I'm sorry you're getting a lot of shit from Muslim. Most Muslims think when someone leaves Islam, they either "find" Jesus, or another religion, or they just wanna get drunk and screw around all the time. For me it was neither. When I was Muslim I choose not to drink, eat pork, screw around, etc, but I found many Muslims who were doing those things condemning me when I left

Just follow the path that is right for you. I am agnostic as well. I go to a Unitarian Universalist church. They don't have any certain religious beliefs, and many who go there are atheist, most of the others are agnostic. It's just a community I feel comfortable in. They basically are humanists, they like to explore and learn about things. We had a Passover Seder once, that was interesting. Your path may be a mixture of things from different religions or wahtever beliefs you feel fit you. You don't have to to put a label on it, but other people will try to. Don't know why.
If you ever want to talk, feel free to pm or email me. Since you were so active in Islam, you are getting a lot more crap than I did. I do have to deal with my ex though, we have kids. Luckily he lives 12 hours driving time away. I'm sure my kids will have to put up with his crap when they are grown up though, esp. when they get married (esp. my daughter).
It is funny about the religion being one of Peace, why is there so violence when people leave Islam or don't agree with it?
Remember, you are not alone.
Hugs from a fellow Murtad,