here are some quranic errors/ridiculous statements that someone just pm'd to me, they look quite good
quran 27;82 theres a beast/monster who's preaching to people
Quran, 16:10 Qur'an, 95:1 allah only mentions fruit available in the middle east
quran 21;16 when allah creates everything its a serious matter to him
dinosaurs, predator prey etc. not a laughing matter huh?
Quran, 20:6 everything underneath the earth belongs to god
do all the sewers full of human faeces belong to god too?
quran 31;10 theres firm immoving mountains on earth
this is false. there are continental movement and drifts
quran 16;8 god creates our transport - we can't create our own transport
this is false. over the past few centuries we have invented planes, cars and all sorts of transport
quran 4;11-12 hereditary laws dont add up
wife 1/8 = 3/24
daughters 2/3 = 16/24
father 1/6 = 4/24
mother 1/6 = 4/24
total = 27/24
quran 2;117 everything created in an instant, not through evolution
quran 9;30 mohamed thinks jews believe ezra (whoever that is) is a son of god
quran 5;116 mohamed thinks christians worship mary as a god confusing her with the trinity
quran 12;20 joseph sold for coins
coins didn't exist during the time of Joseph
quran 20;85 a samaritan molded the calf for israelites
samaritans didn't exist at the time of moses so this is impossible
quran 17;1 mohamed went on a winged horse to farthest mosque aqsa
this is impossible since the mosque was built later
quran 27;22 solomon has a long conversation with a hoopoe bird
quran 27;17 solomon has an army of birds and jinn
quran 37;6 stars are guards against devils, so they wont eavesdrop
Quran 86;7 "semen comes from the backbone and ribs"
it comes from the testicles
Quran 51;49 "everything created in pairs"
Quran 11;5 "thoughts of the breast (heart)"
what happened to the brain?
Quran 67;5 stars are 'missiles to drive away devils'
no comment
Quran 65;12 - theres supposedly 7 planets
this is false. our solar system has 8 planets plus 4 dwarf planets ? 8 + 4 = 12
the moon is further away than stars;
quran 71;16 "moon in the midst of 7 heavens" 37;6 "stars in the lower/nearest heaven"
this is false, the moon is the nearest natural object to us, so is NOT further away than stars
24;43 hail comes from mountains
Quran 21: 33 "And the Sun and Moon; both of them float along in its orbit"
this clearly implies the sun goes around the earth
quran 91;2 "the moon follows the sun"
this is false, the moon has its own orbit
quran 76;13 "moon has excessive cold"
i thought the moon doesnt radiate any coldness?
Qur'an, 71:16 "placed the moon as a light"
the moon has no light. the word reflected (in`ikaas) does not appear in this sentence
Quran 18;86 "sun sets in a muddy pool"
thats impossible
quran 36;38 "sun runs to a fixed resting place"
this is false, the sun doesn't rest anywhere. it stays on its own axis.
only a geocentric flat earth could assume this.
Sahih Bukhari 4;421 adds "the sun remains under god's throne until its allowed rise again in the east"
86;6 "man created from a drop emitted"
this is false. the quran is ignorant of the female role with her egg.
quran 21;30 heaven n earth used to be joined together before the big bang
the earth did not exist before the big bang
quran 2;29 the earth existed before the universe
there were no planets before the big bang. astronomy today tells us earth was formed later in the cosmos
Quran 96:2 "Created man, out of a mere clot"
a blood clot cannot grow into life
quran 31:34 only god knows whats in the womb
this is false. we have technology called sonographer allowing us to look at the baby's gender
Quran 2;125 and 5;97 "muslims are protected in mecca"
this is false, Juhayman al-Otaybi and Abd-Allah ibn al-Zubayr, and abu Tahir al-Janabi killed thousands
of muslim pilgrims without intervention of "baked stones" (Quran 105;4) from Allah. plus there have been natural disasters.
