Yeap, what Muslims don't realise is this; the westerner is post-modern, there is no absolute truth, and like a job, he or she will move from religion to religion without reflection of whether it is the absolute truth but whether they 'like it'. If Muslims think that there is going to be a wave of converts, it is going to be like the hippy south-east asian religion fascination - after a few years they'll move onto the next hip thing to be involved in.
Absolutely, another reason why most converts leave so early is because they weren't brainwashed from birth, they had around 15-25 years of being a kaafir lol, so Islam was not rooted in them since the beginning of their lives. Thats my opinion

By the way Kaiwai, I really want to see you do video rebuttals to Sami Zaatari and Ozzycda one day, since you have good knowledge on Islam

I remember you called Ozzy an idiot LOL.