or not. Not my parents.

    End of.

    Too late.

    Which decisions are your parents allowed to make for you as an infant, then? Let's say you are born with freakishly long earlobes-- can they have the doctor fix them or should we pass a law banning that too?

    fuck you
  • Re: Medically unnecessary, non-consensual circumcisions should be banned.
     Reply #98 - November 23, 2009, 11:06 PM

    Which decisions are your parents allowed to make for you as an infant, then? Let's say you are born with freakishly long earlobes-- can they have the doctor fix them or should we pass a law banning that too?

    LOL :-) There is no need for convoluted arguments for something so simple.

    I want to decide if I want to have my foreskin cut or not.

    There is nothing else to discuss.

    End of. Fin.


    Challenge All Ideologies but don't Hate People.
  • Re: Medically unnecessary, non-consensual circumcisions should be banned.
     Reply #99 - November 23, 2009, 11:13 PM

    The OP was asking about a ban. I'm sorry, but if you want me to support a legislative change enforcing a ban on a practice I need something a little more substantive than "I want to decide if I want to have my foreskin cut or not. There is nothing else discuss. End of." After all, if such a law were proposed in my country all a Jew or Muslim has to say is "I want my First Amendment rights to freely exercise my religion by having my child circumcised. There is nothing else to discuss. End of." See how far your cut-and-dry (pun totally intended) argument gets you then.

    The topic of the thread is not just your personal choices or your opinion on this topic-- it is whether or not the state should impose a wholesale ban on a harmless practice that would arguably restrict the free religious expression of those engaging in it. End of.  Roll Eyes

    fuck you
  • Re: Medically unnecessary, non-consensual circumcisions should be banned.
     Reply #100 - November 23, 2009, 11:39 PM

    Whatever, man. You wanna be all neurotic about some useless piece of skin that you wouldn't miss

    Just some useless piece of skin eh? I bet you lost yours real early because you'd know it wasnt useless at all.  Cheesy

    It's actually quite useful, and as my friend who is now jewish said, it just isnt the same without it, he has less pleasure because of what he now regrets doing. I feel bad for circumcision victoms, they don't know what they are missing.

    But if you insist on pushing legislation to ban the practice in a jurisdiction I am a citizen of, then it becomes my business.

    I as a libertarian have no desire in any way shape or form to stop you from sexually mutilating yourself or becoming sexually mutilated if you so please. Though I feel that we are morally obligated to our children in this country, and that they deserve to decide for themselves if they want to be sexually mutilated or not.

    Not like I care too damn much one way or the other or that I would actively campaign against such a ban, but you'll have to excuse me if I think there are much more pressing issues for our polity than having the government validate the neuroses of people who are irrationally upset about having a useless piece of skin lopped off.

    Define irrational.

    How I understand it, we are being rational, its disturbing. To put an infant through that pain, and to rob him of having the full pleasure to be had in sexual intercourse, because your god told you to sexually mutilate your child. Now that, what people are doing to their children, is irrational. Don't start spewing out words like that just because you disagree, lest they be fired back at you.

    No neuroses.

    I just want to decide whether I want my foreskin or not. Not my parents.

    End of.


    Who woulda thought, let a person decide for themselves if they want their jolly parts or not.

    Qman, if someone wanted their child to go through needless surgery to remove their left hand, because of a religious belief, would you be okay with that? Or would you ban it? You can live without it, and it will 100% prevent arthritis in that hand as a health benefit. Though otherwise its a useless surgery. Would that ban be substantive enough?

    It is not the way you live your life that is important, it is how well you enjoy it that matters.
  • Re: Medically unnecessary, non-consensual circumcisions should be banned.
     Reply #101 - November 24, 2009, 12:46 AM

    It's just fuckin foreskin. Who gives a shit? You can do fine without it.

    Let me pose to you the same question awais so graciously backed down from answering. Where exactly do you draw the line? Let's only use ear lobes as an example - a truly useless bit of skin. If it were a religious requirement for some crackpot to have these removed, would you allow it to be performed non-consensually on children?
  • Re: Medically unnecessary, non-consensual circumcisions should be banned.
     Reply #102 - November 24, 2009, 01:07 AM

    "Circumcision makes the achievement of orgasm more difficult, decreases its intensity" - anyone who has had one during their adult lives confirm these finding?