Qur'an, 96:15 "We will grab him by the forelock, a lying, sinful forelock"
this is false. man uses various areas of the brain when deceitful. not just the front
Quran 6;38 "nothing have we omitted from this book"
this is false, the Quran does not describe prayer and many other things hence needs 6 major hadith collections to back it up
Quran 39;6 "womb in 3 layers"
this is false, theres many more layers. endometrium, myometrium, perimetrium,
peritoneum, besides the cervix uteri, corpus uteri, abdomen (with walls),
placenta (with layers)
quran 7;54 the sun is not a star
this is false. the sun is also a star
quran 2;22 "earth a couch" Qur'an, 20:53 "earth a cradle" 78;6 "earth a bed"
and Earth's shape is NOT a flat plane. why not describe earth as a spherical ball?
Qur'an, 2:22 "the sky a dome"
this is false, the sky is not shaped like a dome. a dome has a base so this assumes a flat earth
quran 20;106 without mountains the earth is level
sounds flat
21;104 "god will roll up the heavens and earth "
sounds like a flat earth. doesn't sound like a universe of matter and energy
Quran 15:19 "And the earth We have spread out like a carpet, set thereon Mountains
firm and immovable"
1st this extension sounds flat. a better metaphor for a round earth is a ball
2nd mountains don't prevent earthquakes
Quran 18;90 sun rises on a tribe who who have no protection from the sun
this is false. we are all equally 95 million miles from the sun. this suggests a flat geocentric earth
quran 13;2 earth has invisible pillars keeping up the heavens
this is false. gravity is the answer
Qur'an 50:38 "earth created in 6 days"
this is false, earth took billions of years to form
quran 36:40 night can't outstrip the day
this is false. in the north pole we have months of night without daylight. allah forgot say how to observe ramadan in this situation
quran 2;187 fast until from sunrise to sunset
this is flawed since people from polar regions have months without sunset or sunrise
quran 11;40 "load onto a boat 1 pair of each animal species"
this is false, theres millions of land animals, theres no way 1 man can
catch them all to fit on a boat
quran 67;3 "You will not find any flaw in the creation of the All-Merciful."
this is false, 100 million people on earth have diagnosed disabilities
Qur'an, 5:96 "Anything you catch in the sea is lawful for you, and all food from it,
for your enjoyment"
this is false. many sea creatures are deadly for example the puffer fish? poison dart frog?
marbled cone snail? blue ringed octopus? stonefish?
Qur'an, 2:173 "He has only forbidden you carrion, blood and pork"
is god irresponsible or foolish? can we eat poisonous animals like box jelly fish?
gila monster? centipide? coral? monksheed? jimson weed? all deadly venomous
can you eat guinea worm?
Quran, 2:22 "sends down water from the sky and by it brings forth fruits"
this is ignorant. fruit/plants needs photosynthesis from the sun to grow.
quran 43;11 rain comes straght from god.; not from ocean evaporation condensing
Quran, 15:22 "We send the fecundating winds"
this is false. winds often are the cause of extreme deterioration of land and soil erosion
quran 6;38 "all animals live in communities"
this is false, some animals are solitary loners like leopards or jaguars
Qur'an, 21:32 "We made the sky a preserved and protected roof "
if this was true then how did the dinosaurs go extinct by a huge asteroid? the sky isn't concrete
Qur'an, 53: 49 "the Lord of Sirius" (singular form)
this is false, the star sirius is a double star.
Quran 55:33 humans wont go into space without gods consent
this is false. dozens of non-theists went into space without leave or permission from god
quran 40;57 "The creation of the earth is even more awesome than the creation of the human being"
God purposefully designed a system that ensures the suffering and death of all his creatures, parasite and host, predator and prey
qur'an, 23:14 "clothed the bones in flesh"
this is false, bones are not formed before flesh. flesh is formed before bones
quran 37;10 meteors are projectiles aimed at devils
this is false. they are simply masses of particle debris which brightens after entering the earths atmosphere
quran 67:3 there are no gaps or discrepencies in the universe
this is false, black holes are regions of space from which nothing, including light, can escape.
quran 17;16 god sends earthquakes only to non-muslim nations
this is false. the higest death tolls from natural disasters this millennia were muslim countries
2004 indonesia; 170000 dead - 2005 kashmir; 86000 dead - 2003 bam iran; 30000 dead
quran 27;61 "made the earth a fixed abode"
this is false. the earth moves around the sun thus cant be still
quran 16;68 bees eat from fruit
this is false. bees eat from nectar and pollen
Quan 54;1 "moon rent asunder/split"
this is false, there's no evidence whatsoever the moon has ever split in 2.
