I believe you are wrong here, but I could be wrong here too. A materialist, or in another way, a naturalist, believes there is no supernaturalist powers, including God. Right?
See my edited response above. As Marx himself acknowledged that non-atheist communism existed before his own theory was developed, and as non-Marxian communism existed contemporary with Marxian communism, and continues to exist today, there's no way out of this for you. You were, and continue to be, dead wrong on this topic.
And you're wrong on this particular point as well-- Deists are for most purposes materialists, but also believe in the supernatural. Same goes for many other religious people. You can believe in God but for practical purposes be a materialists-- indeed, even the most devout religious people are for the most part. But again, Communism, being a secular ideology, does not require that you believe everything that Marx (or anyone else) believed or that you think in exactly the same way.
You are being incredibly and frustratingly thick about this.
Yea I think I was not very accurate with my original statement. No dishonesty here I assure you.
1. Communism was founded by Marx.
WRONG, WRONG, WRONG! Marx himself acknowledged this was not the case. Can't you fucking read? God you are ignorant and dense.
2. The Communism of Marx was founded on dialectical materialism.
3. Dialiectical materialism says that matter/energy is all there is and there will be.
4. So according to dialectical materialism, an immaterial entity such as God or the soul does not exist.
Yes, but postulating the existence of a God which created matter/energy and put things into motion does not automatically negate the existence of Marx's historical dialectic. Fuck, man, Marx got the whole idea of a historical dialectic from Hegel, who was not an atheist or reductive materialist. Marx added the material angle specifically regarding economics and class struggle, but you don't have to be a fucking reductive materialist to accept the idea of class struggle, the existence of a dialectic, the idea of positive historical/social/economic progress, or the labor theory of value.
Fuck you are pissing me off with your ignorance and stubbornness.
If these 4 statements are true then I honestly can see no way how someone can harmonize Communism with the existence of God.
By not being a fuckin stubborn idiot.
Right, there have been many prominent Communists since at least Rosa Luxemburg who questioned or even rejected dialectical materialism outright, and not because they believed in the supernatural either.