    I got circumcised at 17. I find that it takes me a long time to achieve orgasm. I've never been able to during the few times I've had intercourse, only during masturbation. I can't say for sure if I've lost sensitivity, because I didn't start masturbating until after I got circed, and only lost my virginity last year.

    I chose to get circumcised at 17, don't tell me I never believed.
  • Re: Medically unnecessary, non-consensual circumcisions should be banned.
     Reply #103 - November 24, 2009, 01:49 AM

    I got circumcised at 17. I find that it takes me a long time to achieve orgasm. I've never been able to during the few times I've had intercourse, only during masturbation. I can't say for sure if I've lost sensitivity, because I didn't start masturbating until after I got circed, and only lost my virginity last year.

    If you don't mind me asking, why did you circumcised?

    "It's just a job. Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand. I beat people up." - Muhammad Ali
  • Re: Medically unnecessary, non-consensual circumcisions should be banned.
     Reply #104 - November 24, 2009, 03:02 AM

    Cuz I thought I should as a good muslim. Follow the sunnah of Muhammad and Ibrahim and all that. Tongue

    I chose to get circumcised at 17, don't tell me I never believed.
  • Re: Medically unnecessary, non-consensual circumcisions should be banned.
     Reply #105 - November 24, 2009, 03:36 AM

    Let me pose to you the same question awais so graciously backed down from answering. Where exactly do you draw the line? Let's only use ear lobes as an example - a truly useless bit of skin. If it were a religious requirement for some crackpot to have these removed, would you allow it to be performed non-consensually on children?

    Well, that certainly beats the hell out of ninurta's example of chopping off someone's hand, but it's still much different because--

    (1) It hasn't been long-established as a widespread cultural norm

    (2) Due to (1) above, a person without earlobes (especially a child) would be subject to ridicule from other people, whereas a person with a circumcised cock would not. Indeed, in certain countries (even in this country during the mid to late 20th century) it would be the reverse-- someone with an uncircumcised johnson would be more likely to suffer negative social consequences than one without

    So if I were living in a country where safely and hygenically lopping off children's earlobes was a widespread and long-established cultural norm and religious practice, then no, I would not support a government ban on the practice. Again, it's a much better example than chopping off people's hands and shit. I really don't think it's too big a deal, but I could still be convinced-- you are making some strong arguments in favor of a ban. However, given that I think the state already bans enough shit, I'm gonna be disinclined against most proposals/arguments that begin "The government should ban..."

    fuck you
  • Re: Medically unnecessary, non-consensual circumcisions should be banned.
     Reply #106 - November 24, 2009, 03:42 AM

    I got circumcised at 17...I didn't start masturbating until after I got circed


    My God-- you must have amazing willpower. I've rarely missed a day since the age of 12 or so. I mean, the first year or so I'd say an Our Father and some Hail Marys afterwards to make up for it, but guilt never stopped me.

    I've never been able to during the few times I've had intercourse

    Don't drink alcohol before sex, no masturbation for a few days before sex, and pump vigorously and deep. If you can get away with bareback, that helps a hell of a lot too.

    Oh, and play The Internationale really loud (full choral version in Russian) on a good stereo while having sex.

    fuck you
  • Re: Medically unnecessary, non-consensual circumcisions should be banned.
     Reply #107 - November 24, 2009, 05:07 AM

    Cuz I thought I should as a good muslim. Follow the sunnah of Muhammad and Ibrahim and all that. Tongue

    Aww, your poor willy *kaiwai kisses it all better*

    "It's just a job. Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand. I beat people up." - Muhammad Ali
  • Re: Medically unnecessary, non-consensual circumcisions should be banned.
     Reply #108 - November 24, 2009, 06:59 AM

    Just some useless piece of skin eh? I bet you lost yours real early because you'd know it wasnt useless at all.  Cheesy

    It's actually quite useful, and as my friend who is now jewish said, it just isnt the same without it, he has less pleasure because of what he now regrets doing. I feel bad for circumcision victoms, they don't know what they are missing.
    I as a libertarian have no desire in any way shape or form to stop you from sexually mutilating yourself or becoming sexually mutilated if you so please. Though I feel that we are morally obligated to our children in this country, and that they deserve to decide for themselves if they want to be sexually mutilated or not.
    Define irrational.