Qur'an, 41:11 "created 7 heavens/atmospheres"
this is false. there's 5 principal layers in the atmosphere determining temperature. plus, within these layers, theres 4 layers determined by other properties.
quran 2;65 apes came into being through a curse from god when they were humans working on sabbath
quran 7:189 Humans created from a single man.
this contradicts evolution
quran 15:26 humans created from clay
this contradicts evolution as humans evolved over millions of years from simpler life forms.
quran 2;36 "adam and eve dropped from heaven to earth"
this is false, humans evolved through evolution by natural selection
Sahih Bukhari 4;55,543 early humans were 90ft tall and humans are declining in height ever since
this is ridiculous. the oldest human remains are shorter in height to us today
this contradicts evolution
quran 2;117 everything created in an instant, not through evolution
Qur'an, 16:66 "cattle milk easy to drink"
this is false, milk needs processing, pasteurization, microfiltrtion, creaming and homogenization
Qur'an, 10:91 "preserve pharaoh's body as a sign"
this is ignorant to the fact there's hundreds of pharaoh's.
quran 40;82 if u travel the earth u will see remains of people destroyed by god
this is false. we dont see any such thing
quran 17;68 hurricanes or blizzards are punishments from god for non-muslims
this is false. the 2 deadliest blizzards IN HISTORY happened in muslim countries (Iran and Afghanistan)
quran 34;9 the universe is made of solid material you can rip a piece out of
quran 6;6 "see they not how many past generations we destroyed"
this is stupid, unless you have a crystal ball u can't look back in time
Quran 27;54 homosexuals are ignorant and mindless / Quran 7;84 deserve brimstone punishment
actually, the quran is ignorant as children are documented born hermaphrodites and transgender
and thus can't help it.
Qur'an, 16:68 "honey a healing for mankind"
honey is not a significant source of vitamins or minerals and a
potential health hazard for infants.
quran 91;4 "night hides the sun" Qur'an, 6:1 "god creates darkness" quran 36;40 "night outstrips the day"
this is false, darkness at night is the default and the earth hides the sun. the night is simply the absence of light from the sun
quran 37;6 "stars fastened to heaven "
this is false. the universe has no concrete nor bodily material
quran 16;8 god created horses for our transportation
this is false. it took many of years of evolution, domestication and crossbreeding
quran 41;10 "Then He turned to heaven when it was smoke"
this is false, the universe has never been smoke.
Qur'an, 71:15 "Do you not see how He created seven heavens in layers?"
there's no such things as layers in the universe. there's simply billions of galaxies
Qur'an, 57:25 "sent down iron"
this is ignorant of other metals which are also are present in meteors
Qur'an, 55:19 different seas have an impenetrable barrier between them
this is false. distinct saline levels become homogenized with the other water
quran 2;18 "non-believers are deaf, dumb and blind"
this is false. statistics show correlation indicating that religious conviction diminishes with education level
quran 16;15 "allah dropped down mountains"
this is false, mountains are formed from the folding of the Earth's
crust, or by the collision of continental plates via plate tectonics
quran 29;41 spiders web is the weakest
at 1st glance, yes, but a 2nd glance shows The tensile strength of spider silk
is greater than the same weight of steel and has much greater elasticity
quran 16;79 without god, birds wouldnt be abe to fly
this is false, airplanes prove that lift force is produced by the action of air flow on the wing, which
is an airfoil. The lift force occurs because the air has a lower pressure just above
the wing and higher pressure below. nothing divine about it.
Qur'an, 43:11 "It is God Who sends down water in due measure from the sky"
this is ignorant. rain comes from moisture from the oceans evaporating, condensed into drops
quran 18;11 people sleep for 3 hundred years
humans cant sleep that long today?
quran 5;51 "christians and jews are best friends"
this is false, inquisitions were an example of christian anti-semitism.
