Who am I to say? I am a woman, an educated woman who has studied the history and manifestations of oppression in many forms, including oppression of women by men and women, as well as the history of the Catholic Church and the ways it has oppressed and has been oppressed. That's what education does: makes you see larger perspectives outside of the narrow one you may have from your own experience
Did you?... You have your own background and experiences and other people who may also be as educated as you are may have theirs..... Bear in mind that history is generally written by people and based on their perceptions and feelings as well. Which is why I chose a more science based education... I never tried to downplay your experiences either..
And so, I have not claimed to be the "spokesperson" for all persons of my gender, but you on the other hand have claimed that your personal experience applies to everyone
As far as I know I only asked you how you have reached a certain conclusion when other people do not seem to see it that way and they happen to be educated women like you as well.
Do you not see how many Muslims do the same thing? Why would you want to use the same vacuous tactics as those you claim to criticize? Why defend oppressive ideologies and tactics which you have to try and minimize to even show that they are just benign?
How am I using vacuous tactics? I simply you asked why it is specifically repression of women and how it has demeaned femininity in the eyes of boys, terms which involves other people apart from yourself. I did not condemn or threaten you. I simply stated my opinions.
Of course they've changed over time... and they will keep changing as well. I told you that in my previous post. This is absolutely nothing new. Even the ancient Greeks did this stuff. When the society's perceptions of beauty change so will the barbie. The barbie is just a product. And even then then you would not have removed marginalisation and insecurity. It will just take place against a different kind of people.
Oh you've discovered that now? I bet even the Romans did it. The truth is that most boys generally are attracted by action toys, be it soldier figures or fast cars. Still they are merely a promotion and nothing more. It is rather obvious that the army will try to use this. It's been happening throughout human history. And it will continue happening long after you and me are dust. Other organisations also do that, not just the army. Kids will still play at soldiers whether they have army toys or not. My dad used to pretend that a plastic pipe was anti aircraft gun as a child.
That's not what Muslims will tell you. They too believe they choose to be moral. They also think nobody should criticise their status quo - especially those of them who perceive that the status quo benefits them. Why are they wrong and you are right?
I never said that they are wrong.. If they think it benefits them, then let them be. They want to run around in burqas and have religious law in their society, then good for them. As long as they don't affect me then I'm quite ok with it.... I challenge them when they try to get me to live like them and believe what they believe otherwise they don't bother me.
Toys have always been around but they have changed quite a lot. Mostly, military toys have been around since the beginning of European Colonialism, is it so hard to understand why?
Roman children also played with wooden swords. It didn't just happen during colonial times. Yes I know why. The toys simply reflected situations and events in societies of those days. It wasn't just military toys that they had. Not everyone became a soldier or suffered of marginalization because of them either. What's wrong with military toys?
Those who have been privileged do not get to tell those have been marginalized in any way what they can or can not "complain" about. To you it's complaining, to others it's challenging the status quo. Why do you go around complaining about Islam? It works for many other people, doesn't it?
In fact I don't go around complaining about Islam...
Same goes for everyone. We are all unique with unique perspectives. Does that mean you should not talk about Islam or Muslims? If you get to criticize Islam, why don't others get to criticize Catholicism or sexism?
No told you not to criticise... I don't have problems with other people criticising the church or sexism either... I have no love for either of them especially the latter ( as you seem to have conveniently forgotten by the way). I do hope that you are not implying anything and giving me labels just because I do not share your identity and have dared contradict you.
So, it would be okay to tell someone who got beat up by their partner to not talk about the prevalence of domestic violence? Simply because *I* could have "found a different solution"?
Not at all
That's a privilege you have because you have not been oppressed the way that many others are. Please go and read some works by Frantz Fannon or Paulo Friere, what you are essentially saying could be applied to saying that the organizations like the CEMB should not exist because Maryam Namazie doesn't speak for anyone else. You apply double standards, perpetuating the oppression of those who are not in the same privileged positions as you, and you will be challenged on them.
Not at all I am simply saying that you shouldn't portray your opinion as the general situation. By all means create lobby and support groups if you feel that something is wrong, ensure that you are able to live your life the way you want to live it and that other who also share your views have the liberty to do the same, but don't state your views as if they apply to everybody that was my point.
I was not as privileged as you seem to think that I am either by the way. I also had my own hurdles.