At first, my idea of heaven was of a place where you got whatever you desired. After a while I started thinking about the different tasbee7 and doa' (say this a hundered times and you get a house in heave, say that 33 times you get a palace, say this you get a date tree for each saying of blah blah) and it got me thinking, why the fuck would I want extra houses/date trees/palaces etc in heaven? shouldn't all those be provided already if I wanted them? considering that I managed to get into heaven and all
Jannah was always so abstract and non-specific that it never really motivated me. What the hell am I supposed to do with a river of milk? I don't even drink milk like that unless it's with an oreo or a slice of cake, and neither of those two things are mentioned in Jannah.
Then, secondly, as it relates to the houris or whatever, I mean, I love sex and all, but intelligence and the ability to hold a conversation is way more of a turn on to me than being able to see a girl's bone marrow through her skin. What the fuck does that even mean anyway? It's gross.
I'd never want a garden as big as the ones they are talking about, either. When it is the size of the heavens and earth combined, that's not a garden, that's a fucking infinite jungle. The jungle sucks. I've seen Congo.
Then you have the wine that doesn't make you drunk. Seriously, who's idea was that? It's called Juicy Juice where I come from, mofo, you ain't fooling me.
Finally, like Kulay said, who needs all those houses? What is the point? And there is no mention of the Real Estate, either, so I have no idea where these houses are even supposed to be. It's not like they will be in Long Island or Santa Monica. Allah will already have DESTROYED Long Island and Santa Monica and all the cool shit we humans have built that we actually want.
Jannah sucks. It did nothing for me. Jahannam, on the other hand, that shit was scary as fuck.