Quran 27;19 ants supposedly talk with solomon
anst communicate with smell so thats impossible
Quran 45;13 "allah has subjected to you all thats in the heavens/universe"
this is false, everything is subject to gravity. it also assumes a geocentric earth when that's not the case
quran 81:2 Someday the stars will fall.
fall on earth? what happened to gravity? sounds like a geocentric earth to me
quran 2:65-66 humans transform into apes and pigs
Qur'an, 40:60 "Call on Me and I will answer you."
this is false. theres no evidence that prayer answers needs. it's always the same 50/50 probability rate
quran 29;14 humans living for 1000 years
humans cant live that long
Quran 24;45 "every creature ... walk on bellies, two legs and 4 legs"
this is false. theres 8 legged, 6 legged etc.
quran 5;115 a delicious bouffet sent from heaven
bouffet's dont magically appear from heaven
quran 6;125 higher altitude makes your chest narrow
this is false. you'd run out of oxygen and then eventually explode from lack of air pressure
Qur'an, 71:15 "created seven heavens in layers"
this is false, there are 5 principal atmosphere layers and 4 layers of other properties
quran 30:48 "It is Allah Who sends the winds which stir up clouds"
this is false. Wind is caused by differences in pressure. When a difference
in pressure exists, the air is accelerated from higher to lower pressure
quran 6;98 stars are put there by god to guide people
stars are in changing motion by our observation so cant be a guide
quran 71;15 the universe consists of 7 heavens
this is false. the universe comprises trillions of galaxies
"1 of the wings of a house fly has cure for disease"
Sahih Bukhari 4:54:537
this is false, wings of flies have no cures whatsoever
"black cumin is a cure for every disease"
Sahih Bukhari 7:71:592
this is false. can it cure a cold? aids? etc?
bukhari 2;4;234 camel urine is a medicine
this is false.
bukhari 7;71;588 honey cures abdominal problems
this is false
bukhari 7;71;596 indian incense cures 7 diseases
this is false
bukhari 7;70;555 patience cures epilepsy
this is false
bukhari 4;54;527 killing a white striped snake prevents miscarriages
this is false
bukhari 4;55;546 whoever discharges 1st, the baby will resemble that parent
this is false
bukhari 5;58;188 monkeys committ adultery
this is false
bukhari 23;5084 truffles cure eyedisease
this is false
Bukhari 4:483,486 the cause of fever is the fire of hell
bukhari 7;71;663 dates neutralize poison
this is false
Qur'an, 27:18 ants predict and distinguish humans and pinpoint their arrival
quran 7;107 a stick supernaturally transforms into a serpent
quran 37;142 human survives after being swallowed by a fish
quran 38;36 humans can fly
quran 27;16 birds can speak
quran 30;26 animals can glorify and devote themselves to god
quran 53;6 mohamed flies on a winged unicorn to heaven
quran 2;50 oceans separates itself to assist humans
what doesnt such a thing happen today?
quran 2;72 a dead man springs to life to testify and identify his killer
such judiciary system would be useful today
quran 20;22 the human hand transforms magically
humans today are in need of a sign too
quran 27;82 a beast speaks to humans
sounds more like harry potter to me
quran 36;40 "night outstrips the day"
this is false, the night is simply the absence of light from the sun
quran 34;10 mountains can talk
mountains are inanimate soil.
Qur'an 54:1 the moon splits in two
why would god split the moon as a miracle for past generations but not today?
also, why did non-muslims witness the moon split?
Quran 43;3 "quran in arabic so that ye understand"
this is naive. only 3% of the earths population speaks arabic and even less speak classical arabic
thats why theres dozens of interpretations.
quran 15:16 We placed galaxies in the sky, and adorned it for the beholders
sounds more like zodiac astrology rather than astronomy
quran 7:179 animals are evil
quran 7:143 gods presence makes mountains crumble and shake
quran 2;258 the sun travels around the earth
quran 2;10 disease is from god to punish sin
quran 26;80 no need for a doctor, god heals you