    How I understand it, we are being rational, its disturbing. To put an infant through that pain, and to rob him of having the full pleasure to be had in sexual intercourse, because your god told you to sexually mutilate your child. Now that, what people are doing to their children, is irrational. Don't start spewing out words like that just because you disagree, lest they be fired back at you.

    Who woulda thought, let a person decide for themselves if they want their jolly parts or not.

    Qman, if someone wanted their child to go through needless surgery to remove their left hand, because of a religious belief, would you be okay with that? Or would you ban it? You can live without it, and it will 100% prevent arthritis in that hand as a health benefit. Though otherwise its a useless surgery. Would that ban be substantive enough?

    Nuf Said!  Afro

  • Re: Medically unnecessary, non-consensual circumcisions should be banned.
     Reply #109 - November 24, 2009, 09:15 AM

    Yeah my jewish friend confirmed it, I though you were saying I was for circumcision without concent of the one being circumsized, nevermind.

    But yeah, he actually also hates when he plays and it gets dry easy. O the benefits of still having skin.

    Hmmm, your friend, he likes to talk about his dick doesn't he? Handy for your argument. You've wasted an awful lot of words on this, I think you've made your point and you've swayed me. I'm so outraged at the blatant child abuse, that later today I will pay a visit to my elderly mother (Dad's gone to heaven, like a Nazi war criminal to South America) and  will circumcise her face.

    Q - you must have come across a band called the Four Skins?

    Ha Ha.
  • Re: Medically unnecessary, non-consensual circumcisions should be banned.
     Reply #110 - November 24, 2009, 11:33 AM

    Would you folks agree with this? I'm a guy, and I resent my parents somewhat for having me circumcised.

    My argument focuses on the rights of the child: why should anyone be able to decide what body parts a person gets to keep? Surely everyone should be given a choice. In situations where it's medically unnecessary and the child is too young to consent, I say the practice should be outlawed. The foreskin is a natural part of the body, and to remove it without consent is fundamentally immoral. I know there are other arguments for and against, but for me the issue of consent overrides everything else.

    On a side note, has anyone here looked into foreskin restoration? I've read about the stretching techniques you can use, but I don't think it'd be that beneficial, as you'd never be able to restore the lost nerve endings and other specific anatomical components. Perhaps stem cell research will make this possible someday, although probably not in our lifetimes.

    I did get to let off some steam recently when I confronted my parents about this, but they just played dumb and acted like it didn't matter. I'd have liked an apology, but alas, how can you expect rational understanding from irrational people?

    Banning it wont work, you'll just push the movement underground and the situation will be much worse then it is currently for FGM.
  • Re: Medically unnecessary, non-consensual circumcisions should be banned.
     Reply #111 - November 24, 2009, 05:13 PM

    Well there needs to be a public debate about this in the House of Commons and invite cemb as guest speakers. Who's ready 2 rumble?

    "The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administered by its victims. The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which blissfully and unawaredly enslave themselves."
  • Re: Medically unnecessary, non-consensual circumcisions should be banned.
     Reply #112 - November 24, 2009, 05:29 PM

    I got circumcised at 17. I find that it takes me a long time to achieve orgasm. I've never been able to during the few times I've had intercourse, only during masturbation. I can't say for sure if I've lost sensitivity, because I didn't start masturbating until after I got circed, and only lost my virginity last year.

    I am amazed that you waited till 17 to start wanking. There are some real benefits to the practice. For example, I broke my elbow 3 weeks ago, but that only slowed me down for a couple days. Now my cast is gone and I went to physical therapy for the first time last night. They were amazed at the movement I had regained in such a short time without any therapy. Little did they know, I had my own therapeudic methods.

