I'd like to read something objective about the islamic civilization. Particularly what went on in Muslim Spain. There is then the convenient issue of the mainstream counting the heretics amongst those from the "civilization" when it comes to trying to bolster the enlightened nature of Andalusia. What they keep forgetting is that someone like Al-Razi the physician was very much against miracles and prophecy. So were many others.
I didn't know about the maasacre of the Christians in Andalusia. Do you have a reference for it that I can look up?
Many Christians in Spain was killed for insulting Islam. Many of these Christians, according to the historical sources, did it to be martyred

this blogger has listed some of the examples
The Murders (Martyrs) of Cordoba ? Muslims Executing Converts to ChristianityHere is a more detailed survey on those who insulted Islam,
Christian Martyrs in Muslim Spain: more on Iberia can be found