    As for not orgasming during intercourse? The solution is persistance. I'd say the first dozen times I had sex it took me forever as well. But I was determined to get the job done everytime. I was like "I am going to get there if I have to fuck you all night!" Sometimes it did. Some girls are OK with that.

    My style is impetuous, my defense is impregnable and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart. I want to eat your children. Praise be to Allah." -- Mike Tyson
  • Re: Medically unnecessary, non-consensual circumcisions should be banned.
     Reply #113 - November 24, 2009, 05:55 PM

    I am amazed that you waited till 17 to start wanking.

    Innit amazing? I think he should be part of a circus sideshow-- "Ladies and Gentlemen, step right up and come see the man with the freakishly strong will over his sex drive. He didn't masturbate until 17, folks! Just 5 dollars!"

    Maybe he should do that tantric sex shit-- the goal is not to orgasm so he's pretty much got the basics down already.

    As for not orgasming during intercourse? The solution is persistance. I'd say the first dozen times I had sex it took me forever as well. But I was determined to get the job done everytime. I was like "I am going to get there if I have to fuck you all night!" Sometimes it did. Some girls are OK with that.

    Problem is let's say you're drunk, it's 4 in the mornin, and you've already been pumpin away for a couple of hours, you might just say "Fuck this, I'm goin to bed"-- which has happened to me a couple of times. But what always works is a morning BJ the next day-- your testosterone is already at peak levels which is why you get morning wood, plus you're all pent up from last night, so you can normally make quick work of it and it's a damn good orgasm. Maybe he should try that next time he can't get off, providing our other suggestions don't work-- finish the job in the morning.

    Maybe we should start a "COEM Orgasm Clinic" thread for the men and women of this forum who have difficulty bringing themselves or their partners to orgasm?

    fuck you
  • Re: Medically unnecessary, non-consensual circumcisions should be banned.
     Reply #114 - November 24, 2009, 06:11 PM

    I very much like my foreskin and wouldn't want to miss it. There are some things you can do with a foreskin that you couldn't do without. I'd rather give a finger than my foreskin. So, yes, I think this practice of cutting of healthy parts of babys' bodies must go.
  • Re: Medically unnecessary, non-consensual circumcisions should be banned.
     Reply #115 - November 24, 2009, 06:15 PM

    There are some things you can do with a foreskin that you couldn't do without.

    Pretty sure I'll regret asking this, but-- like what?

    fuck you
  • Re: Medically unnecessary, non-consensual circumcisions should be banned.
     Reply #116 - November 24, 2009, 07:05 PM

    Pretty sure I'll regret asking this, but-- like what?

    ٍSmugle cocaine in and out of the country!

    Thanks for the avatar .... just for me? You shouldn't have!  dance

  • Re: Medically unnecessary, non-consensual circumcisions should be banned.
     Reply #117 - November 24, 2009, 07:07 PM

    Stimulating the inside of the foreskin feels different than stimulating the head. It adds another dimension to the pleasure you have during sex play, just like stimulating your anus and prostate adds additional dimensions.

    That's a difference in direct sexual pleasure. But there is also a difference in playfulness. Having a foreskin, you have much more to play with (either when masturbating yourself or when acting on another person's dick): There is a certain aesthetic in watching the foreskin gliding back and forth over the head. When giving a blow-job, you have much more to play with, you can suck at the foreskin or grab it with your teeth. You can slide your tongue inside the foreskin, asf.

    Then, for gay guys, there is this thing called "cock docking". I think you can imagine how this works...  Wink
  • Re: Medically unnecessary, non-consensual circumcisions should be banned.
     Reply #118 - November 24, 2009, 07:10 PM

     Cheesy Go 9berry Go!  Afro

  • Re: Medically unnecessary, non-consensual circumcisions should be banned.
     Reply #119 - November 24, 2009, 07:18 PM

    That's a difference in direct sexual pleasure. But there is also a difference in playfulness. Having a foreskin, you have much more to play with (either when masturbating yourself or when acting on another person's dick): There is a certain aesthetic in watching the foreskin gliding back and forth over the head. When giving a blow-job, you have much more to play with, you can suck at the foreskin or grab it with your teeth. You can slide your tongue inside the foreskin, asf.

    Sounds painful wacko
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